The Closet of Nonsense Podcast
The Closet of Nonsense
Closet of Nonsense
S2 Episode 5 - Yes, We're Aware This Isn't Episode Four - episode of The Closet of Nonsense podcast

S2 Episode 5 - Yes, We're Aware This Isn't Episode Four

1 hour 20 minutes Posted Aug 18, 2021 at 3:32 am.
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This is one of those FAR overdue episodes that should have been one of the first interviews we did. Zack and Psikotyk go back a decade or more, and this is honestly a fairly good example of what it's like to spend time with them. Add in Keith, who is in the top twenty funniest human beings on the planet, and Cody with his soft disarming demeanor, and you have the equal potential for comedy and pure philosophic catastrophe. Should be noted that this episode was recorded a month before it's release, so there are some dates and events discussed that might not make sense if you didn't recognize that. Music: "Of an Epic" - Cody Steffens "Memories & Moments" - Controlled Demise