The Change Podcast

The Change

Dr. Caitlin
Perimenopause discussions and resources for people in their 30s, 40s and beyond. Are you over 35? Is your body doing weird stuff and no one can tell you why? Have you looked for answers on the internet or in your doctor's office and are more confused than ever? Maybe your menstrual cycle is all over the place or your anxiety is at a million. Perhaps you're a bit more depressed, forgetful or foggy. Do you happen to be waking up in the middle of the night, sweaty and confused? In general, have you found yourself wondering, "what in the actual fuck is happening here?" If so, you may be in perimenopause. Don't know what that means? No problem. Totally freaked out by the word menopause? You're in the right place. Welcome to The Change, a podcast for people who are interested in learning more about the perimenopausal process and the changes that go along with it including mental, physical, emotional, cultural, and spiritual. People do not understand perimenopause. There's a black box around this important piece of the lifecycle and as a result, people are confused, apprehensive, scared and potentially dreading not only the transition, but the rich years that come after it. Spoiler alert. It doesn't have to be that way.
Hot Flash! - Weight Gain
This may be my favorite HOT FLASH to date!  I review the normalcy of weight gain during perimenopause and why this change in body composition is generally NOT related to health. I explain the Health at Every Size (HAES) approach to health care and some tips and tricks for overcoming body shame/discomfort.   NOTE:  Lindo Bacon (formerly Linda Bacon) uses They/Them pronouns.  I was not aware of the name change at the time of recording and apologize for not using the correct name/pronouns during recording.  Also, Lindo Bacon is no longer associated with ASDAH as of this writing (7/2022).   Links: ASDAH | Committed to Size Diversity in Health and HAES® Lindo Bacon, PhD, formerly Linda Bacon Impact of fat stigma on health care:  Fat Is Not the Problem--Fat Stigma Is - Scientific American Blog Network Aubrey Gordon:About — Your Fat Friend and her amazing resource list Fat Reading List — Your Fat Friend Home – Radical Self-Love for Everybody and Every Body ( Bonus link:  ASDAH and the HAES movement are growing in an exciting direction - check out this great presentation by their current vision and strategy leader Veronica Garnett  Intersectional Liberation in Health at Every Size(tm) (no song) - YouTube
Jul 20, 2022
14 min
Hot Flash! - Skin and Facial Hair Mini Episode
Check out this mini-episode on how the hormonal shifts of perimenopause may impact facial hair, skin and nails.  We discuss the why, the how and the what to do about it (if you want to do anything at all…)  Important note:  dear listener, in this episode I say I am 45, I’m not sure why… podcasting is hard.  I am 43.  And I was 42 when my chin hairs really started popping.   Spironolactone for acne: Products I chat about: Shop Unique Subscription Boxes, Luxury Green Beauty, Classic Books, Gourmet Food,Gift Boxes, & More at Boxwalla ( Beauty Store | Natural Skincare - Beauty Heroes ( Resource for evaluating ingredients in skin care: I mention at the end of this episode that a Hot Flash covering hair loss is in the works … it is on to-do list and will be released during Season 2 (which is definitely maybe happening … )
Jun 6, 2022
9 min
Hot Flash! - Pain Mini Episode
Join me as I review one of the most underappreciated body changes of perimenopause - pain!  Yay!  In this episode we talk about how the shifting hormones of perimenopause can alter our pain perception, cause new pain syndromes to start and/or worsen existing pain patterns.  Most folks don’t realize this is totally a thing.  Take a listen to learn more and dig into some possible strategies for addressing these changes.   Frozen Shoulder: Frozen Shoulder Syndrome and Menopause: Our Secret Pain No One Talks About | National Menopause Association Hormones and pain: Inequities in Women’s Health research:  Addressing inequalities in women's health research ( Fibromyalgia and melatonin:  Melatonin in the treatment of fibromyalgia symptoms: A systematic review - PubMed ( Insomnia and pain: MHT for pain: Tai Chi for pain management in perimenopause:  Tai Chi Exercise for the Quality of Life in a Perimenopausal Women Organization: A Systematic Review - PubMed ( Physical fitness and pain:  Association of objectively measured physical activity and physical fitness with menopause symptoms. The Flamenco Project - PubMed ( Exercise and pain:  Effects of physical exercise on health-related quality of life and blood lipids in perimenopausal women: a randomized placebo-controlled trial - PubMed ( Acupuncture and pain: Sauna for pain:The effects of repeated thermal therapy for patients with chronic pain - PubMed ( Epsom Salt:
Jun 6, 2022
6 min
Hot Flash! - Menstrual Bleeding Mini Episode
