In this week's show I’m going to share with you a story, which I have written about but never shared vocally. It was a very personal struggle which I share as although it happened 4 years ago, is the reason why I am here with you today.
Through my experiences I am able to confidently mentor aspiring affiliate marketers to stop giving a SHIT about what other people think. To unshackle themselves from their own paralyzing limiting beliefs, get out of their own way and build a profitable affiliate marketing lifestyle business.
In this video I'm also going to share with you 5 things you can do to learn How to Be Happy as an Aspiring Entrepreneur Affiliate Marketer
This is the Affiliate Marketing Program I am currently focusing on with an amazing community of like-minded aspiring entrepreneurs.
==> https://thelaptoplifestylebusiness.com
I invite you to subscribe to my channel as it helps me know you appreciate the content as I am so happy to see you enjoying what I have to share... supporting you to live a magical purple cow life!!
If you prefer to listen to The Amanda Stark Show on the move you can listen in on one of these preferred platforms:
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→ 8 minute Guided Self-Confidence Meditation: https://t.amandastarkmarketing.com/self-confidence-8Med
→ 12 Steps Turn Hobby into Side Hustle Online Business Guide (17 Pages): https://t.amandastarkmarketing.com/12stepsHobbytoBizGR
→ The Entrepreneurial Mindset Checklist (3 pages - 8 items): https://t.amandastarkmarketing.com/amsentrprenurmindst
→ Using Visualisation to Create the Life You Want Guide: https://t.amandastarkmarketing.com/visualizelifewantGR
→ Affiliate Marketing Ecosystem - Get paid to do the Training: http://thelaptoplifestylebusiness.com/mf
→ Affiliate Marketing - Affiliate Secrets (Spencer Mecham): https://t.amandastarkmarketing.com/spencer-webinar
→ Perfecting Blogging & Pinterest Bundle (Sophia Lee): https://t.amandastarkmarketing.com/perfectingbpbundle
→ Perfecting Blogging (Sophia Lee): https://t.amandastarkmarketing.com/perfectingblogging
→ Perfecting Pinterest (Sophia Lee): https://t.amandastarkmarketing.com/perfectingpinterest
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description may be affiliate links and I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase. There is no additional charge but it does help to support my channel if you make a purchase!
Apr 5, 2022
30 min

Episode 6 and we talk about how to visualize and how the power of visualization can help you achieve your life and online business goals.
The power of visualization is life changing. As the popular saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. If we can see it, we believe it and that is the way visualization works.
Learn in this episode the two most effective ways to visualize and embrace this powerful skillset into achieving your goals.
Along with the two most effective ways to visualize Amanda Stark will share with you 5 steps to get you started within your visualization practice.
PLUS an exclusive offer of 15% off a 3 month one-on-one coaching package with Amanda is revealed. This is a limited time offer and you will need a special purple cow promo code to take advantage of this opportunity. The promo code Amanda shares inside this podcast/vodcast.
I invite you to rate and review this Episode as it helps me know you appreciate the content as I am so happy to see you enjoying what I have to share... supporting you to live a magical purple cow life!!
🌎 Website: https://AmandaMayStark.com
🎥 Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBReA66kHNoTyDRYCS3drXA
✉️ Email: [email protected]
🌎 Facebook Group: Purple Cow Affiliate Marketing, Podcasts & Mindset | Aspiring Entrepreneurs
🌎 Amanda Stark YouTube Channel:
#limitingbeliefs #mindsetcoach #believeinyou #getoutofyourownway #outsideyourcomfortzone #solopreneurship #entrepreneursuccess #girlboss #youcandoanything #entrepreneurship #onlinebusiness #onlinemarketing #mindsetiseverything #dailymotivation #makemoneyonline #entrepreneurlife #digitalmarketing #affiliatemarketing #successcoach
Mar 29, 2022
25 min

In today's episode I’m going to share with you the #1 Way to Stop Your Online Business From Failing. It might be pretty obvious, but none the less it has to be said. Not only will be discuss the #1 way to stop your online business from failing, but I will provide you 5 things you can do to avoid the bullshit the next time you get those dumb ass thoughts in your head!
We all have limiting beliefs which get in the way of our mojo. It is natural, we are human. But it is imperative we recognize when our thoughts are starting to not serve us and in fact they stop us from success.
To get out of your own way quickly and to not stay stuck in your own self-pity is so valuable.
In this episode I speak of what has helped me as an elite athlete, single mom and now solopreneur to never be stuck for too long when things get tough.
So check it out and for more information you can check out my website at AmandaMayStark.com
or you can also subscribe to my YouTube channel for similar video content on Online Marketing and Mindset.
Mar 22, 2022
25 min

Welcome to Episode 4 and in today's episode you will learn the #1 thing you need to do to be successful in life and in business. There are 5 things we cover in this episode which will help you to increase your consistency and will impact your success not only building an online business, but in all other areas of your life.
In health and fitness, finances, self-care and as a solopreneur these 5 things will impact the results you may not be getting OR will impact and help you scale the results you are getting.
An exclusive offer of 15% off a 3 month one-on-one coaching package with Amanda is revealed. This is a limited time offer and you will need a special purple cow promo code to take advantage of this opportunity. The promo code Amanda shares inside this podcast.
For any questions or clarity please contact Amanda directly at [email protected] or you can check out her website at AmandaMayStark.com
We invite you to rate and review this Episode as it helps us know you appreciate the content Amanda is bringing and she is so happy to see you enjoying what she loves so much... supporting you live a magical purple cow life!!
You can check The Amanda Stark Show out on YouTube too at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBReA66kHNoTyDRYCS3drXA
Mar 15, 2022
24 min

