The Business of Data Podcast Podcast

The Business of Data Podcast

Business of Data by Corinium
The Business of Data Podcast is dedicated to providing a voice to the Global Data & Analytics community. Each episode is focused on a specific topic area, uncovering the most pertinent issues facing global data & analytics leaders.
Not 'If' But 'When': The Future of Quantum Computing in the Financial Services
Download your copy of our latest research mentioned in this podcast here: Quantum Computing in Financial Services ( The speed of development of quantum technology is growing exponentially. And while the technology is in its infancy, it’s time for financial services firms to start paying attention to the opportunities and the risks it presents. In this conversation, Sergio Gago Huerta, Quantum Computing Lead at Moody’s Analytics discusses these issues considering a recent research report with 200 data analytics and innovation experts on how quantum research is already impacting the industry. In this discussion:   ·        The evolution of quantum technology and where we are today ·        Key takeaways from our latest research on quantum computing in the financial services industry    ·        The near-term impacts of quantum computing ·        How financial services firms should be thinking about
May 25, 2023
30 min
Natwar Mall: ChatGPT, Large Language Models and the Future of Data and Analytics
In this week’s episode of the Business of Data podcast, Natwar Mall, the Chief Technology Officer at Fractal discusses the impact of ChatGPT on large enterprises and how he predicts it will transform the nature of data and analytics.
Apr 20, 2023
21 min
Helen Louwrens: Full Scale Transformation Beyond the Data Team
Helen Louwrens, Director of Data & Insight for the Care Quality Commission, an independent regulator for health and social care services in the UK, reveals takeaways from going through an organization transformation, as well as managing functional change management against the background of the global pandemic.
Apr 13, 2023
25 min
Vladimir Bendikow: Proper Prior Preparation Prevents Self-Service Predicaments
This week, Vladimir Bendikow, CDO of FBN Bank Limited, joins us to discuss the proper preparation that is required to take self-service from ‘concept’ to ‘utopia’ – and how to avoid the most common implementation pitfalls.
Apr 6, 2023
33 min
Fiona James: Leveraging Integrated Data Assets to Future Proof in the Public Sector
Fiona James, Chief Data Officer and Director of Data Growth and Operations at the UK's Office for National Statistics, provides insight into unlocking the power of data sharing and simplifying access to data at the organizational level.
Mar 30, 2023
20 min
Ann Hintzman: Bringing Together Data Science and Design for the Greater Good
Ann Hintzman, Chief Design Officer, Fractal, joins us to chat about the dynamic relationship between data science and design and how bringing these together can empower decisions for the enterprise (and hopefully do some good as well) In this week’s episode of the Business of Data podcast, host April Stackhouse talks with Ann Hintzman, Chief Design Officer for Fractal. Together they discuss how companies can be successful in a data driven environment while still being mindful of the need for people centricity. In the discussion this week: · The correlation between data and design, and how this connects to human behavior · How data leaders can lead the conversation to move forward with digital transformation while remaining open to the needs of the individual · Ways for enterprise organizations to balance profit and environment
Feb 16, 2023
31 min
Bonus Episode: End of Season 12
The end of Season 12, bonus episode! 
Feb 6, 2023
2 min
Paul Lodge: Using Data to Keep a Country Running
Paul Lodge, Chief Data Officer for the Department for Work and Pensions in the UK joins us to chat about what it takes to keep a country running with data In this week's episode of the Business of Data podcast, host Catherine King talks with Paul Lodge, Chief Data Officer for the Department for Work and Pensions. Together they discuss how data made an impact on some of the UK's biggest events in the last 10 years, including the Grenfell Tower tragedy, Brexit, and the covid-19 pandemic. In the discussion this week: Connecting the dots between business and data Surveys and official statistics Moving quickly and effectively through times of stress and change Data security, privacy, and fraud
Feb 2, 2023
32 min
Karine Serfaty: Maturing the Data Culture within The Economist
Karine Serfaty, Chief Data Officer for The Economist joins us to talk about what it takes to mature a data culture successfully. In this week's episode of the Business of Data podcast, host Catherine King talks with Karine Serfaty, Chief Data Officer for British Newspaper, The Economist. Together they discuss what green-field opportunities Karine was able to exploit when she walked into her role in 2020, and how she's setting herself up for data cultural maturity. In the discussion this week: The importance of strategic direction Mindset & growth Lessons learned Data as a mission-critical component Pros of not having a traditional  data background
Jan 26, 2023
29 min
Mark Brady: The Sky is the Limit - Insights from the US Space Force
In this week's episode of the Business of Data podcast, host Catherine King talks with Mark Brady, Chief Data Officer for the US Space Force. Together they discuss strategy, impact, and AI. In the discussion this week: Future applications of AI in the US Space Force Current definitions of AI The Data Strategy behind the US Space Force Data as a mission-critical component Cultural barriers
Jan 19, 2023
26 min
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