The D6 Generation
The D6 Generation
The D6G Team
D6G Ep 49: Trademarks, Terraforming, Painting, & Gaming with the Blind
4 hour 21 minutes Posted Feb 11, 2010 at 7:48 pm.
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Ep 49 is a big show:  Trademark Law, gaming mods for the blind, painting tips, and how to build an old west building are all cramed togeather and somehow make sense.  (we hope)
Up first: Tactica Trademark!  Recently one of our sponsors came under fire for sending out C&D letters regarding their trademark.  Since we actually have a lawyer on staff here at the D6G we thought it would be interesting to go through the ins and outs of Trademark and copyright protection for companies in our industry.  Why do they do it, why should we care, and when should we call foul?
We also have Colen McAlister on from "Lone Wolf Development" to discuss the recent Internet flap over their C&D letters.
Later, Total Fan Girl interviews a physics student who came up with an innovative way to modify Settlers of Catan for sight impared players.
Finally, Craig takes control and gives us a bunch of great painting tips focusing on building terrain.  He even gives step by step instructions on how to build a simple "old west" style building. 
All that and our usual 'not too horrible' humor, with features such as:
The Hollywood Minute  
Rapid Fire
What's in the News
Achievements in Gaming
& More
If you'd like to discuss the show with us and others in our forum thread: .
The following fine organizations help make this show possible:
 , on behalf of friendly, professional gaming stores everywhere.
 ==Quick Reference==
The News:  1 hr 6 min
Trademark Discussion: 1 hr 11 min
Interview with Lone Wolf: 2 hr 9 min
Hollywood Minute: 2hr 43 min
Interview on Settlers of Catan for Sight Impaired (TFG): 2 hr 50 min
Painting & Terraforming w/ Craig: 3h 5 m
 Links Discussed in the show:
Settlers of Catan Sight Impared Game mod:
Raef's Blog:
Craig's Blog:
Total Fan Girl Blog:
Wargamer Radio Network:
Pulp Gamer Network: