How To Think With Dan Henry
How To Think With Dan Henry
Dan Henry
How I Made $1 Million in a Day
29 minutes Posted Jul 6, 2020 at 2:46 pm.
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In this episode, Dan Henry is going to talk about his famous Million Dollar Day! He will share with you how he took a planned 2-day event and pivoted his delivery method to a virtual event,  due to the pandemic. And then at the end of delivering valuable content for two days, how he made an offer for his mastermind and closed over $1M dollars!


And do you know what else you also need, more than just the product or program you want to sell and the technical setup of making it happen to make that million dollars? It’s something even more important than whatever it is you’re selling to begin with…


And that’s a millionaire mindset. Your mindset is going to be the key to whether you even believe you can make money. And furthermore, to then actually MAKE that money you desire. Failing to believe that you even have the potential to start or make money will undoubtedly create the brick wall between you and your financial freedom.


In this episode, Dan is going to cover:

  • The walkthrough of how he had a million-dollar day from a live webinar Zoom call in his dining room
  • How your mindset behind closing a sale is the one thing that will make or break the sale at the end of the day
  • AND… how paying a high ticket price for a solution to your problem, you free yourself to charge that much for your own programs or products


So if you are ready to learn how Dan shifted his mindset and cleared a million dollars in a day, then you can’t miss this episode!


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In today's episode, I'm going to take you behind the scenes of how I made a million dollars in a single day.

Where else can you see behind the scenes of a multimillion-dollar online business? So you better stick around, this is the Dan Henry show. All right. So a million bucks in a day.

Yay. I'm still flying high. I'm still so crazy excited about this. I was thinking we were going to do about 300,000 for this, and we ended up doing 1 million, 20,000. And I'm just blown away by it. If you're listening to this podcast right now, you're probably thinking like, how did you do it? What did you sell? You know, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And you know what? Those are all fantastic questions. And that is what I'm going to get into right now. So just before I tell you this, I just want you to understand that I do have the benefit of building, you know, building a list, having an audience, you know, building up my skillset, investing in myself, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And so I don't want you to think that you can just next week make a million bucks in a day, and I'm not claiming that I'm going to teach you how to make a million bucks a day.

This is a personal record for me, and I'll take you behind the scenes of it. And if you find some of this helpful for your business, great. But honestly, if you just leave here inspired today, I'm totally fine with that. So let me give you some background. I sell a program called digital millionaire coaching, and basically let's say you purchase my book, digital millionaire secrets, right? And it's a book it's free. You just pay shipping. And when you read this book, a lot of times people read the book and they're like, wow, this is an amazing book. It's an amazing business model. I want to, I want to do this. And so they then book a call to talk to my team interested in our coaching program, which is called digital millionaire coaching. And in that program, we help people that sell anything from online courses to coaching, to masterminds events, software any, any, really, any type of digital product as well, anybody that sells anything over the phone for high ticket price.

So even if you sold services or like agency services or whatever you know, that's what we help. Most of the people in it right now sell either, I would say that the vast majority of people, so either coaching packages courses or like masterminds, and then we have some software people as well. And then there are some other industries here and there, we even have a sign company, you know? Anyway, so what I did was I thought, Hey, you know, I've been doing this program for a while. We have about, I think at the time when I announced this, we had about 500 people in the program and I thought, Hey, it would be really cool if we did a two-day live event. And I just taught for two days and, you know, just gave him some extra value. And that was my plan.

And this was before COVID, this was before all that happened. I decided to do this. And I also have a mastermind. It's my, my level above the digital millionaire coaching. It's my mastermind where people come out to my office. I mean, we've done the events virtually recently, but they come out to my office for two days at a time. They, you know, there's just a lot more access to me and that that's my mastermind. And for the past couple, for the past three years, I've charged $30,000 for that mastermind. It's 55,000 now, but that's because what happened last week when we, when we sold out the, you know, so anyway, the price tag was 30,000 and I thought, okay, I will teach for two days. And in the end, I'll make an offer and it'll be for my mastermind. So that's, that's 30 grand.

