The Audacity to Podcast
The Audacity to Podcast
Daniel J. Lewis
How to Prerecord Episodes with Audacity and WordPress
33 minutes Posted Oct 5, 2010 at 7:14 pm.
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During my honeymoon, I had several episodes of the Ramen Noodle and The Audacity to Podcast automatically post. How can you prerecord and schedule your episodes to magically post while you are away? I share some tips for workflow, Audacity, and WordPress.

This week's Audacity tip is the power of the pause button.


Brian from Small Biz Kaizen shares some constructive critical feedback and raises points that I neglected to mention when I spoke on the need for verbal organization in episode 15.

Scott shares a success from advice I gave in episode 12 about getting an analog-to-digital converter for reducing digital interference noise. Scott bought a Syba SD-CM-UAUD USB Stereo Audio Adapter for $10 shipped (now $14 + shipping) and it worked perfectly.

Tips for prerecording podcast episodes

  1. Be organized and plan ahead.
  2. Consider bringing guests onto the show to provide content.
  3. When you're in “the zone” could be the best time to prerecord.
  4. Name your episodes and write your shownotes immediately after recording.
  5. Try to have your shownotes written ahead of time.
  6. Keep it simple! The less editing you perform, the quicker you can prerecord your episodes. Consider even allowing a few more “glitches” than you might normally allow.
  7. Don't feel like you have to release episodes while you're gone, unless you have contractual obligations. Sometimes a break is nice, and it ensures your listeners won't fall behind (especially around holidays). In fact, iTunes will pause (not unsubscribe) your listeners' subscriptions if they fall behind.

    iTunes pauses unlistened subscriptions, not unsubscribes them

  8. Schedule your post in WordPress to automatically post while you're away.

    Schedule a podcast to post for you

Audacity tip: pause while recording

Don't forget the power of the pause button! Use it wisely, and you may not need any postproduction! The keyboard shortcut on Windows and OS X is P (for pause).

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