The Citizen's Guide to the Supreme Court
The Citizen's Guide to the Supreme Court
The Citizens Guide to the Supreme Court
Top Five Dumbest Issue Statements
44 minutes Posted Oct 21, 2018 at 6:00 am.
Listen, this episodes a little off the hinges.  The primary case is Frank v. Gaos, which discusses whether class action claims that don't actually give people money are legit, sort of sets the stage for a tangent-filled discussion between tired Nazim and punchy Brett.  The law starts in earnest at
get side-tracked and basically starts at
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Listen, this episodes a little off the hinges.  The primary case is Frank v. Gaos, which discusses whether class action claims that don't actually give people money are legit, sort of sets the stage for a tangent-filled discussion between tired Nazim and punchy Brett.  The law starts in earnest at (06:32), get side-tracked and basically starts at (14:24).