It always feel good to talk to my older brother Gabe but this time around we didn't dig to much into the past. We talked about Tom Brady's divorce and other rich women in the upper class. We joke about working and our careers this time around. We talk about redlining got replace with people who use Section 8 government housing. Then I tell my brother Gabe about how I call people nerd at work and how we joke around.
Jan 19, 2023
1 hr 22 min

Just ending the year with another show and just did a little recap for 2022 and what my plans are for 2023. You get to hear if I want to do more or less comedy, app development and CrossFit. I got a bonus and a raise at my job so what do I plan on doing with it? I talk about dating in 2022 and realized that I should try a little harder in 2023. You get my views on Andrew Tate and Greta Thunberg Twitter battle on top of the memes that come out of it. Just because I agree with Andrew on some things does that make me a misogynist? I've had to use a non-biased website to prove my point when it comes to the gender equality paradox. At the end of the show I talk about why the middle class will never be able to take on the oligarchs. Then close out the show with why I do the things I do when it comes to the game giveaway.
Dec 30, 2022
1 hr 31 min

I was able to get Effie back on for a 1 on 1 this time around. We mainly talked about dating and relationships but it's a pretty fun and powerful episode. Effie doesn't think having a $70 bar tap isn't a big deal and don't mind picking up the tab for a guy she is dating. We talked about prenuptial agreements and when is the best time to get one. I talked about my weight loss how things changed for once I lost over 30lbs. Men lie to get sex and Effie doesn't like to hear that and that is the reason why all men are trash. I talked to her about passport bro's and the reason why black guys don't normally don't date black women. All women want a guy that makes a lot of money and Effie realized how good your life can be if you don't leave a good dude. Smooth Dude 9000 gives Effie a lot of his time and energy but if she could see into the future would she stay? All of that and so much more on this episode.
Dec 29, 2022
1 hr 49 min

I sit down with my nieces at my brother's house over the holiday break. My nieces are now in there 20's and I get to talk to them like adults. We had our drunken and pot smoking stories after sharing one of my stories from back in the day to break the ice. We talked about Will Smith's marrige how bad things were going with that. My nieces are shocked that I've enjoyed chitterlings but they ate some odd road kill not leaving them much room to talk. My nieces wanted me to go on a blind date and what to set me up with some of there friends. I've talked about passport bros and being a strong back woman that want a man that is pre-seasoned. Also I was getting some errors on my mixer so if you hear things cut out it's not me editing things out. Other then that please enjoy the show!
Dec 26, 2022
1 hr 17 min

Started the month off right with another solo show boys and girls. I talked about some family drama which I know people love that. The video game give away happening soon and people what are demanding this year before the list is posted. My career is going good and people still want me, plus I had 1 on 1 that turned into a 1 on 3 at my job. Watching one of my friends shift from left to right is odd but I stayed right in the middle. Learn how people still try to NPC there way into life when it comes to standard talking points. Do I care about social media after going viral? I talk about that and how I handled it in the past. I went a little over the hour but it's not my darkest one so enjoy.
Dec 3, 2022
1 hr 15 min

Host of the ADHD Gamer Podcast Mike McMahan was on the podcast to chat with me about the video consoles, games and tech. Mike goes into having ADHD and much it effects him in his person life. Do you think Xbox Series S holding back the PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles? We talk about why some games don't run that well on the console. We talk about how we use Twitter to find game deals and if it go better or worst. We talk about Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard and if Call of Duty games will still be on Playstation consoles moving forward. At the end we talk about free of speech and Dave Chappelle being on SNL.
Nov 17, 2022
1 hr 30 min

Days before Halloween I figured I'll give everyone a life update. Then I deleted that one and now you listening to a better show than that. I've tried not to jump all over the place with this one. I talked about my week when it comes to what I was doing on and off the clock. I took today off from work so I went over what I should be doing today. I switch teams but not like how you think because this is political. I talk about using a cash back card and what I do to build my credit. Which leads into seeing people married on social media. I text to women about it and told them how men get screwed over in the divorce. How willl they tell men to protect themselves when a woman is coming from half? You'll have to listen to find out.
Oct 28, 2022
1 hr 11 min

It's been a few months but I was able to get Killer Kyle on the podcast. In fact you get to learn where the name come from for those who don't know. Kyle stay sup north but Hurricane Ian hit Flordia so I gave him the ran down of what happen. We talk about Roe v Wade being overturned which is something we know you ladies love. Freedom of speech? We talk about the woke mob going after Andrew Tate and getting him kicked off social media platforms. I tell Killer K why I don't like girls with a lot of tats and dyed hair. Anyways, a lot of good topics.
Sep 30, 2022
1 hr 37 min

What I mean by Effie? Well the real name is Elizabeth for the record but she goes by Effie and I like that better. Once again Darwin doesn't think I was being real when it comes to lady guest. So I tried something different on this episode by I playing recordings of YouTubers that are either Red Pill or MGTOW. You'll get her views on mens rights and even her past when it comes to dating. I don't want to spoil anything but this was a pretty good show. Thank Darwin for this really good fine and let me know if you want more of Effie.
Sep 28, 2022
2 hr 3 min

Darwin is back again but this time with Makayla. Darwin feel that if we're going to talk about women one should be in the room. So are you into feet? Well because Makayla had a study buddy that was. Darwin think I don't take complements well but I don't get them off. A boss talking advantage of co-workers? We tell a few stories about that. Darwin has a window join the day when he's honry. Makayla also had Titty Tuesday with a friend in college on snapchat. We side tracked a little but for the most part we talked about dating and relationship. Enjoy!
Sep 25, 2022
2 hr 7 min
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