The Difference Podcast

The Difference

The Difference
We at the Difference podcast aim to give people a platform to be their true self. This is with the intention of allowing open, honest and enlightening conversations. Our aim is to create awareness of the different perspectives of life and have uncomfortable conversations that can assist individuals in their healing process. We aim to give you content that can bring a difference❤️
The End of Season 2
Our growth is pre-planned. Our destiny is already written. Why must you worry, because the universe already has a path set out for you. All you need to do is walk right into it. Listen to my podcasting journey & the genesis of The Difference Podcast. Remember, If he can give you the vision then surely he will make provision. Enjoy!
Mar 12, 2023
14 min
The different stages of relationships - Honey Moon, Power struggle & bliss, Conflict in relationships & the growth mindset. Let’s talk about how each of the above mentioned elements play into each other! Please do feel free to leave your comments & experiences relating to guilt - use the following link to leave a voice message (
Jan 22, 2023
20 min
A major part of the human experience is to make decisions. Some of the decisions we have made and are still yet to make, do not favor us or the people around us. What does one do, when they are deep into a decision and they just do not like how things are turning out? These are my thoughts one the feeling of guilt. Please do feel free to leave your comments & experiences relating to guilt - use the following link to leave a voice message (
Jan 8, 2023
9 min
Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can & the wisdom to know the difference. A powerful yet difficult prayer to action. Join me in unpacking this prayer.
Nov 13, 2022
22 min
Letting Go
Letting go. A phrase so easy to use but difficult to action. As you move forward in life, there are so many parts that you shred, sometimes they are parts that have left us but we find difficult to let go of. Tune in to my latest episode, let’s talk about Letting Go 😊
Oct 31, 2022
28 min
Gift vs. Human
How does one begin to value themselves? Through their possessions, friends or the impact they have? Do these things really determine your worth? Take a listen to my latest episode Gift vs. Human & feel free to drop me a voice message of your thoughts
Oct 16, 2022
13 min
Invictus (Unconquered)
The world will throw so many curve balls your way, most of which you will not be prepared for. I think the story of William Ernest Henley, truly speaks to a resilient soul. A soul that remains unconquered. I do hope, that this podcast inspires you. - you are welcome to send a voice message on your thoughts of the current episode. ❤️
Oct 9, 2022
17 min
Thy Season.
Summer,Autumn,Winter & Spring. One of the mystical creations that make life so colorful. Beauty in contrast and variations. Which season of your life are you in right now? Mine.. mine is discovery. Discovering Maatla❤️ Feel free to send me a voice message on the current season of you life. You never know, I might have you in my future podcasts.
Sep 25, 2022
7 min
Slow Love
What is love? I can’t tell you the Answer. All I can tell you is what love has been to me & what I wish for it to be. I hope maybe we talk about love more often & maybe we will be able to manifest a new calm & slow love into this world.
Sep 17, 2022
7 min
Girls Talk (Part 2)
Mental health is a topic that needs to be looked at from different spectrums. Especially because males are required to be strong, not only for themselves but their families and society at large. Is it possible that many of the issues we face in society are caused by the lack of intentional investment in mental health? This is not just for women but also males. To move towards becoming an intentional and healed society, maybe it is high time we had conversations about the areas that are overlooked in society. Just maybe we can make an impact in making this world a better place. Tune as we unpack and talk more about male mental health.
Nov 25, 2021
44 min
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