Tew Much Tea Podcast

Tew Much Tea

Paije Kristina
For someone who loves to talk, this seemed very fitting. Being brutally honest, oversharing, and just chatting is Paije Kristina’s specialty. From laughter to crying, nothing is really off the table. Tune in weekly to hear the tea! Instagram: @tewmuchtea_
23 things i learned in 2023
couldnt be more happy that 2023 is over. the biggest roller coaster ever. this is my favorite episode to do. i've learned a lot, and i hope i learn a lot more this year!
Jan 6, 2024
36 min
never live up to anyone else’s standards
its so easy to see one thing, or hear something that someone doesn't like about you, and immediately try to start changing it. stop trying to change the things you love about yourself to be more liked by someone else. perfect doesn't exist. life isnt that serious, and above all, at the end of the day, the day gon end. you're beautiful, and don't change anything to make someone else more comfortable.
Nov 1, 2023
18 min
grief is so weird. you can be completely fine, see one thing, and now you're crying. there is no timeline for how long it should take anyone to get over anything, especially death. it took me four months to even start grieving. take your time and take things day by day. this episode is a little bit heavy for me. definitely letting yall in on my life
Sep 4, 2023
18 min
a letter to myself
ive been gone for awhile, and honestly, ive just been a little discouraged. this is just a little letter to myself. i encourage everyone to write a letter to themselves. saying things out loud make you realize things you may not have realized. i hope you guys enjoy this, and maybe it'll inspire you to talk to yourself!
Jun 15, 2023
3 min
does body count matter...who should buy the plan b? ft. rashaun and buena
there's so many double standards with men and women, a lot of which i agree with. this week, i had my friends, rashaun and buena, come on to share their stances on double standards, body counts, plan b pills, a woman's past, etc.
May 4, 2023
45 min
being stared at in the gym
most of the time people automatically view being stared at in the gym as a bad thing, or they let the fear of being stared at psych them out of going to the gym. there are so many reasons why someone could be staring at you in the gym and it doesn't necessarily have to be bad. they could like your outfit, or be in awe. it doesn't have to mean they're judging you, but they very well could be judging you in a good way!
Apr 18, 2023
12 min
my recent obsession + some good news!
i have an obsession with polygamous couples and i have no clue why. its not something that I would ever do, and its not something I was ever interested in learning about. one day it randomly popped up on my for you page on tik tok and ive been hooked ever since.
Mar 31, 2023
21 min
protect your peace and heal
there is no way you can complain about the things in your life if you dont change them. people will hurt you, and you will hurt people but you have to heal. doing whats best for you might hurt other people, but at the end of the day, you have to do whats best for you. protecting your peace and healing yourself is the best thing you can do to become your best self.
Mar 22, 2023
18 min
fear isnt real
being scared of things is so dumb. i personally, more recently, fear rejection, but the worst anyone can ever say is no. most of the time when we're scared, we don't actually put into perspective, what we're scared of or what's the worst that can happen. stop being scared of shit bc you die in the end anyway. would you rather never have the experience because you were scared and constantly wonder? or have the experience and now know that you like it or dont :)
Mar 14, 2023
12 min
military life
the military is such a challenging thing and it takes a person of a certain caliber to be able to do it. as much shit as i talk, it is one of the most rewarding things ive ever done. this weeks episode is just about my journey and what the military has looked like for me so far!
Mar 7, 2023
28 min
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