The Cardone Zone
The Cardone Zone
Grant Cardone
194: Holiday Special - When to Lower Prices
38 minutes Posted Nov 24, 2015 at 9:00 am.
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On today’s special holiday episode of Cardone Zone, Grant discusses when to lower your prices and when not to. According to the National Retail Federation, 135.8 million Americans plan to shop on Thanksgiving weekend and nearly 80% of holiday shoppers—183.5 million—are planning to shop on Cyber Monday. There is no doubt that consumers are wasting no time when it comes to shopping. Just this week, Grant slashed the prices at his web store on all of his products. These are the lowest prices ever—up to 90% off. While these prices are rock bottom, one of Grant’s cardinal rules is, “Never use a lower price to close a deal.” So how is his mega Black Friday/November special different? His goal is to reach 7 billion people and he wants everyone to be able to benefit from his content and is using price to get to more people.

Watch as Grant discusses the difference and suggestions: 1) When to lower prices 2) How to strike while the iron is hot 3) The importance of driving traffic