In this Hot Flash, we do a quick and dirty overview of one of the most serious perimenopausal symptoms - heavy menstrual flow.  We define what constitutes too much bleeding, when to be concerned and what to do about it.  ****IMPORTANT NOTE at about 8min and 10 seconds in  I mention not taking iron at higher     dose than 8 mg per day without monitoring - it sounds like I say 80mg but it’s 8(eight)!  Truly, any iron supplementation outside of food sources should be monitored with lab testing to ensure proper dosing and prevent complication Testing ferritin to evaluate iron stores: Evidence for dosing iron every other day: Iron IVs for treating iron deficiency:  What to Know About Iron Infusions for Anemia Treatment - GoodRx Dairy and heavy menses:  What Dairy Does to Periods • Lara Briden - The Period Revolutionary Slow Flow: (no affiliation) Acupuncture case study:  Acupuncture treatment for dysfunctional uterine bleeding in an adolescent - PMC ( Ibuprofen for heavy menses:  Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for heavy menstrual bleeding - PubMed ( Tranexemic acid for heavy menses:Tranexemic Acid (Lysteda) for Cyclic Heavy Menstrual Bleeding - STEPS - American Family Physician ( Guidelines for progesterone therapy and a review oftreatment options for heavy mense from CeCor:  Very Heavy Menstrual Flow | The Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research ( Hormonal IUD for treatment of heavy menses:  Reproductive Health Access Project | Contraceptive Pearl: Progestin IUD as Treatment for Menorrhagia - Reproductive Health Access Project ( Oral Birth Control - new brands with bioidentical estrogens for management of perimenopasual heavy menses: Natazia: Official patient website or About NEXTSTELLIS | NEXTSTELLIS®(drospirenone and estetrol tablets)  Uterine ablation:  Uterine Ablation as a Treatment for Severe Menorrhagia – Naturopathic Doctor News and Review ( Myomectomy for fibroids:  Myomectomy – Fibroid Treatment Collaborative Sex after hysterectomy:  Post Hysterectomy Sex: Your Guide To Sex After Hysterectomy ( Health impact of hysterectomy and age of menopause: What We Know about the Long-Term Risks of Hysterectomy for Benign Indication—A Systematic Review - PMC (
May 16, 2022
27 min
Traditional Chinese Medicine with Jessica Goodman, LaC
In this episode we review the many modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine - acupuncture, herbs, nutrition and lifestyle with my good friend Jessica Goodman - This conversation should be helpful for everyone from the acu-curious to the TCM expert. I love Jessica’s approach to medicine - blending intuition with multiple modalities to create effective patient-centered care. We have been working together for over 10 years - as officemates, collaborators and co-founders of the Vitality Project. While we have retired actively promoting this project and no longer run the seasonal groups - we do offer access to the archives which has 4 seasonal outlines leading folks through a nutritional and lifestyle program for each season.  While the program is weight neutral, it does include some temporary diet modification so be mindful if that isn’t a healthy choice for you. Sign Up for The Vitality Project: 4 Seasons (
May 9, 2022
57 min
Naturopathic Medicine and Perimenopause with Dr. Jody Shevins
In this episode I chat with Dr. Jody Shevins a naturopathic doctor who has been in practice since 1984.  What I love about Dr. Shevins is her pragmatic approach to health care.  She also specializes in … homeopathy!  If there is one touchpoint in the holistic world that seems to polarize folks the most - homeopathy is it.  And while we don’t talk a ton about homeopathy in this episode - it is on the list.  And I encourage folks with strong feelings about this modality to take a listen and keep an open mind.  We even chat about taking a pro-vaccine stance in the naturopathic world - yes, this is a thing!  We review what naturopathic tools are most effective for perimenopause, how to build the best approach for individual patients and how to focus on preventative medicine to extend the healthspan.  *** Quick note - I say HRT (hormone replacement therapy) a lot in tis episode when the better terminology is MHT (menopause hormone therapy).  Working on updating my vocabulary! A supplement Dr. Jody recommends for hot flashes: sponsored).If you want to learn more about using homeopathy and other naturopactic tools for peri/menopausal symtpoms, check out Dr. Shevins online class here: Menopause class - JODY K. SHEVINS, NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR ( Understanding relative versus absolute risk Relative vs absolute risk and odds: Understanding the difference - PMC ( French E3 Cohort study OP-IJEJ140185 801..809 ( WHI review KEEPS trial Pros/Cons of compounding pharmacy Pros and Cons of Pharmacy Compounding (
May 9, 2022
48 min
BFFs in a New Phase of Life
Welcome to a very special episode of The Change - where I chat with my two BFFs for life - April Axe Charmane and Naomi Maestas.  We talk about it all - dating during perimenopasue, vaginl pH, changing intergenerational narratives around aging and more!  Between the three of us we have a rich and varied lived experience and this conversation illuminates the importance of community and conversation during this (and any!) phase of life.  Enjoy!
