The Best of The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show with Rob McConnell Podcast

The Best of The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show with Rob McConnell

Rob McConnell
Welcome to The 'X' Zone.... a place where Fact is Fiction and Fiction is Reality where Canadian broadcaster, the host, creator, and executive producer, Rob McConnell has been at the helm of this Internationally syndicated terrestrial radio, TV and satellite program since 1990.Topics that are discussed with those that Rob interviews from around the world include:11:11, 2012, 666: The Number Of The Beast, 9/11, Alien Abduction, Aliens, Angels, Apocalypse, Astrology, Atlantis, The Bible, Chinese Astrology, Conspiracy Theories, Cosmology, Crop Circles, Cryptozoology, Crystals, Demonology, Dreams And Dream Interpretation, Electronic Voice Phenomena, End Times, End-Time Prophecies, ESP, Exorcism, Extraterrestrial Communication, Fairies, Forbidden Knowledge, Ghosts, Government Cover-ups, Hauntings, Herbalism, Kennedy Assassination, Kirlian Photography, Life After Death, Lost Tribes And Civilizations, Mind Over Matter, Near-Death Experience, Nostradamus, Numerology, Occult, Ouija Boards, Palmistry, Paranormal Hoaxes And Frauds, Paranormal, Parapsychology, Past Life Regression, Precognition, PSI, Psychic Phenomena, Psychic Phenomenon, Psychic Surgery, Raelians, Reincarnation, Remote Viewing, Sacred Geometry, Science Fiction, Séances, Shadow People, Shamanism, Spiritualists, Tarot Cards, The Apocalypse, The Bermuda Triangle, The Dalai Lama, The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Michigan Triangle, Time Travel, UFO Crashes, UFOs, Unsolved Mysteries, Vile Vortices, VooDoo, Wicca, Zombies and much more!Since 1990, Rob has interviewed more than 4,500 guests, a list of which can be view at www.guestsofthex.comTo read what guests have said about their visit to The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show, go to www.xzoneguestcomments.comIf you would like to be a guest on The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show, go to and tell us about yourself and why you would like to come on the show.Now, our The Best of The 'X' Zone Radio/TV Show with Rob McConnell
Rob McConnell Interviews - COREY KNOETTGEN - Cyber Security Expert on Cyber Safety
Cybersecurity is an essential aspect of our increasingly digital world, focusing on the protection of information systems and networks from unauthorized access, data breaches, and cyber threats. With the rapid advancement of technology, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has become paramount. It involves a combination of proactive measures like implementing firewalls, encryption techniques, and access controls, as well as reactive measures such as incident response and threat intelligence analysis. Cybersecurity professionals work diligently to identify vulnerabilities, develop safeguards, and stay one step ahead of malicious actors, helping to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of digital assets. As our reliance on technology grows, cybersecurity plays a crucial role in preserving the trust and security of individuals, organizations, and society as a whole.
Sep 9, 2023
39 min
Rob McConnell Interviews - ELLIOTT VAN DUSEN - 2023 Halifax Paranormal Symposium
Elliott Van Dusen has been fascinated with both the supernatural and law enforcement since childhood. Elliott graduated from Saint Mary’s University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in criminology. He completed 15 years of service with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police before retiring at the rank of Corporal. He spent his policing career specializing in major crimes; homicide, sex crimes, and drug enforcement. He currently serves as the Director of Paranormal Phenomena Research & Investigation. He has earned a diploma in parapsychology from the Stratford Career Institute, a doctorate degree in parapsychology from the American International University, and has taken additional parapsychological training from the Nova Scotia Community College, University of Edinburgh’s Koestler Parapsychology Unit, Rhine Education Center, and the University of Ottawa. He is currently completing his Master of Arts in counselling psychology degree from Yorkville University. Elliott’s parapsychological work has also been featured on the Discovery Channel, The Globe and Mail, The Daily News, The Chronicle Herald, and several podcasts and radio stations. He has written and published three professional books. In May 2018 he released his first book entitled Evil in Exeter. It was based on an investigation he conducted into one Rhode Island family’s terrifying haunting. On September 1, 2020 his second book, Supernatural Encounters: True Paranormal Accounts from Law Enforcement was released. On October 26, 2021 his third book More Supernatural Encounters from Law Enforcement was released.
