The BreakDown with tR3’bøR Podcast

The BreakDown with tR3’bøR

King tR3’bøR
Everything from nodding your head to feeling shame after masturbating. From the innocence of children to the separation of humans. From BLM&numerology to CRT&feminism. Politics, religion, nursery rhymes, COVID, relationships, holidays, social (media) and the list goes on. I, tR3’bøR, breakdown a wide variety of topics to bring you what I hope will enlighten you and I alike. This is going to be a wild and bumpy ride that may touch you in ways you don’t want to be touched. Listen at your own discretion…
to Mask or Not to Mask
3years after Covid strikes and many people no longer wear a mask while many others never stopped. Have you forgotten about Covid, are you too busy worrying about new diseases like Monkey Pox or do you just need something to listen to and perhaps think on during your 30min lunch break.?? Either way, LIKE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE and as always ENJOY
Oct 11, 2022
30 min
Sorry, no spoilers for this one.. just listen and comment. nJoy!
Jan 26, 2022
12 min
UberTalk: What Happened To Men
I decided to ask a one of my female Uber drivers her take on what is happening to the men, in at least our country, that’s helping to drive the MeToo and Feminism movements
Dec 23, 2021
7 min