This episode is an excerpt from a live training I did called "Where Do I Even Begin?" where I share some important first steps on the path to healing your church trauma. In the last couple weeks I've been getting this question so often and I wanted to offer a few practical shifts you can make right now to get you moving forward!
Sep 22, 2020
17 min

This episode is from a live training training I did for my money course last week and it is PACKED with info. I teach you how to shift your thoughts and anxious feelings around money, what God thinks about money, and how you can be both a spiritual being and have monetary desires.
Think you might need more support with your money mindset? Sign up for my new course here!
Aug 25, 2020
14 min

Hi friends! I'm starting a new series called "Snippets from a Session" where I pull my favorite and most universally helpful questions and tidbits from a 1:1 session and share them as an episode! I'm really excited about this series because I think as humans we all struggle with similar challenges and thoughts and 1:1 sessions are where we really get to get down to the heart and wrestle through them.
In this Snippets from a Session, I dive into how you can create healthy boundaries through seeing your deep desires with love, manifesting through creating the emotions now, and how to talk to your brain with compassion and kindness. Enjoy!!
Aug 13, 2020
10 min

Part II focuses so much more on vulnerability, feeling safe to feel your feelings, and how I've created more happiness and joy in my life on a daily basis. I also share a little bit more about growing up as a Christian and how my church felt about therapy, what tools I use to be intentional about my mindset (like journaling, gratitude practices, and vision boards), and how grateful I am for the ways I've grown into a life full of joy and love.
Jul 29, 2020
12 min

This episode is a collection of clips from a recent interview on my perspective of happiness as a christian. I talk about the control we do have around our happiness, what God's heart is around "happiness," how it's related to joy, and how I navigated that as a teen disciple and now as a mental wellness coach.
I touch on using your desires and gifts to lead you to creating happiness and the importance of looking at yourself holistically to live a life you love.
Jul 14, 2020
9 min

In light of the Black Lives Matter movement, today's episode is all about thinking about your manifestation practice for others. It was recorded right before I left for a protest and I was moved to use my practice in a much more impacting way.
By looking at the big picture, hearing others hearts, and looking outside of just your own desires to see what others need, you can use manifestation to create massive shifts in the world. The saying is true: "real change starts with you." Until we heal and shift on an individual level, global change is impossible. I hope this episode helps you to consider a new way of using your manifestation practice.
Jun 16, 2020
13 min

On this episode I share a part of a recent training on how God's will fits into manifestation/law of attraction. I dig into how surrender plays such a massive role in manifestation. Letting go of the grasping feeling around your desires and seeing your power in releasing what you think is "right" or "logical". I also talk about how stepping into the mindset of being a vessel and handing your desires over to God will always lead to inspiration and peace.
To see the full training head over here: https://victoriajanka-manifestationtraining.getresponsepages.com/
May 19, 2020
15 min

In this episode I break down what manifestation is, what it definitely is not, the missing pieces in law of attraction/old school manifestation, and how we should approach manifestation as Christians.
I love this topic so much because it's so deeply rooted in the bible and it can help to connect some dots between worthiness, faith, and how good God wants our lives to be.
I believe so firmly that we are deeply loved and worthy just because we're alive. It's time to step into your worth and co-create the life you desire.
May 1, 2020
17 min

I've spent 18 of my 27 years on this earth searching for answers to questions like: is depression really biological? Are there natural healing methods? How much do thoughts play into your mental health? Why does gratitude matter? How does manifestation work with Christianity? What's the point of a degree if you don't like your career? None of these questions get answered in this episode. But they might in the future!!
On Thank You, Have a Nice Day we're going to get into all things mental health, practical coaching tools, emotional/mental hygiene, and how spirituality relates to it all. Let's do this thing.
Apr 15, 2020
19 min