Boomy is back once again to deliver for your ashamed amusement his typical ranty and edgy gaming fun. Lot's of news: Swtor, World of Warcraft! SO MUCH MORE. And he sorta goes off into the usual.
Nov 18, 2017
54 min
Boomy is back! It's been a long break, but our Lord and Master--the Black Sheep of SWTOR--has returned! On this episode Boomy talks about what he's been up to. The future of his entertainment empire. Server Merges. Fall Road Map and much, much more!
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Oct 8, 2017
1 hr 3 min
On this Episode, Boomy is back to talk about the 5.4 Road Map for SWTOR and more updates about the new Umbara Stronghold choo-choo train! General chat is here with a new question that Boomy try's to answer. Boomy also delves lightly into the world of anxiety and how we as members of our gaming communities need to be there to help those who are asking for it, and not assume that someone else is helping them. You never know, you could be that small light in a world of darkness that someone needs.
Jul 31, 2017
44 min
On this episode, Boomy digs into some news. Discusses his thoughts about the new Manaan Stronghold and how Bioware really missed the mark on how much potential the underwater portion of the stronghold has! Also, Boomy get's serious about what can and possibly can't be said in chat. He tackles the senstive and touchy subject of what is considered Hate Speech, especially when you focus the lense in an MMO world.
New Segment: General Chat: If you have any questions about issues you're having with another person in-game, or just need some advice; Boomy will answer your questions!
Jul 18, 2017
1 hr 7 min
Boomy is back again with another funfilled episode of.....the usual chibberish. On this episode, Boomy discusses a new project he is working on. Also, Boomy talk's about the hard work that goes into being a Community Manager and how Eric Musco is leading the way in being an amazing CM. And other weird things!
Jun 23, 2017
1 hr 2 min
The master has returned from the shadows of the dark twisting nether, or as some call it...the bathroom. In this episode, Boomy discusses what he's been up to, games he's played and other such fun. Boomy also discusses playing the new Mass Effect, and how he believes that Bioware, though putting out a enjoyable game, really missed the mark. Boomy also talks about how the design for the 5.2 dailies in SWTOR had the most horrible he has ever seen in any game. Bioware should be ashamed. Also, depravity, Or Beatrice as she is known.
May 27, 2017
1 hr
In this episode, our Lord and Master, talks about his time in WoW and SWTOR, along with a deep look into what we have in WoW's patch 7.2 and some musings on SWTORs 5.2 delayed patch. Todays main topic covers the twisty and sticky world of SWTOR allowing players to switch their factions in the new Iokath world PvP and how Boomy believes this is a horrible design. Plus more weirdness from the cast and crew in his mind!
Apr 13, 2017
1 hr 9 min
In this episode, our Master talks about his abundant time in World of Warcraft, new guilds annnnnd that's it. NO!!! SWTOR Patch 5.2 in April and World of Warcraft 7.2 this coming Tuesday! Lot's of the things!
Mar 27, 2017
54 min
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