The Audacity to Podcast
The Audacity to Podcast
Daniel J. Lewis
6 Ways Podcasters and Podcast-Fans Can Celebrate International Podcast Day in 2016
27 minutes Posted Sep 20, 2016 at 6:39 am.
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International Podcast Day is September 30. Here's how to celebrate podcasting, whether you're a podcaster or a podcast fan!

How podcasters can celebrate International Podcast Day

Of course, we have a lot to celebrate. Podcasting may have enabled us to pursue our dreams, build lifelong relationships, enjoy new hobbies, and much more.

1. Meetup with local podcasters

Check, Facebook communities, and Twitter searches to find other podcasters in your area. Meetup for a meal, a snack, or simply to hang out and watch the International Podcast Day live stream.

2. Do something live with your audience

Consider an open Q&A, fan-appreciation day, or behind the scenes. Any way you can help your audience celebrate International Podcast Day with you.

3. Submit your podcast for the Gratitude Award

For the 2016 International Podcast Day Gratitude Award, your podcast will win based on global reach, as measured through international podcast reviews in iTunes. Get more details from the International Podcast Day website.

How podcast-fans can celebrate International Podcast Day

Celebrating podcasting isn't only for the podcasters, it's for the fans, too!

4. Share your favorite podcasts with others

Blog, post on social networks, email your friends, or tell anyone you meet about your favorite podcasts. Not only what they are, but how to subscribe and why they should.

5. Support the podcasts and podcast apps you enjoy

Podcasters need support. So if you truly appreciate the value you're getting week after week, put that gratefulness into action! Write a review, purchase their products, join their community, send a donation, mail a letter or fun item.

And think about your podcast app. Consider the huge amount of life-changing value and connections you get through podcasts compared to what you get through TV. Is that worth $10 per year or whatever your preferred podcast app costs? (Hint: the answer is probably “YES!” That's why I'm a proud premium user of Overcast.)

6. Try a new, niche podcast

You may be loving the podcasts you listen to, and you see the popular articles recommend the popular podcasts. But I suggest you find a smaller, more niche podcast that hasn't received news coverage and doesn't have a big audience.

For example, check out any of the “7 Great Podcasts You Probably Haven't Heard” I blogged about on my personal site.

Many more ideas

There are plenty of other ways to celebrate International Podcast Day on the site. However you celebrate, tag it with #PodcastDay.

Also, listen to my 2015 episode with Steve Lee about how to celebrate International Podcast Day.

Thank you for the podcast reviews!

  • Stephen, host of Heartland Running, said, “The perfect name. Thank you for this show Daniel. Your great advice did give me ‘The Audacity' to start my podcast. I had been wanting to start a podcast about running in the midwest for more than a year but didn't know how to go about it. Your show really did give me the confidence to finally launch Heartland Running Podcast. Thank you again.”

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