The College Success Habits Podcast
The College Success Habits Podcast
Jesse Mogle
Harness these 7 Principles for College & Life Success
42 minutes Posted Jul 5, 2019 at 12:59 am.
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Ep #11 - These 7 Principles govern the filter I use to monitor my daily and life activities. Having your own list is paramount to your college & life success. It is through this filter you can determine if you are moving toward or away from your goals and intended outcomes. 

This list is the foundation for my College Success Habits book that will release in the Fall of 2019.

1. Open-Minded: do you have a growth mindset or fixed mindset in your abilities?

2. Courageous: do you step through fear?

3. Decisive: do you stand strong by your decisions and experience all that is being offered to you?

4. Action Taker: do you take action on your decisions and get to the experiencing right away?

5. Discipline: do you set up structure that bypasses willpower?

6. Flexibility: can you ebb and flow with the experience or are you rigid and stuck to the original plan or thought?

7. Tenacity: do you show up - Every. Single. Day.

These 7 priniples will be the bases for the next seven episodes as together we discuss how they are intricately woven into our lives and mastering them will give you the advantage over others in your field and life.

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