The Cone of Shame Veterinary Podcast Podcast
The Cone of Shame Veterinary Podcast
Dr. Andy Roark
COS 001: Emotional Blackmail in Vet Medicine w Dr. Sarah Boston - episode of The Cone of Shame Veterinary Podcast podcast

COS 001: Emotional Blackmail in Vet Medicine w Dr. Sarah Boston

56 minutes Posted Oct 13, 2019 at 1:15 pm.
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This is the first episode of the Cone of Shame Show! We will be doing a pilot season here for the cone, with new episodes publishing on Sundays. Please let us know what you think by leaving an honest review of the Uncharted Veterinary Podcast on iTunes or by emailing us at [email protected]
Today's guest is Sarah Boston, DVM, DVSc, Dipl ACVS. She is an ACVS Founding Fellow of Surgical Oncology and an ACVS Founding Fellow Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.
Dr. Sarah Boston is a veterinary surgical oncologist practicing in the Toronto area. She is also an author and her memoir, Lucky Dog: How Being a Veterinarian Saved My Life was published by the House of Anansi Press in 2014. She has published numerous scientific articles and book chapters, some of them good. She is the co-creator of the satirical online veterinary newspaper The Cageliner and an amateur stand up comedian. You can follow her on Twitter @drsarahboston or Instagram drsarahboston