So I thought, okay, it would be great if I sold 10, right. That's 300 grand, that's 300 grand in a day. That would have been a personal record. I think up until this point, the most I had ever done in one day was maybe, I dunno, maybe like one 50 ma maybe, maybe 200. But that was like the most I had done. And so, Oh, you know, I'll make 300 and that'll be great. And, and personal record, blah, blah, blah. And so that was the plan. Well, COVID hits and can't do the live event, and keep in mind, I charged 300 bucks for this live event because, you know, even though the people were already in the program it was a special live event. I'd be taking QA. So we charged a nominal fee, 300 bucks, and we had a bunch of people buy.

We were going to have a couple of hundred people there, but COVID happened. Couldn't do it. So I had to announce that I was doing it virtually and that I'd be doing it over a zoom call. And I'd be teaching, taking questions, turning people's audio on and all that. Well, I couldn't do it from the office because we had issues at the office. People were getting COVID at our office. We, we stop using our office Everett. My whole staff was working from home. Everything was home, home, home. And so what I had to do was I had to go into my dining room, move my table, cause I have kind of a nice look and dining room with this sort of like a metal backing thing. And it just made like a nice background. So I moved my table, my dining room table moved, everything out, took my iMac, set it on top of my dining room table, put a camera w one single camera in there, hooked it up so that I had a camera with a feed to you know, to the, to the whiteboard.

And I, and I, I took a whiteboard. Actually. I took a flip chart actually and put it in there and I had my buddy, Joe helped me out. And what he did was he ran the zoom call. So he basically, if there was questions for people, he would call out their questions. And he allowed me to focus on teaching while he was bringing people on and allowing them to speak and get their questions answered. And so that, that made it really, really easier on me than doing it all by myself. So we announce it. We give everybody the zoom registration link, we go live. And I, again, I taught for two days. So we had about 160 people, 160 actually show up. I believe we would have had more if we did it live because people would have like actually flown out and, and made the event.

But we did have quite a few people not make the event because they were just doing something else and they figured they could watch a replay or whatever, and that's fine. But we did the event. We had about 160 people on, on day two. When I came to the pitch again, I was only expecting to sell maybe 10, 10 copies or copies 10 spots and keep in mind that I like to keep my mastermind small. So I knew, and I made a joke to Joe. I said, you know, I only have about 30 spots left and then I really don't want to take anybody else on. Cause then the mastermind would be too big. And I like to be able to have a personal relationship with all the people in the mastermind. So he's like, all right, well, you'll probably sell out.

And I was like, Oh, we'll see. We'll see. So I do the pitch and we took a $2,000 non-refundable deposit at the time of the pitch. And then, you know, the plan was to simply have my staff or me call each person and collect you know, get them the wire instructions. I wasn't gonna put out wire instructions on a zoom call, but you know, call them personally, give them wire instructions and get them to, to wire. And so that's what I did well when it came time to pitch and I pitched, I didn't sell 10, I didn't sell five. I didn't sell two. I didn't sell 15. We sold 34 spots, 34 people put down a $2,000 deposit. Well, that's 1 million, 20,000. Now when I first announced this, I said, I made 900 K in a day. And that's because I promised I would only take 30 spots.

So I had to tell people, Hey, four of you are going to get denied. Like, so I'm just going to go first, come first serve. Well, I felt really bad about that. And I, and I was talking to him a good friend, Myron golden, a good friend of mine, Myron gold. And by the way, just so you understand, Myron is a great speaker. He a mastermind where he teaches selling from stage and, and speaking. And I bought in, into his mastermind. I don't know, maybe, maybe a year ago, because I got asked to speak at funnel hacking live was just Russell Brunson's big annual event. And I bought a new his mastermind just so I could get a little bit better at speaking from stage. I really wasn't planning on selling from stage, but I just wanted to get better at speaking. Cause I'm guys, I'm always leveling up.

