The strength of the ministry of the church lies in the strength of the men that lead her, so then the leaders that the Church should esteem are the ones willing to live, work, and die for Christ. We’ll see this exemplified in Paul’s short account of Epaphroditus.
In Philippians 2:25-30 Paul commends the man Epaphroditus to the Philippians, relating the dire circumstances around his honorable ministry to himself, and instructing them on how to treat him now that he has returned.
His Strength of Character (v25-26)
His Sickness & God’s Mercy (v27-28)
The Command to Esteem Such Men as Him (v29-30)
For more sermons, visit The Battle and The Bride
Sermon Preached 10/16/2022 at Covenant Heritage Reformed Church in Hampton, Virginia
Oct 18, 2022
42 min

This is a sermon preached by fellow Reformation Seminary student Phillip Paramore:
There is only one true Gospel that always points us to the Lord Jesus and any other Gospel guides men to hell.
1. There is only one Gospel (Everything else is a false counterfeit)
2. False Gospels lead people to hell
3. The true Gospel always points to and glorifies Jesus Christ
1. We must boldly refute false gospels
2. We must have an urgency to boldly proclaim the one true Gospel
Oct 14, 2022
43 min

The church always needs qualified pastors, but sometimes they are given exceptional men.
In Philippians 2:19-24, Paul shows us the qualities he requires of a man that he considers exceptionally qualified to minister to the needs of the church, and he shows us this example in the person of Timothy.
Encouragement & Care (v19-20)
Proven Character (v21-22)
Urgency (v23-24)
Sermon preached at Covenant Heritage Reformed Church on October 9th, 2022
Oct 10, 2022
31 min

Our Works Are Wine
What does Paul mean when he compares himself and the Philippians to drink offerings? What does the Old Testament have to say about drink offerings, and how does it apply in the New Covenant?
In Philippians 2:17-18, Paul teaches us that the Christian can be glad and rejoice even in the most toilsome work because their service is a joyful drink offering poured out to the Lord Jesus Christ, and we all share in drinking that wine with God at his table.
The Theology of the Drink Offering by Peter Leithart
Concerning Wine and Beer by Jeffery Meyers
Sermon preached at Covenant Heritage Reformed Church on October 2, 2022
Oct 4, 2022
32 min

God empowers the humble Christian to desire and accomplish his will, even while living among manifold temptations, and He enables us to rejoice while doing it.
As we continue in our study of Paul’s epistle to the Philippians, we are currently in the middle of his teaching on humility and its bearing on the life of a Christian. As he led into this, he emphasized at the end of chapter 1 that it has been granted for them by God to both believe in Christ and to suffer for him. Thus, their salvation being secured, he now goes on to teach them how to live in the midst of that suffering. To do this, he commanded them to do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but rather to be unified and hold one another in greater esteem than themselves. And in order to illustrate the necessity for this command, he gave us the illustration of our Lord Jesus Christ, who being truly God, willingly condescended and humbled himself by taking the form of a servant - a man. Thus, being truly God and truly man, he continued to humble himself by being obedient to his Heavenly Father’s will unto death on a cross. A death that was intended for us and deserved by us for our sinful rebellion. And yet he went and died willingly in our place. As a result, God highly exalted him - giving him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus Christ every single knee in creation shall bow down in worship, and every single tongue shall open their mouths and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. And in that final point, we also saw the Christian hope of being glorified with him.
Now, having given that illustration, Paul now sets out in the next several verses to help them apply that information in practical ways for practical reasons. And this brings us to our passage.
In Philippians 2:12-16, Paul teaches us that Christians who maintain an attitude of humility will be empowered by God to rejoice while living obedient and godly lives in the midst of temptations and sufferings. First we will see the transformed will, then we will see how that affects our growth in godliness, and then we will finally see the Christian's ability to rejoice in the work - in the midst of running and laboring.
The Transformed Will (v12-13)
Growing in Godliness (v14-16)
Rejoicing in the Work (v16)
Sep 26, 2022
29 min

In order to live like Christ, you must think like Christ.
In Philippians 2:1-11 Paul gives us a command to live in unity and humility and then shows us the example of Christ’s humility and exaltation in order to encourage us to live humble lives in the expectation of sharing in eternal glory.
Sep 19, 2022
45 min

Though Our Hearts Be in Heaven, Our Hands Must Be at Work
In Philippians 1:19-30, Paul Teaches 5 Truths About a Christian’s Sufferings in Order for Us to Be Hopeful, Fruitful, and Courageous in the Midst of Trials and Persecutions.
Hope (v19-20)
Determination (v21-22)
Conflict (v23-24)
Goal (v25-28)
Gift (v29-30)
Sep 12, 2022
42 min

As Christians, we need to be good stewards of our time and resources, being sure that we are walking wisely in all our affairs. From the teachers we learn from to the way we manage our household, walk in love and walk wisely by the power of God through His Holy Spirit.
Verse: Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. - Ephesians 5:15-16 ESV
All Out War Podcast - The guys are doing great work for the Kingdom in helping develop a consistent supernatural worldview, and talking about the kind of stuff that people have questions about.
Mail The Gospel - A way to mail the gospel to your friends and family, or buy quality gospel tracts
The Philippians Series - Here is the first message
Sep 2, 2022
30 min

This week’s study focuses heavily on the Doctrine of Providence while also looking at the Work of the Holy Spirit, Man’s Union with Christ, and Preaching as a means of grace.
MAIN IDEA: God uses all circumstances, whether good or bad, pure or selfish, to further the gospel of Jesus Christ.
In Philippians 1:12-18 Paul Teaches Us Three Ways in Which the Gospel Advances Despite Adverse Circumstances so that You Can Be Confident and Encouraged That God Will Always Accomplish His Purpose.
The Furtherance of the Gospel Despite Paul’s Chains
Preaching Out of Envy & Goodwill
Christ is Preached
Aug 29, 2022
43 min

In order to live like Jesus Christ and glorify God, a Christian must abound in love so that they can develop good discernment, which produces excellent judgment that leads to blamelessness and righteous living.
Philippians 1:9-11 Will Teach You Four Cascading Results of Abounding Christian Love So That You Can Live a Righteous Life to the Glory of God.
I. The Abounding Love of the Christian Unto Knowledge and Discernment
II. The Abounding Love of the Christian Unto Excellent Judgment
III. The Abounding Love of the Christian Unto Blamelessness
IV. The Abounding Love of the Christian Bearing the Righteous Fruit of Christ
Aug 24, 2022
36 min
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