The Derby World Podcast Podcast

The Derby World Podcast

A bi-weekly podcast that reviews movies and television episodes featuring roller derby. Contact us @thederbyworld or email us [email protected]
The Derby World Podcast S3E2.5: "The Hangover"
Happy Halloween from The Derby World. Listen as Ryan and Wild record (post-epic Halloween party) and forget to do any show prep. Laugh as they struggle to put two coherent thoughts together and mostly talk about Halloween costumes. Cheers!  
Oct 29, 2019
20 min
The Derby World Podcast S3E2: "Umbrella Flask"
Chip chip cheerio! Join us as we break down episode 2 over Derby Till I Die. Ryan demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of pretty much everything that is discussed, while Wild learns that umbrella flasks are a thing. All this, and more, on a very special episode of The Derby World Podcast!
Oct 1, 2019
40 min
The Derby World Podcast S3E1.5: "Welcome to the Jungle"
Welcome to the Jungle... I mean the Derby World! We had a busy summer getting ready for the Continental Cup, but we are psyched to be back! We break down the highs and lows of said Continental Cup, including our run-in with none other than Smarty Pants. Wild talks her derby future while Ryan finds a way to turn it around and make it about him!
Sep 17, 2019
39 min
The Derby World Podcast S3E1: "Derby Till I Die"
In the season premiere we are crossing the pond to discuss, "Derby Till I Die". We break down the first episode and learn some lessons along the way. Listen until the end for some fun Easter Eggs!
Jul 9, 2019
46 min
The Derby World Season 2 Finale
Join us as Ryan, Wild, and Ally say goodbye to Season 2 (while Ryan struggles to avoid the low-hanging fruit)! Friendly travel advice for everyone coming to Utah to enjoy the Continental Cup is discussed, and the gang waxes poetic on Rollergirls as they break down all of their favorite moments from Season 2. Season 3 plans are announced, and promises are made.  But will they be kept?!?  Season 3 coming soon!
Apr 1, 2019
57 min
The Derby World Podcast S2E13: "Skating Away"
Wild and Ryan try to not fuck it up in Dark Shore Media Group's brand new studio as they discuss the series finale of "Roller Girls".  It is bittersweet as they say good bye to the ladies of TXRD.  Ryan gives away his best announcing lines and talks about when he almost caught a derby girl.  Wild helps break down a poorly edited high intensity game as the Rhinestones face the Holy Rollers. Keep listening for season 3 updates and the Season 2 Recap!
Mar 19, 2019
54 min
The Derby World Podcast S2E12.5: "We'll Fix it in Post"
Nothing is fixed in post-production in a profanity-laden episode of The Derby World Podcast.  Ryan discusses a 2016 documentary he thought just came out and Wild helps describe Utah to help prepare people for the upcoming Continental Cup.  If you haven’t heard of Bout Betties, listen up as we open one of their awesome derby packs, then go checkout to see how you can get one!  Season 2 may be winding down, but Wild and Ryan are just getting started...   
Mar 5, 2019
24 min
The Derby World Podcast S2E12: "Rollerball"
Join El Ryan Hubbard and Olivia Wild Child as they try (and mostly fail) to multitask as they record their first live stream. Make sure to like the brand new Facebook page to see the video! They discuss a crazy night of violence and debauchery as TXRD celebrates Rollerball.  Wild talks nunchuck fails while Ryan mansplains announcing.  All this and more on an action packed episode of The Derby World Podcast!
Feb 12, 2019
51 min
The Derby World Podcast S2E11.5: "Method Acting (Highlight Improv)"
Hot off the presses!!! Wild and Ryan break the news from months ago when we recorded right after Wild Child got back from the continental cup.  So, act like you are surprised to hear these at the time breaking stories.  They talk the Today Show, music videos, old school roller derby, legitimate theater and books.  Ryan talks about his amazing hindsight improv skills and his borderline creepy attachment to Joel McHale.  Uh... and just ignore the sirens in the background we were totally not doing anything illegal. 
Jan 15, 2019
18 min
The Derby World Podcast S2E11: "Undefeated"
Greetings citizens of Derby World! Welcome back.  Ally fills in as we discuss the ins and outs of human cartoon attraction, the life choices the skaters have made, and breakdown an insane roller derby game.   As a note this was recorded a while back (Derby Ghost got behind), so just pretend the reference to the continental cup is timely. Enjoy!  Also, props to those that downloaded the test file.  It needed love.
Dec 5, 2018
41 min
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