Sep 9, 2023
39 min
Rob McConnell Interviews - DR. DAVID GRUDER - The Center For Enlightened Self-Sovereignty
Dr. David Gruder is a clinical and organizational psychologist, an eightaward-winning author, and a highly sought speaker, trainer, and trusted advisor. He is the founder and CEO of Integrity Revolution, which “helps ‘everyday people to world leaders’ create sustainable happiness, health, love and success without sacrificing personal integrity or social responsibility,” through providing Essential Psychological Skills for Extraordinary Businesses, Leaders, and Wellbeing™. Their Integrity Stimulus Plan is a universal, transpartisan, nondenominationally spiritual framework for co-creating integrity-centered sustainable solutions to the vast challenges we face today as individuals, families, communities, businesses, societies and a planet.Well into his fourth decade as a “Merlin” of personal, relationship and leadership transformation, Dr. Gruder is internationally acclaimed as a foremost expert in how to reconnect integrity with sustainable happiness, health, and prosperity. A frequent guest on many radio talk shows throughout North America, “Radio & Television Interview Reports” has hailed Dr. Gruder as “America’s Integrity Expert.” A trusted advisor to leaders and businesses, he is an Equanicity Resources faculty member and serves as Special Counsel to CEO Space International’s Board & Chairman, in addition to teaching classes for members, providing behind-the-scenes training programs for faculty, club presidents and Forum staff, and serving on the Faculty Integrity Team.His speaking, training and consulting engagements have ranged from the Sanoviv Medical Institute in Mexico to the Transactional Analysis Institute in Switzerland, from family-run businesses to American Express work teams, from Leaders Causing Leaders to the World President’s Organization, and from the San Diego County Department of Education’s Management Academy to ambassadors to the World Trade Organization. He also served as the founding president of the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology.A masterful wordsmith in addition to being a psychologist, Dr. Gruder also co-authors books with high profile individuals whose life story offers valuable lessons in personal or professional development, such as the just-released “Conversations With the King,” which he co-authored with Elvis Presley’s stepbrother, David Stanley.Dr. Gruder’s last book, “The New IQ: How Integrity Intelligence Serves You, Your Relationships and Our World,” won six awards for its solutions to today’s massive deficits in personal, relationship, corporate, governmental, and leadership integrity. The website converts this material into a step-by-step self-guided curriculum for integrating your happiness, health, prosperity, and ability to make a positive difference in your chosen spheres of influence. His next book is tentatively titled, The Hijacking of Happiness.Based in San Diego, CA, with his wife Laurie, Dr. Gruder is also an ordained interfaith clergy, and an Elder with the ManKind Project, an international nonprofit organization of men creating a safer world by stepping into mature masculinity and living in integrity with their life mission.
Sep 9, 2023
41 min
Rob McConnell Interviews - HELEN REES - Australian Psychic, Medium and Pastor
Psychic Medium : As a spiritual and psychic medium of twenty years, her focus is on spiritual healing for mind, body, and soul. With a working background in finance and accounting, she has come ¬to appreciate the importance of bridging the gap between the material and spiritual worlds. Betty Shine, a mind energy healer , once wrote, “It is up to every one of us to seek knowledge, improve the power of our mind, and discover what we are really capable of with the expansion of the mind, health, excitement, and positivity – and very important- independence and self-reliance.” Armed with a light-hearted attitude, she resonates strongly with this view and teach others not to give in and move forward regardless of life obstacles, she believes the key to success is love. Gifted with organisational skills Helen utilizes this ability by creating and managing events for individuals who want to develop their intuition for awakening their potential for success in life and business by showcasing international and local professional speakers and presenters in a range of areas such as, mediumship, neuroscience topics, and many more. Helen’s core values inspire her dedication to community services in a range of ways with a significant contribution to the Spiritualist Church Brisbane, QLD as Vice President, and educational facilitator in the areas of Spirituality, Healing, and the Psychic.
