Our guest says that TED videos are a powerful tool for working with high school students. Learn how she uses them to teach disengaged teens.
Follow:@ShellTerrell @bamradionetwork
Georgia Georgogianni is an EFL teacher in Greece. She delivers private lessons and is really passionate about her job. She gets bored very easily, and her students the same so she always try to find innovative ways and teach them English by using authentic materials!
Oct 10, 2016
5 min
Our guest is a master at connecting with children. Learn the strategies this puppeteer uses than can be applied in your classroom.
Follow: @ShellTerrell @jaluribe @bamradionetwork
Juan Uribe is a puppet teacher who believes in affective education. He and Buddy the Frog have just returned from an adventure where they enchanted children all around the world.
Sep 23, 2016
6 min
Pop culture can be a powerful tool for engaging students if used well. Here are some guidelines. Follow: @ShellTerrell @SenorG @bamradionetwork Noah Geisel is an educator, learner, blogger, tinkerer and adventurer with a passion for changing the world. He is the co-founder of the weekly Digital Badges Twitter chat #BadgeChatK12, a partner on the Clinton Global Initiative commitment to action Recognizing Assets & Opening Doors, and in 2013 had the honor of serving his colleagues as the ACTFL National Language Teacher of the Year.
Sep 16, 2016
4 min
If you've been thinking about how to better engage your students this school year, consider these easy ways to "gamify" your curriculum.
Follow: @ShellTerrell @sarahdateechur @bamradionetwork
Sarah Thomas is a Google Certified Innovator and the founder of the #EduMatch movement, a project that empowers educators to make global connections across common areas of interest. Sarah is a Regional Technology Coordinator in Prince George’s County Public Schools, and a doctoral candidate in Education at George Mason University.
Sep 6, 2016
5 min
Join us as we talk about how blogging can improve your instructional practice.
Follow: @ShellTerrell @auatGG @bamradionetwork
Andrea Ullrich teaches grade 5-12 in Thuringia, Germany. Andrea has been a teacher for 32 years and in charge of international projects at my school since 1999. She is also a blogger magicclassroom.edublogs.org.
Aug 30, 2016
6 min
Teachers are increasingly confronted with the special scenarios that surface when teaching immigrants and refugees. Our guest shares her insights as a refugee who became a teacher of other immigrants and refugees.
Follow: @ShellTerrell @rusulalrubail @bamradionetwork
Rusul Alrubail is an educator in residence at Design Cofounders. She is a co-creator of The Writing Project, an essay writing app for students currently in Beta. She is also an Edutopia blogger and an editor at Medium's largest publication on Education: The Synapse.
Aug 16, 2016
6 min
Listen in as our guest shares the strategies and activities he uses to inspire his kids to learn, dream and want to make a difference.
Follow: @ShellTerrell @sstorm01 @bamradionetwork
Shawn Storm is a 7th Grade Reading Teacher in the Quakertown Community School District, where for the last 18 years, he has worked with some of the most amazing young people anyone could meet.
Aug 9, 2016
6 min
The rate of new teacher attrition is unsettling. Our guest says that one of the most important things we can do to improve retention is giving new teachers room to fail. Learn more.
Follow: @ShellTerrell @teachwithsoul @bamradionetwork
Lisa Dabbs is an educational consultant, author, blogger, and speaker. She also works as an Adjunct Professor in the field of Child Development. Her passion to support new and pre-service teachers led her to create New Teacher Chat #ntchat on Twitter in 2010. She is author of Standing in the Gap: Empowering New Teachers Through Connected Resources. Shelly Sanchez Terrell is a teacher trainer, elearning specialist, and the author of The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers: Small Steps to Transform Your Teaching.
Aug 4, 2016
7 min
Our guest was a burned out, tenured teacher stuck in a rut. Find out what lifted her and put her on an exciting new career path.
Follow: @ShellTerrell @sNikkiDRobertson @bamradionetwork
Nikki D. Robertson is a veteran educator, librarian and Instructional Technology Facilitator for James Clemens High School. She is passionate about 1:1 Digital Initiatives, collaboration with other education professionals, and assisting students in becoming well informed, critically thinking digital citizens. Shelly Sanchez Terrell is a teacher trainer, elearning specialist, and the author of The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers: Small Steps to Transform Your Teaching.
Jul 25, 2016
6 min
Stress and burnout are pandemic in education. How can you find peace in the midst of the demands we all face?
Follow: @ShellTerrell, @FabianaLCasella @bamradionetwork
Follow: @ShellTerrell, @FabianaLCasella @bamradionetwork
Theodora Pap is an educational consultant at Hyphen SA, EFL and DaF teacher, blogger in Greece. Shelly Sanchez Terrell is a teacher trainer, elearning specialist, and the author of The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers: Small Steps to Transform Your Teaching.
Jul 21, 2016
5 min
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