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Today we continue our series on the Final Alignment Of The Nations, with today’s episode being part four. As we patiently await the return of Yeshua HaMeshiach, Jesus the Messiah, we know that when that time approaches, Gog of Magog will invade Israel along with his confederation. This invasion is also known as the Battle of Armageddon:Ezekiel 11 and you will say, ‘I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. I will go against those who are at rest, that live securely, all of them living without walls and having no bars or gates,12 to capture spoil and to seize plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places which are now inhabited, and against the people who are gathered from the nations, who have acquired cattle and goods, who live at the center of the world.’Revelation 14 for they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them together for the war of the great day of God, the Almighty.15 (“Behold, I am coming like a thief. Blessed is the one who stays awake and keeps his clothes, so that he will not walk about naked and men will not see his shame.”)16 And they gathered them together to the place which in Hebrew is called Har-Magedon.Just prior to this invasion there will need to be a final alignment of the nations as foretold by Ezekiel, Daniel, John, and other Bible prophets. In other words all the involved nations must exist and be politically aligned as dictated by prophecy and God’s sovereign plan. I’m confident we are not at that point yet and Yeshua’s return is not imminent, but the days are approaching. These days are called HaAcharit HaYamim, The Last Days.Previously, in Episode 127, we reviewed Israel’s Biblical and ancient history, then in Episode 128 we continued with Israel’s modern history up to the rebirth of Modern Israel. That date was May 14th, 1948 when Israel declared its independence and then eleven minutes later President Harry Truman and the United States recognized the new state. Today we continue with Israel’s modern history up through the present day. Next time we will review Israel’s current position in light of prophecy, prophecies fulfilled and yet to be fulfilled.Not only will this historical information provide a basis as we look to the future but also prove the divine inspiration of The Words of The God. Truly the rebirth and continued existence is nothing less than divine providence and proof of the existence of a single supreme being, Yehovah. Much of the following information comes from the Jewish Virtual Library and My Jewish Learning.May 14, 1948 – Declaration of Independence of the State of IsraelMay 19, 1948 – War of Independence, May 1948-July 1949The War of Independence was a defensive war to prevent the destruction of the fledgling Jewish state in the face of overwhelming Arab aggression. Palestinian Arabs and their allies know it as the Nakba (catastrophe), the establishment of Jewish rule in Palestine.There were in reality two separate conflicts; a civil war between Palestine’s Jews and Arabs from November 1947 to May 14, 1948 when Israel declared its independence. This was followed by the invasion of five Arab armies, initiating a war which until July 1949.The first challenge faced by the newly formed Israel Defense Forces was to rebuff the Arab attack, defending Jewish settlements until the arrival of reinforcements. The first month of the war was marked by heavy fighting against Jordan’s Arab Legion in Jerusalem; by the end of May the Jordanians had conquered the Old City and expelled its Jewish inhabitants. Syria’s advance into the Galilee was repulsed by the inhabitants of Kibbutz Degania, and the Egyptian invasion was blocked just north of Gaza at Kibbutz Yad Mordechai.Following a month-long truce brokered by the United Nations, hostilities resumed in July 1948. In Operation Dani, the IDF broke the siege of Jerusalem by capturing Lod and Ramle, two Arab towns in the Jerusalem corridor. In October, following a second UN-sponsored truce, the IDF captured the upper Galilee and drove the Egyptian army out of the Negev by December. In March 1949 Israeli forces completed their conquest of the southern part of the country by capturing Eilat.The War of Independence was concluded by the signing of armistice agreements between Israel and the surrounding Arab states. Israel was left in control of 78 percent of mandatory Palestine — around 50 percent more than it had been allocated in the partition plan. The remaining 22 percent was split between Jordan (West Bank and East Jerusalem) and Egypt (Gaza Strip). An independent Palestine was never established, and no Arab state recognized Israel’s existence.Israel’s troops numbered twice as many as those under Arab command. Moreover, partly as a result of the high number