The Art Of Quantum Healing Podcast

The Art Of Quantum Healing

Leisa Nadler
Find abundant happiness, health, and wealth through spirituality with Leisa. Leisa Nadler is an Activator, Soul Alchemist, Trauma Release Practitioner, Light Language Facilitator, and a No 1 Bestselling Author. She helps others with their journey to ascension and enlightenment, transforming old worn-out survival mechanisms that no longer serve them. Leisa drafts new cognitive, neural, and cathartic pathways, bringing undetected areas into life through light work and intuitive sacred healing arts, dissolving old non-serving beliefs systems and archaic methods, and forging a way for people to establish and embody all that is new and nourishing, encouraging and supportive. The Art of The Quantum Healing is all about Trauma, Mental Health, and Healing. Leisa will be sharing my own encounters with drugs, abuse, and self-sabotage. She will also be welcoming guests who have overcome trauma and found happiness, health, and wealth through spirituality. Leisa‘s mission is to help women high vibe and thrive with inner peace, passion, and purpose!
Healing From Chronic Pain With Elizabeth Kipp
Here’s what Western Medicine has got wrong:   Focusing on curing SYMPTOMS instead of curing the ROOT CAUSES. And the root causes of an illness can be so much more complex and deep than we think. Once you understand the deeper layers, you can create changes that can heal you and allow you to step into a version of yourself that is healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. Same goes for those dealing with chronic pain, a condition that Western medicine claims to have no cure for. But what if I told you that there ARE ways to heal chronic pain?   Even better, my guest on today’s podcast, @Elizabeth Kipp will share all her knowledge about healing chronic pain holistically.  Elizabeth has healed from over 40 years of chronic pain, including anxiety, panic attacks, and 32 years of addiction to prescribed opiate and benzodiazepine medication. She now works to help others achieve the same healing that she experienced directly from the work she teaches. As a Chronic Pain Specialist, Yoga-Informed Addiction Recovery Coach, Ancestral Clearing® Practitioner, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, she focuses on helping people realize the power of their inherent healing.  This is an episode not to be missed!   Learn more about Leisa and her services here:  Learn more about Elizabeth and how she can help you: 
Feb 17, 2022
51 min
A Conversation About Victimhood With Robin Cotè
My guest, today, SHINES!   She lives by my strongest belief: Your past does not define you, YOU DO.   And that’s why I am so thrilled to have her on my podcast “The Art Of Quantum Healing” today. It’s my honour to welcome @Robin Cote as we talk about victimhood and how to break free from PTSD.   Surviving staggering loss throughout her life; becoming a widow at 33, and losing her young daughter, Robin taught herself how to heal. Robin is a survivor, not only of loss but also of domestic violence, verbal and emotional abuse, rape, and bullying and has become an outspoken advocate for victims.    Learn more about Leisa and her services here:    Follow Robin and discover more of what she does on Instagram:   
Feb 10, 2022
53 min
A Conversation About Plant Medicine With Jonathan de Potter
Last year, I share my life-changing experience with plant medicine. During my plant medicine journey with Ayhawaska, my body spoke to me in a way I have never felt. She communicated to me her deepest desires, wants and needs through visions. Clarity, bliss and magical... Which makes my conversation with Jonathan today even more impactful! Today on our episode, I am honoured to welcome Jonathan de Potter. Jonathan is the Founder & CEO of Behold Retreats, a bespoke wellness service that facilitates journeys of self-discovery and transformation, supported by the scientifically proven benefits of plant medicine therapy. Jonathan is passionate about raising awareness on the benefits of plant medicine therapy, and its potential to improve wellbeing and mental health outcomes.   Learn more about Leisa and her services here: Follow Jonathan and discover more of what he does on Instagram:
Feb 3, 2022
54 min
A Conversation About Living More With Less With Candice Smiley
I LOVED interviewing this divine soul and I am certain that YOU will love it too! Tune in to today’s episode of my podcast The Art Of Quantum healing where I connect and chat with amazing women and men who have overcome struggles and trauma and created a life full of abundance, love and happiness for themselves and those around them.   Today, I had the pleasure of interviewing Candice Smiley, a self-proclaimed master manifestor who’s found that she can experience MORE by having LESS! As a survivor of abuse, Candice has embraced minimalism with an open heart and is learning how to be a single mother while creating your biggest and best life!   Learn more about Leisa and her services here:  Follow Candice on Instagram @candicecreation and @singlemamasuccessclub
Jan 27, 2022
58 min
Programming your Energetic Container for Success
