Hester discusses Midsummer, Nighttime magic, and spell intentions for prosperity, as well as an Herbal Tower Nature Craft. Feel free to email her at [email protected] and look for The Night School: Lessons in Moonlight, Magic, and the Mysteries of Being Human by Maia Toll wherever good esoteric books are sold.
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Jun 20, 2023
38 min

Hester discusses not only the Mother-like energy flow during summertime, but also how to jazz up your spellwork intentions which are based in either Inspiration or Luck.
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May 25, 2023
25 min

Hester discusses the magic connected to positive affirmations and also the coming Beltane festival and its ties to the fae folk.
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
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Apr 19, 2023
27 min

Hester Makepeace and her youngest child Moss sit out on the cottage porch on a windy spring morning, discussing how Hester has inadvertently managed to raise witchy children and how Moss grew up into their own witchy identity. Listeners will get a glimpse into how both of these familial witches nurture and welcome an extended family of like-minded folk, too. Moss has just moved back in, making Makepeace Cottage a generational home once again, and it's clear that both are happy and feel surrounded and supported by the overlapping energies of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone.
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Apr 4, 2023
29 min

Hester's back, returning just in time for the Spring Equinox and this month's New Moon. She's combining all of this converging new energy with a metaphysical discussion of the concept of Microcosm/Macrocosm. And since it's Hester, she'll also have all sorts of ideas for you to put these heady ideas into practical, useful workings and planning in your own personal life right now. Today. Welcome back to the Cottage!
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Mar 20, 2023
24 min

In this episode, Hester discusses how to interpret woodland and back yard omens and signs in plants and animals, and how to forage plants to bring their magical properties home.
Find Hester Makepeace on Instagram and Facebook. This podcast's home is at Anchor.fm.
Email Hester at [email protected]
Buy her a $5 "cup of coffee" at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/HesterMakeb
Sources for this episode:
Andrychowicz, Amy. "6 Ways to Dry Herbs the Right Way." Get Busy Gardening. nd. https://getbusygardening.com/drying-herbs/#:~:text=Spread%20the%20herbs%20out%20on,sure%20they're%20not%20molding.
"Clover: Health Benefits, Magical Properties and Recipes to Try." The Daily Struggle. nd. https://www.thedailystruggle.co.uk/clover-health-benefits/
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hester-makepeace/message
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hester-makepeace/support
Oct 11, 2022
29 min

Hester begins her two (or three) episode Deep Dive into Divination this week with the classic Rider-Smith-Waite Tarot Cards and the Seasons of the Witch Samhain Oracle Deck.
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Sep 27, 2022
24 min

Hester discusses two amazing crone women who have passed through the veil this year--Anne Rice and Queen Elizabeth II, as well as both traditional and modern Mabon Goddesses and Autumnal Equinox activities to enjoy this Autumn.
Find Hester Makepeace on Instagram, Facebook, and at Anchor.fm.
Email Hester at [email protected]
Buy her a cup of coffee at
Show Notes:
About Mabon:
Robinson, Sarah. "Honouring the Autumn Goddesses." Kindred Spirit. 19 Sep. 2019. https://kindredspirit.co.uk/2019/09/19/honouring-autumn-goddesses/
Mabon Crafts:
Make some Corn Husk Witches--and feel free to dye them any of the many fall colors.
Najafi, Cheryl. "Dyed Cornhusk Witch." Everyday Dishes. 26 Sep. 2014. https://everydaydishes.com/holiday/diy-dyed-cornhusk-witch/
Six Ways to Preserve those Beautiful Autumn Leaves:
Starr, Lana. "How to Preserve Fall Leaves." WikiHow. 8 Nov. 2021. https://www.wikihow.com/Preserve-Fall-Leaves
A perfect banishing energy spell for Mabon, Samhain, or any 3rd quarter moon in autumn and all 15 celebration ideas:
Zenith, Autumn. "15 Free and Low-Cost Ways to Celebrate Mabon." Witchcrafted Life: Where Witchcraft Meets Papercraft. https://witchcraftedlife.com/15-free-and-low-cost -ways-to-celebrate-mabon-fall-equinox/
Zenith, Autumn. Apple Magick Banishing Spell. The Witch of Lupine Hollow. https://witchoflupinehollow.com/2019/09/20/apple-magick-banishing-spell-for-mabon/
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hester-makepeace/message
Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hester-makepeace/support
Sep 21, 2022
37 min

Hester takes a DEEP dive into the Magical Element of Earth and Grounding Methods, and also talks a bit about reclaiming the number 13 on this 13th day of September.
Want to support The Cottage Witch Podcast?
You can make a simple, one time $5 Donation at Buy Me a Coffee. (Or multiple $5 donations if you want to buy me a LOT of coffee!) The link is just below.
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/HesterMakeb Thank you so much!
Or you could make a monthly donation of just 99 cents by being a Supporter at Anchor.fm That link should be at the bottom of these show notes.
And, YES! We're including Show Notes from now on. Here goes....<fingers crossed>
Material referenced of used in this week's episode:
Carr-Gomm, Phillip and Stephanie. The Druid Craft Tarot: Use the Magic of Wicca and Druidry to Guide your Life. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2004.
Moura, Ann. Tarot for the Green Witch. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2003.
Ravenwolf, Silver. Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2005.
Archon 45: The Midwest's Premier Science Fiction and Fantasy Event. https://archonstl.org/
Curtin, Paige. "Get Grounded: How to Ground your Energy." WitchHaus. 26 Jan. 2021. https://hauswitchstore.com/blogs/community/get-grounded-how-to-ground-your-energy
"Earth (Classical Element)" Wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_(classical_element)
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Sep 13, 2022
34 min

Hester Makepeace has finally hit retirement--so she can much more fully embrace Crone Energy and her Cottage Witch Podcast. Welcome to a more fully realized and regular version of the same, comfy and welcoming spirit of her Ozark hills and Witchy sensibilities.
Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hester-makepeace/message
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Sep 6, 2022
29 min
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