TAMF - Tap and Move Forward Podcast

TAMF - Tap and Move Forward

Lyn Shelley
Capturing the character-building lessons and success principles of outstanding military members.
42. Arlo Gagestein - Optimize Your Performance
This is my first episode in my second year of the podcast!  The first year was so much fun! and so much work.  Thanks for all the support, downloads, and shares after my first year.  I’m really excited to continue to bring in more impressive and interesting interviews, and I would love some support, if you have something to contribute, time or financial,  the podcast is now on patreon, if you go to patreon.com/tamfpodcast or go to tamfpodcast.com for a link.  If you have any extra time and would like to help with marketing, processing episodes, or communicating with possible guests, I would love any extra help, just email me at [email protected].   If you just want to support by listening, I hope you enjoy this fun and informative interview with Arlo Gagestein. I was excited and wanted him on the show after I found a great informative section of his book on preparing for a military PT test.  Arlo is a strength and conditioning specialist, licensed massage therapist and owner of Competitive Edge Fitness in Ogden, UT. He has been training competitive athletes, military, law enforcement, and martial artists for two decades. He specializes in thinking and training outside the box. And after the amount of times people have told me to just do more pushups or sit-ups to prepare for the test I am really excited to present you with someone who can give you a much more dynamic and powerful response to that. In this episode Arlo Gagestien talks about:  Getting bored doing regular things Training the body as a unit Injury Prevention becoming a massage therapist in addition to training thinking about training in a different way “All show ‘no go’” mindset for training Mindset is more important than physical ability  its not over till its over Train the way you’re going to compete Gathering inspiration Navigating through all the information the best exercise is the one you’re going to do the kind of movements to focus on improving performance balancing your work out spend as much time with recovery as with the exercise “you can’t fake optimism” Do hard things and learn from them    The video Arlo mentions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FtSP-tkSug For Arlo’s book: https://www.amazon.com/Battle-Tested-Train-Like-Depends-ebook/dp/B07FNTNM9L/ref=sr_1_1?crid=9S2MJO6SF3XD&keywords=arlo+gagestein&qid=1574908794&sprefix=arlo+gages%2Caps%2C177&sr=8-1 “When you’re struggling you learn a lot about yourself” “Enjoy the struggle”
Nov 28, 2019
59 min
E41. Jeffrey Swenson- You Need to Go Live Your Dream
**SPEC OPS** PARARESCUE** I have wanted to interview a Pararescuman since I started the podcast a year ago. Pararescue is often overlooked when people list the most impressive careers in the military, but this is a mistake.  Their intense training teaches them to save lives in the most extreme situations.  They must know how to deal with any terrain and any difficult situation in order to extract or save a life.   I’m really excited that a friend connected me to Jeffrey Swenson, who is still young in his career.  In this interview he talks about the best things he did to prepare himself for training, and the skills he needed in order to succeed.  Without further delay, here is the interview with Jeffrey Swenson. How he decided on Pararescue (PJ) How he prepared for Pararescue “You need to go live your dream” The effects of an amazing support group “Its not crazy to just go do something that scares you” Learning self trust Being turned down by a recruiter Eagerness to study military people Seeking adventure The character you need to thrive “Make it or die” If you can train harder than they require Having a core belief to hold to “Immerse yourself in a community that will push you to be better” “I didn’t even have to think because they trained us so well” Why love is required Personal beliefs   Tamfpodcast.com/pj
Oct 24, 2019
1 hr 5 min
E40. Wendell Olivier- Pain is Temporary
**Leadership Episode** Everyone in the military has to go through basic training, And no one will forget their drill sergeant, or in the Air Force we say MTI meaning Military Training Instructor.  This interview is with my MTI.  He had quite a dynamic career with deployments, 4 years at Lackland molding new recruits, and retired after 20 years with the rank of Master Sergeant.  In this interview we don’t talk extensively about his entire career, but focused on Basic training, what it is like to work with new recruits, his own leadership discoveries, and a bigger picture of all the effort, sacrifice, and structure that goes into development of the new recruits.  If you have been to basic, it might help you see a side of your MTI that you didn’t know, if you haven’t, it will help you understand all the work and effort and the bigger picture so you don’t fall into some of the mental traps that many recruits fall into.  Like believing their MTI hates them. In this interview Wendell Olivier discusses: Becoming an Air Force MTI Discovering the challenge that it required Why he became an MTI The transition becoming an MTI How the civilian world is similar to military Parental love vs. MTI love Types of pressures as an MTI Learning to be a good leader Learning to connect The struggle of being away from family When following someone else doesn’t work for you The discovery process Being an introvert Why he joined the military Having the support he needed to improve Why people succeed at Basic   For more information please visit www.TAMFpodcast.com/MTI   Quotes: “By the time you got to the point of success you were so far above the standard that your minimal effort was already superb.” “You have the potential to be better, and I want you to be that.” “A lot of people shy away from things that are difficult for them. They don’t take it head on. But I find that it’s not as bad as it seems…because regardless of how long it lasts, pain is always temporary.” “a little bit of confidence goes a long way... Find the ones that are not afraid and see what they got afterwards” “It depends on the person, if they are willing to change, if they want to do better, and they don’t have an avenue to get there, when they get to basic training they find that.” “You cannot be your normal self when you are under a lot of pressure for the first time.”
