Amie talks about her feelings about a roller derby film, what she studied in college, how The Healthtender came to be and her favourite John Waters film.
Sep 24, 2020
38 min

On this episode of The Bartender Atlas podcast Mary Palac of Paper Plane in San Jose, California tells us about some creative bar training techniques, where the strawberries all come from and offers some insight about keeping an open mind, no matter who your guest is.
Sep 9, 2020
39 min

Thatta Kimura is a bartender in Sao Paolo, Brazil and due to the pandemic, she decided to create the Ada Coleman Collective to help struggling female bartenders in a male dominated city. She also takes pole dancing classes.
Aug 26, 2020
32 min

Part two of a two parter! Taneka Reaves of Charleston's Cocktail Bandits tells us about the move from a town of 3000 people to the big city. She also talks about her poli-sci history and how if you see a gap in your hospitality community, fill it.
Aug 13, 2020
33 min

Johnny Caldwell is one half of Charleston's Cocktail Bandits. Her road to becoming a hospitality maven is a unique one involving step routines and a law degree.
Jul 30, 2020
35 min

On this episode of The Bartender Atlas Podcast, Josh talks with Victoria Blathwayt AKA Victoria Valkyrie about her past as a musical theatre performer, her present as a burlesque performer and what it was like to have a very public transition among the service industry in Melbourne Australia.
Jul 15, 2020
35 min

How far do you have to go to become who you truly are? How much structure do you need in your late teens? What does Rachel Maddow drink? Chris Cabrera has these answers and shares some of them on this episode.
Jul 2, 2020
37 min

How important is the sequence of an album? Is history repeating itself in terms of response to a global pandemic? Where did the "Bartending is Not A Crime" shirt come from? Erick Castro of Raised By Wolves, Polite Provisions and Boilermaker, as well as Bartender At Large answers some of these questions on the show.
Jun 18, 2020
46 min

What does coaching football have to do with bartending? Ever wanted to be a Supreme Court Judge? How should you prepare to move across a country? Micah Anderson and Josh talk about this and A LOT more on this episode.
Jun 4, 2020
39 min

From helping at Church get-togethers to practicing street medicine. From Debate Team to Speed Rack, Christina Veira has covered a lot of ground in the service industry.
May 21, 2020
57 min
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