The Bible as Literature
The Bible as Literature
The Ephesus School
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Because You Have Rejected Knowledge
27 minutes Posted May 20, 2015 at 5:38 pm.
) Aside from having no real or legitimate connection to the Bible (or reality) such claims always deflect God's wrath, leveling judgment at other groups and other cultures but never at the Bible's intended audience: the person reading it. In this week's episode, Richard and Fr. Marc reflect on Hosea 4 and the insight it brings to recent examples of aberrant behavior among pre-teens. The discussion demonstrates how the Bible can and should be applied to current events without succumbing to self-righteousness or ignorance. (Episode 70; Subscribe:
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Fundamentalists are quick to apply biblical texts to current events, making fantastic claims about world leaders, foreign countries, and, as Matthew says, about "wars and rumors of war." (Matthew
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