If I see a book, a mastermind, an event, something that I feel will up my game, I buy it. End of story. I buy it. So I, you know, I bought, I bought that and awesome mastermind and definitely, definitely helped me out a lot in speaking and selling from stage, well, I'm talking to him, right. And I tell him about it and he goes, Hey, Dan, he goes, why don't you ask the people in your mastermind and the people you sold, if it's okay if you let another four people in. And I said, why would I do that? And he goes well so that you can have a million-dollar day. And I went, huh. And he goes, so that you don't have to upset the people that, you know, already put down their deposit. Now they're going to have four people are going to have to get told.

No. And I, and he goes, do you really think another four people is gonna make the difference? Maybe another 14 people would, but another four. And I go, yeah, you're right. So I post in our mastermind group. I said, Hey guys, would you mind if I let all 34 people in? Because and, and keep in mind, we had all 34 people put down deposits, but then we had a waiting list of 10 people after the event that wanted in, in case anybody dropped out and a few people did drop out because they had issues with their funding or financing. But then we, we had people those people on the waiting list immediately grabbed those spots up. So we did sell all 34 in case anybody had that question. But anyway, I posted it in that group and everybody was like, yes, Dan, take your million dollar day, 100%.

Everybody said we don't mind an extra four people. And I was like, wow, that's amazing. Thank you guys so much. So I did it. And we ended up that ended up with a million million dollar day. And we, over the next week we onboarded, everybody got everybody in and here’s the great part. The first meeting was that very next week. Well, we do the meeting. I work with the people and this is guys, this is the part that makes me the happiest. It's not that I made a million bucks in a day. It's that a week later I got to work with those people. And within another week after that, they already started closing way more sales and making way more money than they ever had. In fact, one of one, I mean, actually there are multiple stories. I could tell you from multiple people in the mastermind, but in particular, one guy, Chad, was selling for $5K.

I got him to up his price to 10 K and he started closing like crazy. He ended up closing, like, you know, I dunno, I forget the numbers, but he had his best month, right after that first a mastermind. And then we had Tara who was struggling to you know, you know, I got a few calls here and there. I made a few sales here and there. Well, right, right after that you know, right after that event, she ended up doing a 50 K month and she only spent five grand in ads. And again, that's because, you know, the thing that I push, I mean, I help people with any business, but one of the things I really pushed for people is to have a premium offer that they sell over the phone and their marketing revolves around getting people to book calls and solve your phone because it's just a much more profitable model.

And there's a lot more room for error and it, not everything has to be perfect. Like when you have all these automated things happening, where everything is super passive and, and that's, that's a lie anyway. Like if you think you're going to automate your entire business, that's more work. Guys. Let me, and I'll do another podcast episode on this. But if you try to automate your entire business, it will require more maintenance than if you have a good chunk of it handled by human beings. And I'll talk about that in a whole nother episode because that's something that I need to talk about because people get caught up in automation and it just destroys their business sometimes. But anyway the best thing about this was not only did I make a million dollars in a day, but a lot of people already have either made their investment back.

Like Chad made his investment back. You know, you only had to make three extra sales and, you know, boom. But a lot of people have either already made their investment back, made half of it back or had their best month ever. So it feels really good when you not only make a lot of money and you hit a personal record, but the people are so, so happy that they spent the money and they're getting results. It would feel terrible if you couldn't get results for people. But that's another thing is, you know, it's not just marketing, it's not just sales, it's creating a great product. And that's been something that I've been passionate about for the past several years. And that's part of what I work with people on. You know, if you come to me and you say, “Hey we need to increase sales,” and I look at your product and your product sucks.