May 9, 2022
1 hr 8 min
Hormone Therapy - Dr. Gretchen Frey Interview Part 2
My first interview is with Dr. Gretchen Frey an OB/GYN with a specialty in sexual health and hormone therapy.  We had so much great content we split our convo into 2 parts.  Part 2 goes deep into hormone therapy as a treatment option for perimenopausal symptoms.  I love this talk because I think folks are sometimes overly worried when it comes to the safety of hormone therapy and other times expect too much from the treatment results.  Hormone therapy is neither magical silver bullet, nor is it unsafe for all.  Like most therapies it can be a great layer when used for the right person at the right time in the context of a holistic plan.  I hope that this episode helps folks understand their options and adds to their ability to make an informed choice.  Understanding relative versus absolute risk Relative vs absolute risk and odds: Understanding the difference - PMC ( French E3 Cohort study OP-IJEJ140185 801..809 ( WHI review KEEPS trial Pros/Cons of compounding pharmacy Pros and Cons of Pharmacy Compounding (
May 9, 2022
42 min
The Vagina Episode - Dr. Gretchen Frey Interview Part 1
My first interview is with Dr. Gretchen Frey an OB/GYN with a specialty in sexual health and hormone therapy.  Dr. Frey and I have worked together through the years and I love her balanced approach and willingness to embrace integrative care for the benefit of the patient.  We had so much great content we split our convo into 2 parts.  In part 1, we dive into vaginal dryness, libido, treating painful penetrative intercourse and more.   In my experience concerns with vaginal/vulvar symptoms top the list of fears around aging - so please listen because treatment options are available and work extremely well! My starting place for folks wanting to understand the depth and breadth of fatphobia and anti-fat-bias in health care specifically -  Aubrey Gordon  - Great resources for understanding libido: Mating in Captivity  - Mating in Captivity: Reconciling the Erotic and the Domestic by Esther Perel Come as you Are  - Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science that Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski Resources for exploring erotica:   My Secret Garden My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday Erica Lust  - Erika Lust Official Site | Female Porn Director Wicked Films - Soulsex/senior sex
May 9, 2022
35 min
The Foundations of Health During Perimenopause
Hellllloooo! This episode reviews the foundational health habits that can scaffold and support folks as they are navigating perimenopause. It is chock-full of resources - check them out bellow! Katy Bowman - Stack your Life Rainbeuas (where I took square dance lessons - highly recommend!) Hunger, Energy, Cravings - Maintenance Phase - BMI episode Tempest (formerly Hip Sobriety) Quit like a woman -!&&p=79386dd757a56d7ba630b9fba8f1f351c90514bf60d3947353ef49b257e6d024JmltdHM9MTY0OTE3NDA3NSZpZ3VpZD0yN2E0ZWI1NS1kNzMzLTRjNjUtYmEzZi1iMGEyOGM3M2E1YmMmaW5zaWQ9NTE4MA&ptn=3&fclid=b0c9c3e3-b4f8-11ec-8fb4-cef93051888e&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZHJlYWRzLmNvbS9ib29rL3Nob3cvNDU0MzQ0MjAtcXVpdC1saWtlLWEtd29tYW4_bXNjbGtpZD1iMGM5YzNlM2I0ZjgxMWVjOGZiNGNlZjkzMDUxODg4ZQ&ntb=1 Understanding sleep needs : Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke ( My fave sleep mask!!!! Mavogel Cotton Sleep Eye Mask - Updated Design Light Blocking Sleep Mask, Soft and Comfortable Night Eye Mask for Men Women, Eye Blinder for Travel/Sleeping/Shift Work, Includes Travel Pouch, Black : Health & Household F.lux app to decrease blue light exposure f.lux: software to make your life better ( Emily Nagoski and all her amazing work on both burnout and libido: videos & podcasts — Emily Nagoski, Ph.D. Understanding ACE (adverse childhood experience )score What ACEs/PCEs do you have? « ACEs Too High Nap Ministry - the work of Tricia Hersey amplifying the message of “Rest as Resistance” and specifically addressing the importance of rest for Black people. The Nap Ministry | Rest is Resistance (
May 9, 2022
26 min
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