of World War II veterans in its ranks, the IDF benefited from better training and organization than its adversaries had. Ben Gurion referred to the Arab armies as Israel’s secret weapon: “They are such incompetents, it is difficult to imagine.”The Jews paid a high price for their victory. More than 6,000 Israelis — 1 percent of the population — were killed. Many of the casualties were refugees and Holocaust survivors, newly arrived in the country.December 17, 1948 – Beginning of “Operation Magic Carpet” to bring Yemenite Jews to IsraelOperation Magic CarpetIn May 1949, when the Imam of Yemen agreed to let 45,000 of the 46,000 Jews in his country leave, Israeli transport planes flew them “home” in Operation Magic Carpet. The Yemenite Jews, mostly children, were brought to Israel on some 380 flights. This was one of the most wonderful and complex immigration operations the state has ever known. British and American planes airlifted the Jews from Aden, the capital of Yemen, when they reached the city from all over Yemen after extremely dangerous and risky journeys. The operation was secret and was released to the media only several months after its completion.January 13, 1949 – Jerusalem is declared the capitol of Israel and is divided under Israeli and Jordanian ruleAs part of the armistice talks following the War Of Independence, Jerusalem is divided.May 11, 1949 – Israel admitted to United Nations as 59th memberDecember 13, 1949 – Government decides to hold its Knesset sessions in Jerusalem and declares Jerusalem to be Israel’s capitalJanuary 23, 1950 – Knesset by 60-2 vote, establishes Jerusalem as Israel’s capitalApril 24, 1950 – Jordan annexes West Bank, including East JerusalemIn May 1948 the Arab Legion overran the eastern part of Jerusalem and occupied the Old City and its Holy Places. During the nineteen years of Jordanian administration, Jordan refused to honor its undertaking in the armistice agreement to accord free access to the Holy Places and to cultural institutions, and use of the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives.Jews were barred from the Old City and denied access to the Western Wall and other Holy Places. The Jewish Quarter in the Old City was destroyed; fifty-eight synagogues were also destroyed or desecrated. Thousands of tombstones in the Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives were destroyed to pave a road and build fences and latrines in Jordanian army camps. In April 1950, Jordan annexed the areas it had occupied by military force in 1948.July 20, 1951 – King Abdullah of Jordan is assassinated at the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem on suspicion of planning peace talks with Israel.1954 – Yad Vashem Holocaust museum opensJanuary 1956 – Nasser announces new constitution for Egypt and pledges to re-conquer PalestineJuly 1956 – Nasser nationalizes the Suez CanalNasser nationalized the Suez Canal on July 26, 1956. The nationalization of the canal took the world by surprise, especially the British and French stockholders who owned the Suez Canal Company. Although Nasser promised that the company would be compensated for its loss, Britain, France, and Israel began plotting to take back the canal and overthrow Nasser as well. Britain, France and Israel united in secret in what was to become known as the tripartite collusion, something that they denied publicly for many years.Arrangements were made for Israel to make the initial invasion of Egypt and overtake one side of the Suez Canal. The British and French attempted to follow the Israeli invasion with diplomacy, but they were unsuccessful, so they were forced to send in troops to occupy the canal. However, the action on the part of the tripartite collusion was not viewed in favor by the US or the Soviet Union since their intervention signified their predominance in the area.The troops were withdrawn from the Canal Zone in December under the direction of the United Nations. The canal was returned to Egypt’s possession and reparations were paid by Egypt under the supervision of the World Bank.October 25, 1956 – Egypt, Syria and Jordan announce establishment of unified military command for “war of destruction against Israel”October 29, 1956 – Sinai Campaign launched with Great Britain and France1957 – France helps Israel create nuclear research program in Dimona; a nuclear reactor is constructed1958 – The first supermarket opens in Tel Aviv on Ben-Yehuda Street1959 – Fatah is established by Yasser Arafat and associates1960 – Adolf Eichmann is captured in Argentina by Israeli agents of the MossadAdolf Eichmann On Trial In Israel, 1961In 1934 Adolf Eichmann was appointed to the Jewish section of the “security services” of the SS. From then on he became deeply involved with the formulation and operation of the “final