This Season will be all about the WildSeed Society, an awesome new project I'm honored to be a part of. WildSeed is a still-being-birthed collective, but the best way to describe it is that it's a non-denominational church for activists - both in the sense of being a gathering space for those interested in building a more just, liberated, and joyful world to explore the deeper parts of our collective existence *and* as a hub for organizing and resource sharing amongst projects that make direct impact in the lives of our communities.
Joining me this season will be Aaron Goggans and Chany Singh. Aaron (he/they) is one of the (if not the) main instigators of the WildSeed Society. Aaron is a visionary, writer, philosopher and organizer. Aaron works on building ecologies of liberation where the currently impossible becomes probable. Chany (she/her) is an administrative magician, co-creative team player who is newer to activism. She's here for the beginners out there to keep talk grounded and accessible.
We'll have a number of conversations about WildSeed, exploring what it means to us and how we hope to bring it alive in the world. Please reach out with questions/comments/anything else.