I'm gonna be like, well, listen, we need to get this product better and I'll help you with that. So that's a big passion of mine is creating good stuff, creating great products. And that's like, that's going to increase your sales more than anything is creating a great product. That said that is sort of like a walkthrough of the million-dollar day. And I did it during a pandemic from my dining room on a zoom call. So for those of you out there that think, Oh, there's a pandemic or, Oh, it's hard or whatever guys, if you leave this episode today with absolutely nothing else, you have to understand that. I just want you to, at the minimum, be inspired. If I can do a million bucks in a day from a, during a pandemic, from my dining room on a zoom call, you can do a hundred grand a month with a premium offer, or you can at least quit your job and create a business.

And I'm not promising. You can do this. I'm not saying everybody can do this. You know, don't, don't want to get in trouble with the FTC or whatever. But the bottom line here is that if you work hard and you don't stop your car in the road, when there's a pebble, right, you don't stop moving forward in your business because you have these little, teeny, tiny problems and you work hard. You invest in yourself. You work to have a great product. You work to get better at sales and marketing. You work. Then the possibility that you can make, whatever that money is, whatever you want to make, is way higher than if you just sat there with a sulky attitude and said, “Oh, that'll never be me. You know, mama, mama.” That's not going to get you anywhere. You, the first step is to believe.

Do you realize that I work with people with their sales all the time? And I would say at least 85% of the time people aren't making sales because they don't believe they can make sales. They're not necessarily doing anything wrong. They just don't believe it. And as a result, their mindset trickles down into what they say in their tone and how they come off. And they don't make sales. I have literally fixed people's mindsets on a coaching call or not even on a coaching call, just in one of our videos that I've put out. And that mindset shift... I remember I had a rep that was doing well. Then she had a personal problem. And then her sales went down and over the next few weeks, all she could talk about was how, “Oh, the leads are bad and this and that.”

And then I would get on there and be like, Oh, the leads are bad. And I'd call one up and I'd say, Hey, this is Dan Henry. You didn't buy our program. Can I ask why? And 10 minutes later, they were signing up. And so I worked with her. I said, listen, this is a mindset thing. You, if you go into a sales call and you don't believe that the person's going to buy, they will not buy 100% of the time. But if you go in and you say, I'm going to make this sale, I'm going to make this one. I just hit my desk and it triggered one of the noise. One of the sound effects on my Rodepodcaster. And that's what you heard. I'm not editing that out. That was funny. I'm leaving that in. So I said if you get on a sales call and you say, ah, this guy's probably not going to close.

You will not make the sale 100% of the time. But if you tell yourself, there is no possible way that this person is not going to close, then you at least have a chance and a way greater chance. And you will close more times than that. And so what ended up happening was I worked with my, again, this is my own sales rep over several weeks, got her mindset to where it needed to be. And now she's my top sales rep now. And it's funny because when my other sales reps on our sales calls go, Hey, well, what was the main thing you did? She's like my mindset at the beginning of the call. I say, there's no possible way now, does she close every call? No, but she closes way more calls. And here's the thing, guys, if you're predicting, if you're talking about what's going to happen in the future, you're basically making up a story. It's fiction.

And so if you're going to make up a story, cause you know, it hasn't happened yet. So it is fiction at this point, it has not happened yet. So if you're going to make up stories, at least make up the story that serves you. If you make up a story that you're going to fail, you will fail 100% of the time. If you make up a story that you're going to succeed, you'll at least succeed some of the time and that's way better than zero. And that's what you have to understand. And you know, I went into this event and I went into this thinking, Oh, you know, maybe I'll make 300, but I, you know, as, and I believe if I would have thought that I wouldn't have made all 34 sales, I wouldn't have made a million dollars in a day, but as I was doing the event and I saw how excited people got, I got excited and I thought, man, this is possible.