solution to the Jewish question”. He drew up the idea of deportation of Jews into ghettos, and went about concentrating Jews in isolated areas with murderous efficiency. He took great pride in the role he played in the death of 6 million mainly European Jews.Adolf Eichmann stood trial before an Israeli court in 1961. The trial, with the recounting of the ghastly crimes the Nazis perpetrated on the Jews, brought out a tumultuous emotional response among the Israeli public and the Jewish people as a whole. Eichmann was hanged on May 31, 1962. He has the distinction of being the first and only person in Israel to receive the death sentence.1962 – Archaeological excavations commence at Masada1964 – The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is founded in Jordanian-controlled East JerusalemThe Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is undoubtedly one of the most infamous terrorist organizations around the world. Created in 1964 during the Arab League Summit in Cairo, the PLO’s originally-stated goal was the “liberation of Palestine” through armed struggle while seeking to destroy the existence of Zionism in the Middle East. By 1967, the PLO had decided that their primary goal was the destruction of the State of Israel. It was at this time that Yasser Arafat and his group, Fatah, took over the leadership of the PLO.Over the next ten years, this goal was the primary focus of the massive terrorist campaign by which their reputation was formed. Things began to change quickly when the PLO gained international recognition from the United Nations as the primary representative of the Palestinian people. Arafat deftly manipulated the organization from one perceived by the West as barbaric into one considered a freedom movement with legitimate claims. Israel, perhaps sensing the growing sympathy, redoubled its efforts to eliminate the Palestinian threat.By 1988, Arafat had taken the diplomatic road one step further when he not only announced the right of the state of Israel to exist but renounced PLO terrorism. The perceived commitment to these ideals caused Israel to finally agree to serious talks with the PLO. The result of these discussions was that today the Palestinian people live under partial self-rule and seem on the way to obtaining the homeland they have yearned for years.1966 – The Coca-Cola Company announces it will open a plant in Israel in defiance of the the Arab BoycottMay 22, 1967 – Egypt declares the Straits of Tiran closed to Israeli shippingJune 5, 1967 – Israeli air force pre-emptively attacks Egyptian and Syria; effectively neutralizing them. The Six Day War beginsIsrael responds to an ominous build-up of Arab forces along its borders by launching simultaneous attacks against Egypt and Syria. Jordan subsequently entered the fray, but the Arab coalition was no match for Israel’s proficient armed forces. In six days of fighting, Israel occupied the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt, the Golan Heights of Syria, and the West Bank and Arab sector of East Jerusalem, both previously under Jordanian rule. By the time the United Nations cease-fire took effect on June 11, Israel had more than doubled its size. The true fruits of victory came in claiming the Old City of Jerusalem from Jordan. Many wept while bent in prayer at the Western Wall of the Second Temple.The U.N. Security Council called for a withdrawal from all the occupied regions, but Israel declined, permanently annexing East Jerusalem and setting up military administrations in the occupied territories. Israel let it be known that Gaza, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai would be returned in exchange for Arab recognition of the right of Israel to exist and guarantees against future attack. Arab leaders, stinging from their defeat, met in August to discuss the future of the Middle East. They decided upon a policy of no peace, no negotiations, and no recognition of Israel, and made plans to defend zealously the rights of Palestinian Arabs in the occupied territories.June 7, 1967 – Israel captures and unifies JerusalemDefense Minister Moshe Dayan (c), Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin (r) and Jerusalem Commander Uzi Narkis walk through the Lion’s Gate into the Old City, June 7, 1967.1970 – Black SeptemberClashes between Jordanian forces and the PLO, in an attempt by the PLO to take control of the country, end in Jordanian victory; the PLO regroups in Lebanon.1971 – The three millionth citizen arrives in IsraelSeptember 5, 1972 – Eleven Israeli athletes are murdered at the Munich Olympic GamesBlack September, a terrorist group affiliated with Fatah murders eleven Israeli athletes. West Germany releases Munich killers after German airliner is hijacked. (The same group also hijacks a plane en route