Team LeftJab
Team LeftJab
Team LeftJab
2 hour 53 minutes Posted Aug 23, 2020 at 2:00 pm.
) -Topics include the latest on the Mets & Yankees,MLB season so far and who looks destined for the playoffs.
) -Topics include winning the H20 wrestling Undiscovered title,goals for H20 as well as the future and wrestling in general.
) -Topics include the latest of Frankie’s weather predictions,the world tour,covid-19 update,crazy news & more!
) – Huge 70’s with a little 80’s & 90’s comedy sitcom bracket tournament pitting great comedy characters against each other until Percy crowns the winner! Team LeftJab Midnight! This weeks guests include..
) -Topics include the latest on the Mets & Yankees,MLB season so far and who looks destined for the playoffs.
) -Topics include winning the H20 wrestling Undiscovered title,goals for H20 as well as the future and wrestling in general.
) -Topics include the latest of Frankie’s weather predictions,the world tour,covid-19 update,crazy news & more!
) – Huge 70’s with a little 80’s & 90’s comedy sitcom bracket tournament pitting great comedy characters against each other until Percy crowns the winner!
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Team LeftJab Midnight! This weeks guests include..
Frank Caggino (STARTS AT
“Big Red” Ryan Redfield (STARTS AT
Frankie MacDonald (STARTS AT
Percy Crawford (STARTS AT 
Frank Caggino (STARTS AT
“Big Red” Ryan Redfield (STARTS AT
Frankie MacDonald (STARTS AT
Percy Crawford (STARTS AT