And so that night before day two, I stayed up late and I really worked on my pitch and I really worked on what I was going to say. And then the next day when I did it, it was smooth as butter and boom a million bucks in a day. If I didn't have that belief that I could do it, a wouldn't have worked on it extra hard the night before it wouldn't have been as smooth. And I may not have made a million bucks in a day. So the thing is, it starts with belief. You have to believe that you can do it. You don't have to make a million bucks in a day. You don't have to make a million bucks in a month. You don't have to make a million bucks in a year, but if you can start and you can take that first step and you believe that you can do it once you take that step.

And once it becomes a reality for you, you'll realize that there is no limit. There is no ceiling. Okay. Remember, Jeff Bezos started Amazon in a teeny tiny little office where he spray-painted frickin Amazon on this like vinyl sign and tacked it to the wall. And that was Amazon. And now it's the powerhouse that it is. He's like one of the richest dudes in the world. Like guys, you have to begin. You have to begin. Don't tell yourself it's not possible because then it won't be possible. 

So I hope you enjoy this episode. Listen, grab a copy of my book, digital millionaire secrets. There is a section in there called Mind Control Powers. It's gonna talk about mindset. I could write a whole book on mindset. This is just one little sliver. That's in that book. But the point is, you know, that book will show you a lot of things.

It'll show you how I made a hundred thousand dollars in my very first 30 days in business. It'll show you how to create a great product. It'll show you my whole model for selling, you know, coaching and educational offers. But honestly, that book will help you with any business. And it will also show you how to create a great mindset around what you do. And so that is what I want to get across to you is that you definitely, definitely, definitely, definitely want to not push mindset aside. You want to focus on it because I would say at least half, the reason why I did million dollars in a day is not just, oh, getting good at pitching and getting good at blah, blah, blah. But the mindset that I had allowed me to do things like, like, do you have any idea?

You like you, probably some of you guys listening to this right now might think, “Oh, $500 is a lot for an online course. Oh, a thousand dollars is a lot for an... Oh five, $10,000 is a lot for a coaching program. You know, $30,000. That's so much for a mastermind.” Well, if you have that mindset, you will never be wealthy ever. That is a scarcity mindset. It's a minion mindset that is not a millionaire mindset. You are, you get what you are. If you think $10,000 is too much to pay for coaching, you will never be able to sell a $10,000 coaching program. If you think $30,000 is too much for a mastermind, you will never be able to sell a $30,000 mastermind. That is the thing. If you buy $30,000 masterminds, which I buy them like candy, you will be able to sell those.

If you buy $10,000 coaching programs, you'll be able to sell a $10,000 coaching program. If you buy 10 grand or 15 grand over the phone, you'll be able to sell it. It will allow you to sell that much. You absolutely, you cannot NOT buy things to solve your problem and then expect other people to buy your solution to their problem. There'll be too much internal conflict. You can't do it. So by paying a high ticket price for a solution to your problem, you're now freeing yourself to charge that much. There is no way I'd have been able to make a million bucks in a day. If I never bought expensive or not even expensive, but premium courses, premium coaching premium masterminds, you buy something premium. You get a premium result. We don't sell $500 courses. That's not what we do. And I had somebody asked me the other day to say, Dan, what's your cheapest product that I can get started with.

And I say, I don't have anything cheap because I don't have anything that sucks. Would you rather me charge you a thousand bucks for a program so that you can make an extra couple hundred bucks a month? Or would you rather me charge you $10,000? Let's just say for a program to teach you how to close five $10,000 sales and the very next week you close three of them. Which makes you more money? Do you know what I'm saying? Like, that's the thing guys is you gotta get your mind out. Our money is controlling you. Money is to hold onto me. You know, hold onto me. Imagine this. Imagine if Warren buffet or not even Warren Buffett, just one of the world's best stock traders said, “Hey, listen, I'm going to sit over your shoulder and I'm going to watch every trade that you do. I'm gonna tell you exactly what to do, but you gotta pay me 50 grand.” What would you say? Would you say, Oh, 50 grand?! A lot of money. No, you wouldn't. You'd take it in a heartbeat. Cause you'd know. You'd make that back like that. If Warren Buffett was giving you investment advice, or if I said, Hey, I'm going to charge you. If you say, you know give me $20,000 cash right now and I'll give you a car. You might be like, Oh, well that's a lot of money. Oh, well that's too bad. Cause it was a Lamborghini. Like, think about that. Think about how you think about money guys. If I say, I'm going to send you a car right now, even at 50, 50,000, if I said, I'm going to send you a car $50,000 or you know what?

