The Audacity to Podcast
The Audacity to Podcast
Daniel J. Lewis
5 New Year’s Resolutions for Podcasters
26 minutes Posted Dec 29, 2015 at 9:03 am.
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It's the new year and this is a time for many New Year's resolutions. Here are five podcasting resolutions I suggest for your podcast in the coming 365 days (even if it's not New Year's Day).

1. Resolve to publish consistently

Consistency is one of the most important aspect of building an audience around content.

You may justify a short hiatus because of holidays or other events, but those could be prime opportunities to make your podcast stand out and gain a new audience.

What changes would you have to make in order to not miss a single episode for the next year?

2. Resolve to improve

Regardless of where you are in podcasting, there's still room to improve. Consider the five cornerstones of a great podcast:

  1. Content—the message you share
  2. Presentation—how you communicate the message
  3. Production—the technical side
  4. Promotion—how you market your podcast
  5. Profit—the purpose and goals of your podcast

Improving your podcast after episode 1 is the focus of Podcasters' Society. So maybe you need to join Podcasters' Society in order to fulfill this resolution!

Critically evaluate your own podcast (or ask someone else to do it). What areas do you see where you can improve?

3. Resolve to grow your audience

I think we would all love to have a larger audience. Growing your audience is usually not a passive thing. It takes extra work, some planning, and maybe some financial investments. It takes real action to grow your podcast beyond standard “podcast inflation.”

What can you do to grow our podcast audience larger than if you did nothing?

4. Resolve to attend a relevant, in-person event

Networking is hugely beneficial—not only for the potential to meet new people and partner, but also the new energy such events can infuse into your passions!

I love Podcast Movement and other social-media conferences, but the best event for you may be something far more relevant to your niche. Consider other local, regional, national, or international events that may have far more people interested in your niche.

For ideas, look at conference sites like Lanyard, Meetup, or industry websites and publications.

5. Resolve to do something new and bold

Lastly, try something radical this year!

There are so many opportunities to do something new and bold that you might get overwhelmed. But pick only one and resolve to accomplish it in the coming year.

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