The Cardone Zone
The Cardone Zone
Grant Cardone
160: No Business is Stupid Business
42 minutes Posted Mar 27, 2015 at 10:00 am.
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Grant Cardone shares insights to help the middle class escape the myth and secure wealth.

Grant begins the show referring to New York Magazine article where tech columnist Kevin Roose interviews Netscape creator and power-tweeter Marc Andreessen and their conversation veers into how the middle class is a myth. Grant advises people to quit passing up opportunity and explains how the biggest cities in America all share one common thing. The rich get richer and the middle and poor are pushed down. To drive the point home Grant lists movie roles popular actors passed on such as Bill Murray passing on Forrest Gump, Christian Bale passing on being James Bond and Michelle Pfeiffer passing on Basic Instinct and Pretty Woman. Passing up opportunity is not a good thing for business. Grant also discusses Peyton Manning and his incredible work ethic and 100% all in dedication. Grant offers callers excellent advice and shares these business tips.

Grant’s Business Tips: 1. Never be “Out of Office.” 2. Never Say NO to opportunity. 3. Live where you can earn. 4. Say hello to everyone you see.