The Closet of Nonsense Podcast
The Closet of Nonsense
Closet of Nonsense
S2 Episode 7 - Deja Glitch in the Sea Monkey Political Melody Moshpit - episode of The Closet of Nonsense podcast

S2 Episode 7 - Deja Glitch in the Sea Monkey Political Melody Moshpit

1 hour 44 minutes Posted Sep 12, 2021 at 11:43 pm.
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A ridiculously difficult to schedule episode, Nox Nohi finally joins us. And by joins us, we mean we were in his bedroom. Without supervision. Shit got weird. Aliens, history, vaccines, politics, economy, music, and numerous anecdotal moments throughout the entire time on record, this episode is truly a prime example of why we never wanted to stick to any one type of subject matter, because we really wandered all over with this one. Music: Fox Lake - "Bite. Chew. Swallow." Jake Hill - "Dying Lately"