via Podcasts
Christmas podcast
I enjoyed listening to this podcast. I also think you should put in a review of the writer from Newsweek you interviewed while doing the October 7 play. She was quite good!
Help the “old people”
Dear ones,
I finally found the place to
1. enter comments & high praise
2. To remind you that “old people”
need better directions to the comment section.
I tried to locate a place for comment on Apple & Spotify & everywhere I could imagine. Please provide a bit more guidance; you might be missing many messages of praise.
Dana Postiglione
Mann v Steyn
I really enjoy listening to the recap of the Mann vs Steyn trial. The voice actors do a wonderful job of capturing the high drama of the courtroom.
Response to showing pics of the truth about abortions
For sure, show pics of the truth about abortion. Showing sonograms of stages of babies in the womb also will make a difference. Most people do not know the facts & many do not want to know. Thanks for all you do.
Delightful listen!
Ann & Phelim’s interviews and observations are informative and laced with good humor. Like being in a conversation with dear friends. And even a recipe at the end.
Spacey: The Left Eat Their Own
Great intro to what I believe will be a great series on the true story of Kevin Spacey’s trials and tribulations. The truth is addictive.
Kanagawa Ken
LARPing for Wingnuts
Enjoyed the 45-level whining.
Janice Fahy
True investigative journalism
I thought it was dead, investigative journalism but you brought it back. I enjoy it very much.
I am very interested in a trip to Ireland!
Ireland Question response
First, I want to say that I love listening to your podcast. The work you and your wife do is what we need in this culture.
With regard to your Ireland tour question, Yes. A big yes. My husband and I went there in 2019 but would love to go back. I think if you two put something together it would be of definite interest.
I disliked Hillary!
Hillary did not intrigue me back in the day and she has rubbed me wrong in many facets since! I won’t say that swarmy began with her, but she sure brought smarminess with her and her cohorts then, now, and those in between seemed to take it and run like a rolling stone gathering moss!I think the Democratic Party powers that be will wheedle Michelle and Chelsea in there! Please continue to keep the lack of abashment of the Hillary’s, Pelosi’s, Harris’s, Abrams’s, Water’s, AOC’s, etc. at the forefront! The men of the Democratic Party are just as exasperating with their loftiness of hypocritical rhetoric. There is plenty of corruption for you both to report and make public! Thank you for putting yourselves out there to bring the tru colors of the figures in politics to the public!
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Just finished the Gosnell series, WOW what an eye opener about the abortion industry, government oversight, & medical agencies turning a blind eye, or more likely collusion to support baby killings, and murder of women under the guise of “Womens’ healthcare”.
After Gosnell, what is the real number of abortions since 1973, since they claim 65 million?
How many more are still operating under the radar?
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Ray3 Mick
Reporting on the stories that matter
Thanks, guys, for reporting on stories the mainstream media doesn’t always report on or reports on dishonestly. Most of the episodes are interesting but it is hard to concentrate on some shows. BTW, what happened to the “moving from blue to red state” segment? I loved that part of the show.
Mom of 3 for Jesus
I Love your show! Love you both! It’s sometimes hard to listen to you Bc you talk over each other. In particular Phelam talks over Ann every time she talks. It’s very frustrating to listen to. Let her talk without interrupting her plz. It’s hard to make out what you’re trying to say.
Otherwise, keep up the good work and I’m going to send you money!
Best weekly show!
I feel like Ann and Phelim and I have been friends for years, and I’ve never met them. 🤣
They are journalists and I can count on true reporting. Plus they make me giggle. I don’t miss an episode. They tell you current events and they fight back against those out there to deceive. I respect them for valuing marriage and babies and people. Muuuaaahhh 🥰
Ann & Phelim Scoop
Always informative and entertaining perspectives from these two dedicated conservative journalists. Being from Ireland and now living in the USA, their viewpoint is fresh and uniquely insightful. Topics, covered so far, have ranged from abortion, climate, energy, fracking, Ukraine-Russia, Hunter Biden and Joe. The research that they've done for their films, books and plays informs much of their narrative. Guests on the podcasts are not the run-of-the-mill people that you see over and over again on FOX. They are usually people who are working on the ground on issues that matter. Two bonuses: their lovely Irish accents and the fun cooking recipes and tips that Ann throws in at the end. Highly recommend!
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Look forward to each podcast ‼️
We appreciate each new episode as it provides stories and news not heard from other resources. Thankful for such great journalism skills and investigative reporting. Keep up the great work.
Upgrade the Sound
Guys love the podcast. The content is great. We love the banter. One criticism is the sound needs improvement. I’m not talking about the on the road remote episodes. I’m referring to the echo sound maybe upgrade the mics or use more than one mic. Thank you for the podcast.
Informative and delightfully funny!
I continue to enjoy and learn from your weekly podcast. So sorry to hear of Ann’s injury, but I beg you not to proceed with a lawsuit. For the sake of your bank account, mental health and blood pressure, walk away.
Ann, get better soon!
Love the show ❤️
Speedy Healing Ann!
Never miss your weekly podcast but I was so sorry to see your injured shoulder Ann. It looks complicated and painful but our modern medicine can do wonders. Get whole soon!
The Best
Thank you. I listen to everyone of your podcasts and love sharing your info😌👍
So sorry about your shoulder accident I hope you man swiftly and you will be in my prayers. I look forward to every Wednesday to find out what has happened in your life and listen to your recipes. All the best🌵💕
Chris kueb
Amazing pod cast
I recently gave a small amount to “ My Son Hunter” movie and discovered the Ann & Phelem scoop. So much fun, laughs and serious information packed into this podcast. Loved the cheese story… I really want to meet other fans and start groups to watch and discuss the latest episodes while enjoying some of the recipes!