Sep 9, 2023
33 min
Rob McConnell Interviews - MARK ANTHONY - The JD Psychic Explorer
Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer (Psychic Lawyer®) is a fourth-generation psychic medium who communicates with spirits. He is known as “The Psychic Explorer” due to his extensive background in science, quantum physics, survival of consciousness, near-death experiences, history, archaeology, philosophy and theology. He examines mystical locations in the US and remote corners of the world to explore ancient ruins, mysteries and supernatural phenomena.
Sep 9, 2023
50 min
Rob McConnell Interviews - GLORIA PREMA - The Paranormal: It's All Light
While science has become corrupted and politicized in recent years and people are saying 'I don't know what's true anymore', Gloria Prema's 2009 book unifying science and spirituality, is more relevant than ever. It's All Light explains simply, the theory that unites the forces of science along with the mysteries and common experiences of spirituality in a brilliant and illuminating book. The theory demonstrates that everything is made of light, held together by sound and that coherent light is what we call Love. It's All Light concludes that Love is the ultimate aim of our evolution via the medium of the individual soul, which is a hologram; holo (whole) gram (message) ‘Whole Message’. All science, all religious doctrines, all spiritual disciplines and experiences are contained within the ‘Whole Message’. This is a truly unifying theory.
Sep 9, 2023
33 min
Rob McConnell Interviews - PAUL DALE ROBERTS - Halo Paranormal Investigations
Paul Dale Roberts is the co-owner of HPI (Halo Paranormal Investigations). Roberts’ wife Deanna Jaxine Stinson – Psychic Medium is the other co-owner of HPI. Roberts in 2004 became a paranormal investigator and with over 2500 investigations under his belt and over a few thousand paranormal articles he has written lead him to many documentaries. From History Channel’s Monsterquest (Mothman episode) to Conversations of a Serial Killer by Two Four Productions to Showtime’s Penn & Teller Bullshit – Mayan Prophesy of 2012 to 3 Biography Channel’s My Ghost Stories to Mysteries of Angels and Demons by Ives Street Entertainment to Michael Jackson: You are not Alone/In Search of his Spirit.
Sep 9, 2023
40 min
Rob McConnell Interviews - HOLLY HALL - Astrologer, Clairvoyant
Educated in psychology and philosophy, Holly Hall is a renowned psychic and master astrologer. She combines that background with neuro-linguistic programming, powerful intuition, and direct contact with the universal consciousness to help thousands of clients tap into the universal collective mind. “My favorite aspect in astrology is the fact that I can see into the depths of your soul simply by looking at the chart,” Hall says. “The chart is the map of the sky the day, the place, and the moment you were born. I strongly believe in past lives as the Buddhists and Hindus do. Therefore, knowing your path and healing your soul in order to evolve is important.” Through studying the works of scientists like Nassim Haramein and Gregg Braden, Hall has formulated an understanding of how the universe speaks to whom we are and why we are here. She has training in past-life regression, astrology, and life coaching, and she uses her talents to help people stay on track, navigate future plans, strategize business and career choices, heal relationships, and better understand others.
Sep 9, 2023
37 min
Rob McConnell Interviews - PATRICK ZAKHM - Paranormal Investigator, Alien Communicator
Patrick Zakhm is a Paranormal investigator, Psychic detective, Soul communicator (communicate with souls of murdered victims-working on some unsolved murder cases right now). He has a window, a spiritual window that opens up above and in front of him and souls come and stand in it and he communicates with them. He cannot open this window at will. Only those on the other side can open it. Aliens from other planers also seem to come through this same medium of communication, my spiritual window.
Sep 9, 2023
23 min
Rob McConnell Interviews  - JEFF KRAUSE - From MUFON to UFO Whistleblowers
Jeff Krause is the MUFON State Section Director for Tri-County Section in California, which consists of San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties and a Field Investigator with MUFON for San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Kings, Kern, Tulare, and Inyo Counties.
Sep 9, 2023
41 min
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