Episode #3 the #1 Purple Cow Mindset Coach Amanda Stark talks all about the Zone Model and how Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone Leads to Your Success in Life and in Business.
Comfort Zone, Stretch Zone or Panic Zone... where do you perform the best?
Where are you the most effective & where are you the most ineffective?
Opening Yourself Up To The Possibilities Of Living A Purple Cow Life Outside Your Comfort Zone!
When you’re out of your Comfort Zone, you’re in unfamiliar territory. This can be scary, but it’s also where you evolve and open yourself up to amazing rewards. The more you’re willing to step out of your comfort zone is where your magic happens!
For more information or to work directly with Amanda Stark visit her website at AmandaMayStark.com
or email her direct at [email protected]
You can also check out The Amanda Stark Show on YouTube HERE
Please do not forget to rate and review The Amanda Stark Show so that other Purple Cowpreneurs can listen in and it makes Amanda super happy :) to know her content is being appreciated and valued... (this is Amanda speaking this lol)
Mar 8, 2022
25 min

Episode #2 of The Amanda Stark Show we talk about mindfulness, self-care and meditation which ultimately is a journey, not a destination. It's something that you have to work on every day, and it's a never-ending process.
I'm going to share a few things about being mindful and accepting yourself. I am going to do that through sharing 5 ways on how to be more mindful as well as information about meditation.
As a solopreneur we have a hard enough time building our business let alone when we beat ourselves up for the little things.
Overthinking, judging, talking sh#t to ourselves, letting that inner demon monopolize our thoughts... it's time to break free and freakin' love yourself already!!
Mindfulness is the state of being aware of your thoughts and feelings in the present moment. It's about being accepting of who you are, even if you're not perfect. When you're mindful, you're in control of your own thoughts and emotions rather than letting them control you. This can be a challenge, but it's worth it!
To love yourself mindfully means that you love your entire self, body and soul, not just the parts that meet society's standard of what is beautiful or perfect.
Mental health issues have impacted me, my family and over a billion people worldwide. Therefore, I cannot share this without mentioning them and the impact our mental health has on our overall feelings of fulfilment and happiness.
Being healthy isn't just about physical health.
I have always been an advocate of physical fitness, but as I get older, I am rapidly becoming aware of how important mental and spiritual well-being is to our overall health.
The skills mentioned in this show and in subsequent episodes have helped me in my daily struggle with recovering from depression. If you are affected by mental illness, now or in the future, these are vital coping skills that will help you or someone you know deal with depression, anxiety, or any other mental illness.
Your life is indeed the creation of your mind. Whatever you have in your life now is courtesy of how your mind works.
The good news is that meditation works at a subconscious level to enable you to recognize that your thoughts are not the truth, and you don't have to believe them.
Meditation is a practice, which improves your state of awareness and empowers you. It is also a tool, which helps you slow down your mind and your thoughts.
In this podcast I will share with you exactly how you can implement meditation into your daily method of operation even if you are just a beginner.
I also reference a 5 minute meditation I created to help with Self-Confidence Guided Meditation. You can download it for FREE HERE
Mar 1, 2022
27 min

Inaugural Purple Cow Episode 1 It's Time to Stop Giving a Sh#t is now LIVE! Launched on February 22, 22!!
This is the very first episode of The Amanda Stark Show where we will talk about everything solopreneurship!
This is an introduction podcast to host Amanda Stark where she shares with you a bit about her story, her life experiences, which have lead her from winning a gold medal, through depression and bankruptcy, to becoming an author and being financially independent moving to Mexico as a digital nomad.
Her mindset coaching is results driven as here on The Amanda Stark Show, Amanda is a straight-shooter! Calls it as it is as it's time to get real.
Get real with yourself, with your limiting beliefs and start living a freakin remarkable life!
Amanda is the #1 Purple Cow Mindset Coach.
You might be curious about why the Purple Cow?
Well, inspired by Seth Godin’s book Purple Cow and because Amanda is here to guide you from living an ordinary life like a brown cow to living an extraordinary purple cow life!
Amanda works with female solopreneurs who are stuck in their own way of creating a kick-ass life and work-from-home businesses.
Those who want to be free from giving a shit about what other people think, free from their own limiting beliefs and free to live their most authentic, unapologetically awesome life!
If that sounds like you, stick around as Amanda promises to deliver you weekly episodes (every Tuesday) around skillset, mindset, inspiration, lifestyle and entrepreneurship.
You can also find her on my website at AmandaMayStark.com
Feb 22, 2022
27 min

Hello and welcome to The Amanda Stark Show and I am your host Amanda Stark the #1 Purple Cow Mindset Coach.
I work with female solopreneurs who are stuck in their own way of creating a kick-ass life and work-from-home businesses.
Those who want to be free from giving a sh#t about what other people think, free from their own limiting beliefs and free to live their most authentic, unapologetically awesome life!
If that sounds like you, I invite you to subscribe to my show as I promise to deliver you weekly episodes every Tuesday around skillset, mindset, inspiration, lifestyle and entrepreneurship.
You can also find out more information along with read valuable blogs on my website AmandaMayStark.com
Thank you and remember... to subscribe, rate and review so that I know to continue bringing more Purple Cow into your life and business.
Feb 20, 2022
1 min