the common good Podcast

the common good

David Clensey
Discussion on UK politics, economics, and political philosophy
Facing commons defeat, May returns to Europe
I talk to politics teacher Frank Hardee about why May's Brexit deal is so unpopular, what the PM may achieve by postponing the vote at the last minute and returning to Europe, and what happens next.
Dec 12, 2018
30 min
Have we reached peak inequality?
I talk to Professor Danny Dorling of Oxford University about his new book – Peak Inequality: Britain’s ticking timebomb. Have we reached peak inequality? And just how equal should we be?
Jun 21, 2018
55 min
Oxford City Council election 2018 – Labour, part 2 of 2
This is the second of two podcasts with Martyn Rush, Labour candidate for Barton and Sandhills in the Oxford City Council election on 3 May 2018. We discuss housing and homelessness, Martyn's vision for democratic community organising, and the wider role that Oxford University could play in the community.
May 2, 2018
32 min
Oxford City Council election 2018 – Labour, part 1 of 2
This is the first of two podcasts with Martyn Rush, Labour candidate for Barton and Sandhills in the Oxford City Council election on 3 May 2018. We discuss Martyn's political perspective and the government's austerity approach to local government.
Apr 30, 2018
28 min
Oxford City Council election 2018 – The Conservatives, part 2 of 2
This is the second of two podcasts with Tim Patmore, Conservative candidate for the Barton and Sandhills ward in the Oxford City Council election on 3 May 2018. In this episode, we discuss the issues facing the ward and how these could be tackled, new local government models for Oxfordshire, and the longstanding issue of housing in the city.
Apr 28, 2018
28 min
Oxford City Council election 2018 – The Conservatives, part 1 of 2
This is the first of two podcasts with Tim Patmore, Conservative candidate for Barton and Sandhills in the Oxford City Council election on 3 May 2018. In this episode, we discuss Tim's background in politics and the current central government approach to local government, including the recent collapse of the Conservative controlled Northamptonshire County Council.
Apr 23, 2018
29 min