The BHooked Podcast for Crocheters & Knitters Podcast
The BHooked Podcast for Crocheters & Knitters
Brittany: Crochet Designer, Crochet Instructor, Broadcast Personality, Professional Blogger and Serial Fiber Artist
The BHooked Podcast for Crocheters & Knitters
Brittany: Crochet Designer, Crochet Instructor, Broadcast Personality, Professional Blogger and Serial Fiber Artist
Brittany's primary goal is to inspire you and help you grow in your craft with The BHooked Podcast. Through her own stories and the stories of each special guest, you'll discover tips and tricks to improve your crochet and knitting skills and find inspiration to achieve your hobby goals. When you want to kick back and learn from yarn industry experts, grab some yarn and turn on The BHooked Podcast. There's never a shortage of all things crochet, knitting or yarn.
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Latest episode
5 years ago
November 28, 2019
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