Not even 50, let's take it down to 10. You give me 10,000 right now, cash. I'll give you a car. Well, that's I don't have 10,000. Oh really? Cause it's a Lamborghini really now what do you do? Now? You do everything in your power to get $10,000. You call family, you call your credit cards. You call your bank, you look in your savings. You do whatever you can to find that $10,000 because you now know that if you can come up with that $10,000, you get a $200,000 car. You get a Lamborghini. But obviously if it was a Ford Taurus or a cheap little Chevy blazer with paint peeling off, I don't really need a Chevy blazer for 10 grand. But if it's a Lamborghini, you're going to do everything you can. So that's why you can't look at the money. Guys. If I can teach you, imagine if you bought a program for 10 grand, right?

And that program taught you to create a $5,000 premium offer and sell it over the phone all day long. You're not paying 10,000 for that program. You're paying two sales. You're trading two sales for the ability to make those sales for the rest of your life. Again, you're trading two sales for the ability to make unlimited $5,000 sales or 10 or whatever for the rest of your life. That's how you, that's how a millionaire thinks. Oh, 10,000 is a lot of money. Again. If I say, give me 10,000, I'll give you a Lamborghini. You will go out and you will find it, but here's the thing.

A Lamborghini, you know what a Lamborghini is going to get you? A Lamborghini is going to get you a people sitting on your car while you're at dinner, taking selfies, it's going to get you $1,500 oil changes. It's going to get you a lot of service calls. It's going to get you a scraped front end when you hit a bump in the front end, cause it's two inches off the ground hits it. And that's the end. It's going to get you some status and that's about it. But what if you learned how to make enough money, where you could buy whatever you wanted for the rest of your life, you could change your family's life. You could take them on unlimited vacations. You could buy a better house. You could do whatever you want. You could, you could achieve financial freedom and you could buy two Lamborghini’s, get three Lamborghini’s. We're getting whatever you want it. Right. 

But what are you buying for that 10,000? You're buying knowledge and expertise. And that's why some coaches like myself, we charge a premium price because if, what do you think is more valuable, a Lamborghini or the ability to create a million-dollar business? Obviously the ability to create a million-dollar business. Cause with that million-dollar business, you'll be able to buy as many Lamborghini’s as you want. But if I say, give me $10,000 for coaching, Oh, that's a load of money. Oh, Oh. That's you know, maybe I should just watch some free YouTube videos first. But if I say, give me $10,000, I'll give you a Lamborghini. Oh, well, I'll go find the 10 grand. Do you see how insane that is? You'll go scrap together 10 grand and do whatever you can to get a Lamborghini, but you won't do it to learn a skill that'll make, that'll set you financially free for your life. Like you won't do that to learn how to create a million-dollar business??

That's a broken mindset. And that's, that's a mindset I used to have, Oh, I'm not going to spend this money on, on skills or knowledge or my education or investing myself. I'll save up and buy this guitar instead. And that's why I was a poor musician for 10 years before I ever made a dime. And when I finally broke free and I started spending money on myself, like it was going out of style. I eventually was able to create a million-dollar business. Then I was able to create a million-dollar month. And then I was able to create most recently a million-dollar day. And that is what it truly means to invest in yourself. 

Don't forget to grab a copy of my book. I'll leave it in the show notes. Hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Give me a rating. All that jazz. Love you guys and definitely read my book. You're gonna love it. Let's see the next episode.