What is the Common Good, and why should the pursuit of it matter in 2021? That is the big question this Podcast will unpack and explore in every episode.
Is our worth, our value as human beings tied to something more than a paycheck, the size of a bank account, or our purchasing power as consumers? What does it mean to live in a society that lifts up the values of decency, and dignity, and acknowledges the often overlooked everyday contributions to the common good?
We live in an age of grievance and division, under a dark cloud of massive discontent and unrest. But what is the source of that discontent and resulting rage? The news of the day captures the flicker of the moment, but we are missing the big picture, the complete story.
It is my hope to bring more context, more understanding, and hopefully add a few new chapters to the story of who we are and what we aspire to be. This podcast will tell the small yet significant stories that remind us of our common humanity, of our imperfect small steps towards building a better world in Portage County and across America.