The Bible as Literature
The Bible as Literature
The Ephesus School
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How To Play Both Sides Without Waffling
24 minutes Posted Feb 17, 2016 at 6:58 pm.
-40. (Episode 109; 1 Corinthians 7:25-40); Subscribe:; "Conflicted" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http:// creativecommons .org/ licenses /by/3.0/)
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For as long as religion has been around, people have come forward with a single, destructive question: "O religious leader, what does our religion say," or, "What does our religious leader say about X?" One way or another, people eventually find someone who can provide clarity on issue X. Then everybody gives a big sigh of relief until someone comes along with a different opinion about said issue, X. By now, I'm sure our podcast listeners are asking the real question, namely, how does St. Paul solve the question of issue X? Well, he explains, "I think the answer is X, but then again, I think the answer is Y. But then again, it could be X, but, then again, if it's not, or if maybe it is, keep in mind--now, this is just my opinion--but I think Y is also fine, so long as you keep your priorities straight." Richard and Fr. Marc discuss 1 Corinthians
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