to Tel Aviv and holds the passengers and crew hostage for 23 hours. The hostages are rescued by IDF counter terrorism commandos.)October 6, 1973 – The Yom Kippur War beginsHoping to win back territory lost to Israel during the third Arab-Israeli war, in 1967, Egyptian and Syrian forces launched a coordinated attack against Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. Taking the Israeli Defense Forces by surprise, Egyptian troops swept deep into the Sinai Peninsula, while Syria struggled to throw occupying Israeli troops out of the Golan Heights. Israel counterattacked and recaptured the Golan Heights. IDF advances to within 28 miles from Damascus. A cease-fire went into effect on October 25, 1973.When the fourth Arab-Israeli war began many of Israel’s soldiers were away from their posts observing Yom Kippur (or Day of Atonement), and the Arab armies made impressive advances with their up-to-date Soviet weaponry. Iraqi forces soon joined the war, and Syria received support from Jordan. After several days, Israel was fully mobilized, and the Israel Defense Forces began beating back the Arab gains at a heavy cost to soldiers and equipment. A U.S. airlift of arms aided Israel’s cause, but President Richard Nixon (1913-94) delayed the emergency military aid for a week as a tacit signal of U.S. sympathy for Egypt. On October 25, an Egyptian-Israeli cease-fire was secured by the United Nations.April 1974 – Moshe Dayan and Foreign Minister Abba Eban resign, after the criticism of the government’s handling of the Yom Kippur WarOctober 1974 – The General Assembly votes 105 against 4 to invite the PLO to participate in the debate on the “Palestine question”November 1974 – Arafat before the General Assembly calls for the liquidation of Israel and the establishment of a “secular democratic Palestine”November 1974 – UN General Assembly passes a resolution declaring Zionism to be a form of racismJune 27 1974 – Air France airliner en route from Tel Aviv to Paris is hijacked after a stop over in Athens. It is flown to EntebbeThe hijackers freed the French crew and non Jewish passengers, while retaining 105 Jewish and Israeli hostages. A 48 hour deadline was set before executions would begin. Faced with little choice, the Israeli government announced that it would enter into negotiations. This bought the precious time needed to consolidate a seemingly impossible military option.Shomron’s plan was based on several advantages that the Israelis had over the terrorists. The Entebbe airport at which the hostages were being held was built by an Israeli construction firm, which was able to provide Shomron with blueprints. Moreover, the released, non-Jewish hostages were able to describe the terrorists, their arms, and their positioning. As a result, the IDF decided to send in an overwhelmingly powerful force: over 200 of the best soldiers the army had to offer participated in the raid, all of them heavily armed.The soldiers freed the hostages in a lightning attack, killing all eight terrorists in the process. Tragically, force commander Yoni Netanyahu was killed as he led the hostages toward the safety of the aircraft; additionally, two hostages were killed in the crossfire inside the airport. The other squads accomplished their missions in virtually the same time as during the “dry run.” By September 1978 – The Camp David conference ends in the signing, at the White HouseTwo agreements are signed. The first dealing with an Israel-Egypt peace treaty and the restoration of Sinai to the latter; the second, a framework agreement establishing a format for negotiations on a five-year autonomy regime in the West Bank and Gaza region. Israel-Egypt peace talks to begin shortly with the aim of signing the treaty no later than 17 December.1980 – The lira is replaced by the shekel1980 – Basic Law: “Jerusalem, Capital of Israel” is passedBy law Jerusalem is proclaimed as the complete and united capital of Israel.1981 – Israel Air Force destroys Iraqi nuclear reactor at OsirakThe attack, code named “Operation Opera,” surprised the Iraqis and the rest of the world, though for Israel it had long been in planning. It was only after the failures on the diplomatic front, and the consultation of military and intelligence experts with Prime Minister Menachem Begin’s cabinet, that Israel chose to go ahead with the attack on the Iraqi reactor.The Israelis had to remove some of the F-16s’ fuel tanks to make room for the heavy munitions necessary for the attack. They also needed to assign F-15s to guard the bombers in case there was need to engage the Iraqis. The mission was aborted once and the date of the attack was rescheduled for the next month.On June 7, 1981, the mission was given a green light. IDF Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Rafael Eitan, briefed