FYI it send my star rating in every time I tapped on a star I give this show 5 stars!
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Pinhead 12345
Always Interesting
Great guests and fun dialogue between the hosts. Look forward to hearing it each week.
I love the SCOOP!
Thanks for the amazing podcast! Great Job!
New listener due to Covid-19
I look forward to your podcast every week. I first heard you on Unashamed with Al Robertson and have been hooked every since. I binged listened to you last year while I was home a lot. You saved me from some days that would have otherwise been insane. I found myself watching too much news and getting depressed. I made myself do projects around the house each day and I listened to you all. You do an outstanding job and bring things about that I know I wouldn’t hear anywhere else. Thank you for standing firm and for seeking the truth. It’s hard to come by these days. May God bless you and keep up the good work.
Melissa from Maryland
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cokemans wife
Ann and Phelim
Enjoy so much
knut rock
Not too long!
I love your interviews and appreciate the depth. Don’t worry about how long they are!
You two are wonderful!
You’re Like Family!
In response to your question about preferred podcast length, I would love to hear more, but only if you could maintain the current quality. ❤️ Love the show! Remember, if you ever have your differences, you must stay together for those of us who Identify As™️ your kids😉
Greyhound Homecare
One of my very favorite podcasts
Always informative, funny and eclectic! I love it!
Always informative!
Love their show! Very common sense couple! We need more of them! God bless y’all!
Wonderful show. Highly informative. Love it.
Ann and Phelim are the BOMB! So warm and genuine. Dedicated to the truth. Love the chemistry and love the recipes!! Keep up the hard work and never give in!!!
KK from MT
“Immigrants doing the job Americans won’t do”
I burst out laughing when Ann said that, as she described the investigative work she and Phelim have to do because American journalists have completely dropped the ball. The U.S. is so blessed to have them — keep digging and reporting (and sharing recipes)!
BB Botz
This podcast is a must listen to!!!
Ann & Phelim are genuine. Listening to them makes me feel like I’m sitting in the same room and having a friendly conversation. It’s like they’re sharing their day with you over a cup of coffee. I look forward to each episode release. I’m not alone when I tune in. Thank you guys.
The South will RISE again
Never fail to touch your emotions and your palette❤️
I never miss an episode! You are my best virtual friends because you share your heart, your knowledge, your skills, and your ideas with me. I love you back!
I love my husband.
Prelim and Ann are charming.
I don’t agree with anyone who thinks that Ann interrupts Phelim too much. I think Ann just gets excited to get all the information to us. I enjoy the back and forth between this couple. They are charming and informative.
Ann and Phelim: The Scoop
I love listening to Ann and Phelim. I can see their chemistry and obvious friendship. They are very sarcastic and funny! The variety of topics is interesting and I always listen with interest to the recipes. In the throws of the pandemic lockdowns, it was enjoyable to hear their light-hearted look at a serious subject. Their humorous outlook kept me from being very angry at the hypocrisy of it all. Thanks for helping us through it!
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Never miss an episode
I love Ann and Phelim. They gladly say what should be reported by the media. They also bring warmth to their podcasts with their recipes and obvious love for people.
Smart, informative, & funny!
I actually heard you guys on Unashamed & have been listening ever since! My husband I really appreciate your humor, truth, of course the sarcasm. Thank you for going beyond to tell the REAL truth. God bless and take care-
A rewarding listen in every visit!
It’s probably why I’m a repeat contributor. The guests are consistently high quality and the subjects are topical. I’m eager to see “My Son Hunter.”
My favorite apple podcast
Love you two. Making use of your God given gifts and callings in many ways. I first heard you interviewed by Mark Steyn regarding Gosnell. Always relevant and entertaining. Great informed guests.
Liz in Paige Texas
Life choice or not...
You seem to be the conscience of the World. I think each of us in a terminal state know if taking our life is what we want.
You are a bullying, opinionated , dictatorial person who knows what is right for talk as tho you were God.
Carl Speck
Really enjoy your podcast... wish y’all would continue to offer it daily
How in the world am I going to do this insanity with just a weekly podcast?! I’m going to miss the Daily Virus, but I’m very excited to learn more about your new project! Can you please drop a reminder on how I can contribute financially to the show? Thank you!
DJ from Pittsburgh
Love their outlook!
Short, fun, easy to listen to! AND full of information too!
More American than most Americans
Ann & Phelim bring their common sense perspectives to the days news and events in a relatable and entertaining way. Less of a show and more of a talk amongst friends , listeners feel as if they are sitting with friends, chatting over coffee ( or a pint).
L.Davis PhD
Great Podcast
Really enjoy listening to this podcast. It’s nice to hear from conservatives!!
“Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!”
If you are one who is curious about the man behind the curtain, one who notices nuance, double standards and injustice, if you believe in the freedom of speech and aren’t afraid to step out of the mainstream monotonous noise to, yes, dig a little deeper, then this is the podcast for you.
These intriguing, fearless documentary filmmakers and authors of the book, Gosnell, and the film, Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer and many other important projects bring you up to date on real events that have real impact. This sharp-witted, ingenious, Irish married duo are both serious about their work while delivering an entertaining and invitingly fresh perspective on the world around us.
Thank you, Ann and Phelim, for being curious, relentless and brave.
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Thanks for the Daily Virus!
I will miss the Daily Virus, but understand the need to focus your attention to other important projects! I toast, you Ann & Phelim! I will continue to be a faithful follower of your excellent projects.
Great bit of happenings
Concise and fun media happenings
Excellent podcast!
Thanks so much for the truth. Going to miss the daily virus, but will definitely keep up with the scoop!