The Dice House - A Dungeons and Dragons Podcast Podcast

The Dice House - A Dungeons and Dragons Podcast

The Dice House
The Dice House is a Real Play Dungeons & Dragons 5E show. If you are looking for a story driven campaign that still has that feeling of sitting around your kitchen table and playing with your friends, then this podcast is just for you. The cast: Hayden as The Dungeon Master | Josh as Stoneshield(626) | Ramsey as Mugen | Sierra as Ungnome | Bryce as Zayire | Follow us on Twitter! @TheDiceHouse
Episode Six - A Night in the Swamp
After leaving the town of Muckwood, the group begins to make their way to the capital city of Everreach. They decide to make camp for the night in the swamp before being interrupted by uninvited guests.
Sep 26, 2021
57 min
Episode Five - Griffons and..Curios?
After stumbling into the town of Muckwood, the group attempts to help those in need.
Jul 2, 2021
38 min
Episode Four - On the Road Again
The party, along with their two companions, hit the road to Everreach. What will they run into along the way?
Jun 21, 2021
1 hr 7 min
Episode Three - What Comes Next
The party has saved the town from its prowling predator, but they have a few loose ends to tie up on the way out.
Jun 13, 2021
1 hr 2 min
An Interview with Mugen
Today we sit down with Ramsey, who plays Mugen, to discuss his thoughts on the campaign and take a look into his character.
Jun 13, 2021
13 min
Episode Two - A Fiendish Encounter
Mugen has run into an old friend, but the party knows he is in danger.
Jun 13, 2021
1 hr 14 min
Episode One - Into The Caves
The group makes their way into the cave searching for a lost party member, but what will they find inside?
Jun 13, 2021
44 min
Campaign Backstory and Character Interviews
Hello Everyone! We are so happy to have you here! You will be joining us part of the way through our current campaign, so we want to make sure that you are all caught up. In this episode, we explain the things that have happened so far and have a small interview with the players. Enjoy! Don't forget to follow us on Twitter! @TheDiceHouse
Jun 13, 2021
29 min