This time we look at the transition from Hallstatt to Le Tene and to what extent it was a succession or a brand new trend. We also finish with a discussion on some Pan-Celtic godsThe episode ends a bit abruptly due to technical issues so wasn't able to record a proper outro
Nov 30, 2023
34 min

Correction I state in the interview the book is out November 1st but it is out today!Something a little different from the CHP, an interview with Award winning Playwriter and novelist Amy Crider!Kells is a Novel set in the 8th centaury AD in the heart and height of the Gaelic world, Connachtach, who trained at the monastery but had to return home due to a family tragedy and now is ready to return to Iona with a single-minded mission, to create a great gospel for the glory of God.This is an interview/review/discussion and my goal is to convince you this novel is worth your time and money because I really believe in this book! Links belowhttps://www.uno.edu/unopress/kells patreon.com/user?u=72235789https://www.instagram.com/celtichistorypodcast/https://www.facebook.com/CelticHistoryPodcast/
Oct 25, 2023
1 hr 2 min

This week we charge towards the end of the Hallstatt chronology and look West to the Princess of Vix! Please find me on Instagram at celtichistorypodcastYou are really missing a lot if you don't follow me there Music on this Episode was provided by: Guifrog & Aisling
Sep 18, 2023
26 min

Part 2 of "The Giant's Castle" as we follow Servus Tullius Priscus into the inner fortress of the Heunneburg and we get an inside peak into the Elite of the Hallstatt CeltsWe take a deep dive into sword craft and speculate about the societal strata of these complex yet tribal people
Apr 7, 2023
51 min

This week we dive into the Hallstatt Heights as we look at the Heuneburg or the "The Giants Castle!" Stay tuned to Instagram for relevant images in the days follow this episodes release.
Feb 9, 2023
37 min

This episode we discuss the background characters who will be playing a major role in the development of the Hallstatt Celts and later La Tene and catch up what the west of the world has been up to while our Celts have been developing.Namely the ancient Bronze age cultures of the Eastern Mediterranean and the early Iron Age cultures of the Western Mediterranean.This episode will be dived into Chapters to help break down the huge amount of new information.Apologies for the lack of effects on this episode, due to recording delays I did not have the time to commit to editing I usually doFor social media links see belowhttps://www.facebook.com/CelticHistoryPodcasthttps://www.instagram.com/celtichistorypodcast/https://twitter.com/CeltHistoryPodhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6APSjq1rtgEWTm2OdHa5gu=72235789#:~:text=www.patreon.com/user%3Fu%3D72235789https://discord.gg/ruxj9QpVLinks to Mapshttps://member.worldhistory.org/image/15310/the-late-bronze-age-collapse-c-1200---1150-bce/https://member.worldhistory.org/image/119/etruscan-civilization/
Oct 5, 2022
32 min

This episode we transition from the more egalitarian societies of chalcolithic Europe to the more Indo-European influenced warrior societies of the Bronze Age.Music credit: "Beyond the Warriors" by Guifrog (Free Music Archive)Visual References:Nebra Sky Disk: https://member.worldhistory.org/article/235/the-nebra-sky-disk---ancient-map-of-the-stars/Bell Beaker Cheif: https://survivethejive.tumblr.com/post/187571993173/formerly-known-as-the-king-of-stonehenge-this-ishttps://www.instagram.com/p/CjIMm_ethGU/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Sep 30, 2022
19 min

Today we have finally reached the Hallstatt Celts! Today we introduced the key concepts and Ideas that led to the development of the Hallstatt Zone! Noticed too late that I forgot to post the personal update that I promised by I will upload this separately soon.Special thanks to artist Aislinn from FreeMusciArchive.com for use of the track Capclear on today's episode and of course usual thanks to Giufrog for the intro/outro music.Please visit my social media for images from today's episode.FacebookInstagramTwitter
Jul 28, 2022
18 min

In this episode we developed into the changes in society and warfare that leads finally to our Celts!Credit to Dan Davis for quotes used in this episode
Apr 8, 2022
23 min

This episode we delve into the earliest ancestors of the Celtic people's know by Archaeologists as the Yamnaya, a Copper Age Nomadic society from which our Celts get their language, genes and much of their culture and world view
Dec 9, 2021
27 min
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