The Chia Podcast Podcast
The Chia Podcast
Jenna Chia
The Chia Podcast
Jenna Chia
I'm a youtuber and podcaster plagued with a curiosity for all things sustainable, fair-trade & plant-based. I like to call it conscious living. One of the most exciting, empowering things we can do for ourselves is to take back our control. The control of what we consume, control of what we think. I've been plant-based, leaning vegan for three years with a recent interest in political fashion. It simply fascinates me how we can all learn to support businesses and institutions that lift up others instead of oppressing them. I like to call it conscious consumption. The Chia Podcast aims to educate and empower on the topics of food, fashion and technology, with a dash of humor and a sprinkle of sass. Whether you're an urban jungle freak or a green peace, grass-roots, kombucha brewing hippy, this podcast is sure to hold your attention. Youtube: Jenna Chia Instagram: @jenna.chia
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Available episodes
Typical release rate
± 39 days
Latest episode
4 years ago
October 23, 2020
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