Everything is energy and when you deeply believe, feel and honour energy, it'll take you to what you are desiring. What energy do you have right now? In this episode, I share how to program your energetic container for success so that you can move forward confidently and at the highest levels of frequency. GRAB YOUR FREE COPY OF LEISA'S MORNING GROUNDING MEDITATION HERE:   🌸MY SIGNATURE PROGRAM, THE SOUL BLUEPRINT INCUBATOR, IS BACK ON FEBRUARY 1ST 2022! FOUR MONTHS- FOUR WOMEN ONLY This intimate, high-level Mastermind was created for you to reach that next level of expansion for ultimate inner freedom and ultimate life pleasure! A place where you will have a rapid transformational journey of bringing together your true self. All this by bringing together, activating your total life blueprint in all its glory. You will step into your true life purpose in every area of your life. By application only – read more about The Soul Blueprint Incubator here:  
Jan 13, 2022
20 min
A conversation about being born from sin and surviving with Anessa Theron
In Aneesa's words, "We choose to be a victim of our environment or allow it to shape our life's direction." Anessa's philosophy is embodied in this statement; it inspires her and remains a goal point to become better than what she was born into, a valuable contributor to society. In this explosive episode, Anessa shares personal things she has never shared before. From being crippled with share, blame, guilt and an absolute lack of identity to who she was. She is birthed into the world from what she refers to as "born from sin! Her life has been a journey of a wounded soul. It is a journey from the depths of survival in the darkest places to the magical place of self-love and leadership for herself.  She is I so passionate in paying it forward, by influencing and guiding positively, with optimism, love, compassion, and to live authentically with acceptance, courage, and contentment." Join us as we unravel the mystery of Aneesa and the strength of her journey to the powerful, confident, reconnected woman who now is on a mission for change. Learn more about Leisa and download her FREE meditation on:
Jan 11, 2022
40 min
A Conversation About Resilience With Daryl Green
My heart was POUNDING when I watched this incredible man tell his story, being SHOT TWICE, and what effect the harrowing event has had on this life and those around him.    In today’s podcast I have the honour of speaking with the man himself-  speak with @DarylGreen.   Daryl Elliott Green’s love of helping others, adventure and fitness led him to join the Queensland Police at age 18. At 27 years of age he had completed a Bachelor of Arts in Justice Studies and was awaiting promotion to Senior Constable. On the 1st May 2000 he was on night-work and expecting a quiet Sunday night shift.   To quote CSI Investigator A.B.:  ‘DARYL ELLIOTT GREEN SAVES LIVES’    Join us on today’s podcast to listen to Daryl’s life-altering story- a story that showed resilience, leadership and making brave decisions when being in the most difficult situation.   Learn more about Leisa and download her FREE meditation on:    Watch Daryl’s keynote speech and learn more about him on   
Jan 6, 2022
1 hr 9 min
Navigating family triggers over Xmas and planning for 2022
Hello my Beautiful Souls!!    What an incredible ride 2021 has been for us all The Art of Quantum Healing Podcast will be taking a short break over this festive period and be back, high vibing more than ever, in January!   But before I leave you all, I wanted to send love your way and remind you that YOU are have always been enough and you always will be! You are worthy of all of the love...Just go within, rediscover yourself in a whole new light and fall in the most unconditional love with yourself!   This, my darling, is the greatest love of all.   Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.    Love,   Leisa   PS: My Signature Program, The Soul Blueprint Incubator Mastermind, is coming back in February 2022. This is a high-level mastermind, exclusive to 4 women ONLY. It’s focused on you so that you make incredible progress is a short amount of time, without overwhelm! If you’re ready for some deep healing and epic life transformation, read more about the program and book a free soul chat with Leisa here:
Dec 22, 2021
19 min
A Conversation About Navigating Life Challenges With Lydia Knorr
Have you ever lost someone dear to you, unexpectedly? How do you navigate this grief and find inner peace again? What if after you have finally healed from it, you get hit by another life challenge…then another, and another? In today’s podcast, I speak with @Lydia Knorr, who has navigated her many life challenges by using holistic practices like breathwork, meditation and other forms of natural medicine. Lydia Knorr has over 25 years in the health and wellness industry as a Registered Dietitian. Following some pivotal life experiences that included being widowed without warning, navigating cancer, and a period of unhealthy coping mechanisms, Lydia began to incorporate a holistic approach to well-being that focused on the health of her body, mind and soul. Join us on today’s podcast to learn more about Lydia’s story and how through all her life challenges, she has found her higher purpose. Learn more about Leisa and download her FREE meditation on:  Follow Lydia on Instagram @discovering_y.o.u_  
Dec 17, 2021
42 min
The Humpty Dumpty Healing Story
In this podcast I want to take you back to your childhood and revisit the nursery rhyme of Humpty Dumpty...but this time let's take a closer look to his healing journey. There are soooo many lessons we can learn from Humpty Dumpty's healing story - and so many comparisons we can make to our own lives, especially if we have faced traumas and situations that have not alowed us to thrive the way we wanted to.   Learn more about Leisa and download her FREE meditation on:
Dec 13, 2021
16 min
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