The Circle of Birth - Story Medicine - Birth & Transformation Podcast
The Circle of Birth - Story Medicine - Birth & Transformation
Ayla Myra - The Circle of Birth
E50 – These are My Hours – First Documentary Filmed Entirely During Labour – Emily’s Story - episode of The Circle of Birth - Story Medicine - Birth & Transformation podcast

E50 – These are My Hours – First Documentary Filmed Entirely During Labour – Emily’s Story

1 hour 18 minutes Posted May 10, 2018 at 12:50 pm.
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Could you ever imagine your whole house set up with cameras? A film crew sleeping near by and all anticipating the moment they are called in? Coming into a space so sacred, so intimate and so powerful to a primal woman’s right of passage…. Well Emily has gone above and beyond with gracious love to invite this whole experience of the birth of her fourth baby. I am so excited and so deeply honoured to bring this podcast to you before this film’s release on Mother’s day, 2018. What is the film all about? What was it like for Emily? This is your scoop here! I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this story and you will too! I have no doubt you will want to watch this epic and beautiful film!

We begin our podcast with Emily talking about her own birth: We can see here how Emily has grown into not having fear of birth. All of Emily’s babies have been birthed at home. We talk about her first birth with a midwife during which baby was born in around 6 hours; This was not what Emily was expecting for a first birth! We navigate to Emily’s next birth: same house, pool and midwife, and an epic quick birth at 1.5 hours. Emily describes how she navigated this next transition into her motherhood. During these conversations, we talk about the birth climate in the area.

Emily’s third birth was a different location, a longer birth this time, and Emily wanted to cultivate the longer transition moments. She worked and learned from Whapio and the holistic stages of birth (see resources). This baby was born with a nuchal hand and Emily recalls reaching down to baby as he was coming out and feeling her baby’s little hand hold hers!

So from listening to Emily we have a good understanding about how powerful this woman is and how powerful this film will be to many.

We then speak about Emily’s fourth baby and the film, and Emily speaks so honestly and beautifully about her miscarriages in between. The calling was there for her next baby, the film was agreed upon, and this brought up many interesting and intense feelings for their family. Listen to how Emily navigated this with the upcoming film and what it felt like each time she went through the experience of miscarriage.

We talked about the film now and it was exciting for me to ask so many questions about what it was like to have so many cameras and people present during the birth, how it started, what Emily recalls; My questions went on! I loved how the whole crew of mostly men were in absolute awe of this process, not trying to fix it, wanting to be a part of it and letting it happen; Does not sound common practice, right?

This episode is a beautiful dive into something so intimate and sacred that Emily and her family have so generously shared with the world. This is the voice we need. This film is the healing we want.

Musings from Emily

“I was my mothers first baby. I was very wanted and consciously created.”

“I never had the concept that birth was something to be feared.”

“As my baby was coming out I reached down and I could feel his little hand, it held onto my finger.”

“’I have the most wonderful women come into my life.”

“During all of my births I never had anyone reach in and bother me. I never really knew what a huge deal that was until looking back and hearing other women’s stories.”

“My film crew were in no rush for the birth to happen; This made them perfect witnesses, as they were just happy to let it be.”

“My fourth postpartum was the most blissful that I ever had.”

“If everyone could be this excited about a birth happening, what it could do for women!”

“One of the best parts of the film is the birth / after birth scene. This part has a strong potential for changing the philosophy of what we think about birth.”

“I worked it out myself and this is what I wanted.”

“Our culture has devalued our knowing.”

“She is not afraid.”


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