The Adventures of Red Panda Expresso & Tater Tot™ Podcast

The Adventures of Red Panda Expresso & Tater Tot™

Amanda Wymer & Taylor Cox
Life, drama, art, boys, sex, growing up, college, pop culture, staying motivated, and our pets. Our future goals and overall health. Alittle bit of everything! Might be PG13! Enter our world and get all of the inside gossip and our cheesy comedy! Brace yourself, we're weird sometimes. Hope you enjoy!
11: Personal Questions!
Alittle bit of this and alittle bit of that. Were back at it again after a few weeks. Sorry we don't post weekly but we decided on every other week or few weeks! Our schedules are all over the place. But anyway just another questionnaire, relaxing, and...
Nov 24, 2020
55 min
10: Womans Health
This episode we have our special guest Michelle talking with us all about health. We have two science majors, information overload! Also a new studio artist! Excited to start the week, hopefully you guys are having a great week too!
Nov 3, 2020
58 min
9:"Girls Get It Done!"
Hey guys its been a while and were glad to be back. Just wanted to fill you in on what has happened the reason we haven't recorded in a while and what not. This weeks episode is about wonder womanhood and some laughs, enjoy!
Oct 14, 2020
34 min
8: Body Positivity!
To be positive you have to think positive and in order to think positive think simple, happy, cheerful thoughts! Life doesn't have to be as hectic as you make it out to be. Take things slow one task at a time and you will achieve your ultimate  goals!
Sep 7, 2020
41 min
7: Toxic People, Boundries, and Nutritional Values
Oh the advice we give sometimes! Taylor talks a little bit more on nutrition. What are your nutritional values? I go in to relationship boundaries and toxic people. Know when to stop, drop, roll, and RUN awayyyy! lol
Aug 27, 2020
44 min
6: Pet Peeves & Our Mischievous Pets
Oh the things we dislike, our pet peeves. Here's some more comedy for ya. We know you've been waiting for this episode! Taylor woke me up to record this one, enjoy!
Aug 21, 2020
49 min
5: No Parents Allowed: Relationshit Show!
This episode goes in to all the good, the bad, and the UGLY details of our past relationships, need I say more... You might wanna pull up a chair and crack open your favorite drink for this episode. It's a long one, enjoy!
Aug 13, 2020
1 hr 4 min
4: Slap Happy!
In this episode Taylor and I are both sleep deprived and slap happy from working long hours. Be prepared for lots of giggles and laughs because your in for a strange slap happy adventure! Taylor talks about her college dorm life and I just go with the...
Aug 6, 2020
33 min
3: My Friend Ed
Life can be tough, Taylor goes in to detail about her past and me about my anxiety, or should I say our past anxieties. There are a lot of "ums" and "likes" in this episode just to for warn you. I didn't feel like editing it so here's some real raw...
Aug 4, 2020
42 min
2: Science!
Highschool stories and the reason for our podcast name. But wait there's more!
Aug 3, 2020
20 min
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