Rabbi Klein talks with Dae Selcer, a local teacher and lifelong congregant of Temple Israel. Dae is a graduate student at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio, where she is studying to obtain a dyslexia specialist certificate. Dae teaches us about the science of reading, the facts and misconceptions about dyslexia, and how our Hebrew education can be improved thanks to these insights.
Please subscribe to TEMPLE TALKS and review the show. Comments and questions can be directed to [email protected]. Talk with us! An excerpt from this week’s Temple Talks follows below.
Mar 8, 2022
34 min

#19: Broken Swastikas: The Shared Burden of History (Rabbi Joseph Edelheit & Rabbi Marcia Zimmerman)
Rabbi Zimmerman talks with Temple Israel’s former Senior Rabbi Joseph Edelheit about his most unusual donation to Temple Israel: a swastika. In its original context, it was one of five hakenkreuze (broken crosses) that adorned the St. Mary’s Cathedral in St. Cloud. Rabbi Edelheit shares the story of the interfaith collaboration that led to the removal of these swastikas, and how the Jewish community must remain committed to dialogue across difference.
Please subscribe to TEMPLE TALKS and review the show. Comments and questions can be directed to [email protected]. Talk with us! An excerpt from this week’s Temple Talks follows below.
Feb 23, 2022
27 min

In anticipation of joining us for our VOICES 2022 event, Rabbi Zimmerman talks with Chef Yotam Ottolenghi about what’s truly essential about communal gathering, food, and life around the kitchen. Chef Ottolenghi shares intimate stories from his upbringing, his partnership with Palestinian chef Sami Tamimi, and his ever-evolving culinary career. We look forward to learning more from this inspiring chef when he visits our community in early May. Please go to templeisrael.com/voices for more information.
Please subscribe to TEMPLE TALKS and review the show. Comments and questions can be directed to [email protected]. Talk with us! An excerpt from this week’s Temple Talks follows below.
Feb 8, 2022
28 min

Rabbi Moss talks with David Harris about David’s artistic path and pioneering work as the founding director of Rimon: The Minnesota Jewish Arts Council. They also discuss the vital role that the arts play in the Jewish community and how Rimon helps Jewish artists find resources, audiences, and inspiration.
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Jan 26, 2022
43 min

Rabbi Zimmerman talks with Reverend Elijah McDavid III, the new senior pastor of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church in Minneapolis. Together, they explore his upbringing in the Baptist tradition; Fellowship’s response to the pandemic, police brutality, and inequality; and emerging trends in religious life.
This episode is sponsored by the Rabbi Albert & Frances Minda Leadership Fund of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation.
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Jan 13, 2022
30 min

Rabbi Moss talks with Julie Dean about mussar, the ever-evolving practice of becoming a mensch. In this conversation, Julie offers ideas of how mussar can inform our journey through the High Holy Days and the year to come. She explains how a mussar va’ad, or facilitated group, offers a unique opportunity for developing one’s soul curriculum. Thanks to Julie’s mentorship, Temple Israel will be home to several va’adot in this coming year, 5782.
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Aug 12, 2021
38 min

Keeping it in the family, Rabbi Zimmerman speaks with her daughter Rabbi Rebecca Hornstein, newly ordained by the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. Rabbi Hornstein speaks about her personal and professional path to the rabbinate, and her passion for sofrut, the Jewish scribal arts. Learn about the intricacies of writing God's name and rewriting the words of the ketubah, the Jewish marriage document.
Please subscribe to TEMPLE TALKS and review the show. Comments and questions can be directed to [email protected]. Talk with us! An excerpt from this week’s Temple Talks follows below.
Jul 14, 2021
32 min

In this mother-son conversation, Rabbi Moss speaks with Sandra Divack Moss, who he labels as a Jewish non-profit superstar. Sandy shares insights and highlights from her leading roles in establishing the inter-generational care organization DOROT, saving the historic Eldridge Street Synagogue, and currently serving as executive director of Stephen Wise Free Synagogue in New York City.
Jun 23, 2021
41 min

In this episode of Temple Talks, Rabbi Glaser continues his conversation with Dr. Lawrence A. Rudnick, Temple Israel congregant and Professor Emeritus of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Minnesota. In the second of a series of talks, our Rabbi and Physicist engage with the following question: what is the importance of awe and wonder?
Please subscribe to TEMPLE TALKS and review the show. Comments and questions can be directed to [email protected]. Talk with us!
Jun 2, 2021
53 min

Rabbi Hartman talks with Michelle Horovitz, an advocate for justice whose career has seen her move from the public defender’s office to now the kitchen, garden, and restaurant. Michelle, who grew up in Minneapolis, partnered with northsiders LaTasha Powell and Princess Haley to create Appetite for Change and Breaking Bread. Their mission is to help communities use food as a tool to build health, wealth, and social change.
Please subscribe and share this episode with a friend. Comments and questions can be directed to [email protected]. Talk with us!
May 11, 2021
29 min
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