Here’s what you’ll discover: How to help your clients back themselves How to make decisions about working with a client from a place of alignment How to support your clients in making the aligned decision for them Why clients changing their minds in NO way affects your income How to release any attachment to clients being your source and KNOW that money always shows up for you no matter what
Jun 16, 2020
4 min

Here’s What You’ll Discover this week: How to have a great quality of life as well as a thriving business Making money from a place of ease The secret way I approach my business from a place of fun to get the maximum results from the practical pieces How to take what you do and get it in the hands of more people How to make automation personalized to every person who comes into your world How I guarantee that my people are my most ideal clients as soon as they come into my community Getting results that don’t make sense to the average marketer
May 22, 2020
11 min

Here’s What You’ll Discover: How to choose love over fear when it comes to business, selling and making decisions (and why this is so important) The question I ask potential clients to help them shift into their power and sign up to work together from love over fear Why taking action from a place of fear (ex: purchasing a program thinking that is what’s going to save you) guarantees you’ll be disappointed Why you DON’T need to be saved! How to remove the emotions (fear, second guessing etc.) to discover the next aligned action in any situation. And the best part is when you shift from fear to love, you release the grasping and needy energy and selling (+ being sold to) becomes fun!
May 15, 2020
8 min

Today we’re diving into... How to stop making ease equate laziness Noticing resistance around letting it be easy Behind the scenes what my days really look like (hint, it’s not what you think) In order to be successful, most people think it needs to be difficult and include struggle...but is that really the case? Where are you slipping into old patterns of feeling like you have to be busy in order to deserve success Shifting the paradigm to finally define ease for yourself and allow it into your life now
May 6, 2020
8 min

Here is what we covered: Normalizing money When we make something special, we make it separate from ourselves + how to stop making getting paid in our businesses something “special” The easiest way to get paid is to uncomplicate it Our minds are our superpower We are storytellers and you have control of the narrative Looking into the story you’ve bought into or you’ve been telling yourself around business and money that you don’t even realize (but are still running the show behind the scenes) Equating money and oxygen What it looks like when money just IS Why running out of money is impossible The massive shift that occurred for me before I started making 6-figures in my business
Apr 28, 2020
9 min

What I will be covering: *1 when you make a goal special, you make it separate from you and what to do about it *2 why every aspect of your business gets to be an energizing experience *3 what has gotten in the way of your channel to receive *4 what activation keys are and how to create them *5 the only reason you feel fear and what to choose to believe instead
Nov 4, 2019
12 min

What I will be covering: *1 when you make a goal special, you make it separate from you and what to do about it *2 why every aspect of your business gets to be an energizing experience *3 what has gotten in the way of your channel to receive *4 what activation keys are and how to create them *5 the only reason you feel fear and what to choose to believe instead (Note: You can get a copy of the free audio mentioned on this podcast here: https://m.me/jessicacaverlindholm?ref=w7653239)
Oct 30, 2019
21 min

In this episode we're diving into: *1 discovering your soul purpose, monetizing it into a highly profitable soul-led business (one that not only makes millions and impacts millions but is an energizing experience of love) *2 making your business fun, easy and playful *3 finding the aligned blueprint within us to share your message with the world *4 why all of this is only ever about choosing (Note: You can get a copy of the free audio mentioned on this podcast here: www.tolivingfree.com/mirror)
Oct 21, 2019
12 min

The fact that your desires aren’t automatically going to fall into your lap and what to do to actually receive them with ease • Why the word 'choose' is so powerful and how to get into the specifics of what you truly desire so you can call in what you want faster • Why everything is always available to you NOW and you don't have to wait to feel amazing • Being so bold to allow your life and business to look exactly how you've imagined them (if not better) • Listen to my latest podcast now for all this and more. And if you’re listening on iTunes definitely subscribe to never miss an episode and give our Conscious Life podcast some love in the ratings to help iTunes share it with even more people who need this message!You’re going to love this!
Oct 8, 2019
14 min

This week’s episode is called The exact strategies I use to create a highly profitable soul aligned biz. And we’re diving into: Why there is never a “how” to figure out and why the only thing to do is follow desire. What it means to have people “buy” your energy. Journal prompt: If you gave yourself permission to run your business, only in a way that felt aligned to you, what would you be doing right now? Remembering who you are and how powerful you are!
Sep 20, 2019
21 min
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