Stranded in space, the Doctor Jodie Whittaker and her new friends find themselves on the planet Desolation – a world of death – and caught in between two participants in a galactic race. Discovering the TARDIS is stranded on the planet, she must make her way through the last part of the race to find her ghost monument, while surviving deep and dark dangers…
During TARDISblend 115, we discuss the great introduction of new characters and some of the classic lines from this episode, look at the conditions of the planet they find themselves on, and critique the character development of the new companions so far in this season. All this and more on the latest TARDISblend!
Presented by Greg Davies (cGt2099 from The Heavy Metal Historian Podcast) and geek journalist Tom Cheredar, TARDISblend is a podcast that takes a look at the ongoing adventures in the Doctor WhoUniverse – as Jodie Whittaker continues her journey as the Doctor!
Our Episode Ratings This Season
01. The Woman Who Fell to Earth 9 out of 10 02. The Ghost Monument Listen above to find out!TARDISblend Show Links and Sources
- Comic Review: Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor #0
- Episode 3 Trailer | Rosa | Doctor Who: Series 11
- Jodie Whittaker is Doctor Who’s Thirteenth Doctor
- Reddit Woman Who Fell to Earth Discussion
- TARDIS Data Core: Series 11
- TARDIS Data Core: The Ghost Monument
- TARDIS Data Core: The Keys of Marinus
- TV Review: Doctor Who 11.2 “The Ghost Monument”
- Wikipedia: Doctor Who Series 11
- Wikipedia: The Ghost Monument
- Wikipedia: The Keys of Marinus
Doctor Who music and clips: copyright BBC – used under Fair Use
Intro Clip features a sample of Doctor Who Theme – Metal Version by Beyond The Epilogue – listen here
Closing Clip features a sample of Doctor Who Meets Metal by Eric Calderone – view here