the pilots personally. Displaying unusual emotion, he told them: “The alternative is our destruction.” With that speech in mind, fourteen F-15s and F-16s flew off the runway of Etzion Air Force base in the Negev, and proceeded to pass over Jordanian, Saudi, and Iraqi airspace, to attack the French-built Iraqi nuclear reactor. The flight to Iraq was done low-level so as to minimize the possibility of being spotted by aircraft radar in any of the Arab nations the planes flew over.King Hussein of Jordan was vacationing in Aqaba during the attack. Seeing the planes pass over his head, he immediately notified the Iraqis to warn them that they may be the targets of an Israeli attack. It appears that Iraq never got the message as communication errors prevented the message from reaching Iraq.Without King Hussein’s warning, Iraqi defenses were caught completely by surprise and opened fire too late. In one minute and twenty seconds, the reactor lay in ruins.The attack was universally criticized. The United States voted for a Security Council resolution condemning Israel and, as a punishment, delayed a shipment of aircraft to Israel that had already been authorized.1990 – 200,000 Soviet immigrants arrive in Israel1991 – Israel attacked by Iraqi Scud missiles during the Gulf War1995 – Oslo Interim Agreement signed. Palestinian Authority to be establishedThe Oslo interim agreement was the second stage in the process begun with the Declaration of Principles, that was supposed to serve as the foundation of a peace process between Palestinians and Israelis. The purpose of the interim agreement was to create a situation that would make it possible for the Palestinians to negotiate as an independent party, without determining in itself the final status. The agreement called for redeployment of the Israeli Army from a sufficient part of the West Bank and Gaza Strip to allow free elections to take place. That is, the army withdrew from most population centers, including about 97% of the population, but only about 7% of the area. The elections allowed the Palestinians to set up the Palestine National Authority as a negotiating partner representing the Palestinians, and as an administrative authority over the Palestinians.2000 – Palestinians initiated riots after Israeli opposition leader Ariel Sharon visited the Temple MountSharon insisted on visiting the Temple Mount in September of 2000. His visit triggered or served as the excuse for a wave of violence that put an end, in practical terms, to the Oslo peace process.Both parties caused high numbers of casualties among civilians as well as combatants: the Palestinians by numerous suicide bombings and gunfire; the Israelis by tank and gunfire and air attacks, by numerous targeted killings, and by reactions to demonstrations. The death toll, including both military and civilian, is estimated to be about 3,000 Palestinians and 1,000 Israelis, as well as 64 foreigners.2006 – Second Lebanon WarHezbollah terrorists cross the blue line border with Lebanon, attack an Israeli patrol, killing 3 and capturing 2 soldiers. Additional soldier dies the following day and several are killed when a tank hits a mine, pursuing the captors. At the same time, Hezbollah began a series of rocket attacks on northern Israel. In subsequent days, Israel carried out massive but selective bombing and artillery shelling of Lebanon, hitting rocket stores, Hezbollah headquarters in Dahya quarter of Beirut killing over two hundred persons, many civilians. Hezbollah responds with several hundred rocket attacks on Haifa, Tiberias, Safed and other towns deep in northern Israel, killing 13 civilians.2008 – Operation Cast LeadIsraeli operation in Gaza to stop Hamas rocket attacks. Over 1,000 Palestinian casualties.2012 – Operation Pillar of DefenseIDF forces conducted an eight-day military operation in the Hamas governed Gaza Strip during which dozens of targets there were attacked in response to ongoing rocket fire on the western Negev.2014 – Operation Protective EdgeAn IDF military reaction following the escalation of major rocket attacks fired by Hamas from the Gaza strip targeting major Israeli cities including: Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Beer Sheva, Sderot, Ashkelon, Dimona, Zichron Yaakov and more.2015 – Summer 2015 Iran nuclear deal is signed, Israel and large segment of American Jewish community oppose itThat completes our brief review of Israel’s ancient and modern history. This was only a brief glimpse, many events, violent attacks, and deaths were covered for lack of time not importance. Next time we begin our Biblical review of prophecies fulfilled and yet to occur for the land of Israel and its people.The post Final Alignment Of The Nations Pt 4 Israel CSN 0129 appeared first on The Christian Survival Network.