Oct 10, 2019
1 hr 13 min
E39. Jeff Kirkham- War is Work
War Stories Episode GREEN BERET   This is an interview that I have wanted for a while.  Jeff is one of the most accomplished people I have met. He has almost 29 years as a green beret, multiple deployments, tons of real world combat experience, he has also written many books, studied 7 different languages, has multiple patents including one for a tourniquet he invented, he also co-founded Black Rifle Coffee and Readyman. And in the interview I got to dive into his mindset and his experience and discover the foundation for his success.    Jeff talks about:   Going to jump school before his senior year Choosing to be a Green Beret What Special Forces is really looking for Importance of teamwork “At the end of the day, that ego just ends up sacrificing their own people” Being a leader that supports your people Working with different cultures How to respond when someone takes advantage of good leadership Developing subordinate leaders Planning out his career Reading like crazy Policing his desire to be rebellious and keeping focused Wrestling as a platform of preparation “There’s no where to hide when you’re out on the mat” Number one reason people made it through BUD/S Make sure you like your job “The military can kill the love of anything” Dealing with stress – including 8 years deployed in active as a Green Beret Inspired by checklists Writing as a release leading to actually releasing a novel Black swan events “Emergency Preparedness starts with the individual.” “Emergency preparedness is long term thinking” “You won’t have creative people, if you don’t have good leadership.” “little bits of stress will shut down the creative brain.”” “…We were constantly trying to find solutions to problems, because a lot of the stuff we were doing was unproven. “ “war is work, it is mind-numbing repetitive work.  You don’t get good at doing something just doing it once, you get good at doing it 10,000 times…that’s a lot of mind numbing repetitive work.” Infantry type jobs are the most complex jobs out there For more information or to comment on what you learned please visit www.tamfpodcast.com/readyman
Sep 26, 2019
1 hr 26 min
E38. Ret. General Christine Burckle- Step Forward
***Leadership Episode*** I don’t know a better way to honor 9-11 than to release this episode with Ret. Brig. Gen. Christine Burckle.  She started her career as a Navigator, flying over 3000 hours, later moving up through the ranks and becoming the first female General in the Utah Guard.  I have been lucky to serve under her command and I am honored she agreed to this interview sharing her insight and experiences that developed her career and character along the way.  If you google her you can find all sorts of news coverage from her taking command as assistant adjutant General, to her recent retirement. In this episode she talks about: Being a Navigator Being replaced by a computer Getting a hated assignment Transitioning from active duty to guard Being a small business owner Being in the military for 9-11 Valuable relationships Getting Feedback Stepping forward Leadership Transparency Support of family Having a military spouse Personal Pride Developing communication You can also visit www.TAMFpodcast.com/navigator “Don’t ever think there is any thing as a bad assignment.” “They woudn’t ask you to do it if they didn’t think you could” “What you really need to do is just be ready to step forward if asked” “When you believe in yourself it helps you meet challenges and make mistakes too. Failing becomes a lot easier if you believe in yourself, it helps you keep trying.”   https://kutv.com/features/person-2-person/person-2-person-brigadier-general-christine-burckle
Sep 12, 2019
46 min
E37. Bradley Driver - You’re Worth It
**Leadership Episode** I’m happy to introduce you to Bradley Driver, a career Marine, who has served over 20 years and has had diverse career experience, including a crewchief, a Drill Instructor, and now as a Sergean Major.  He has met multiple presidents, deployed all over the world, and in all of this experience I was impressed to discover a humble man who truly wants to serve, support, and give back.  He truly believes he is the luckiest man you will meet today.   For my warrior challenge, Bradley speaks of the constitution and the declaration of Independence, and that it is uncommon that an American’s has actually read both documents.  I challenge you to read them.  Stay tuned until the end of the interview for Bradley’s challenge. In this interview Bradley talks about:   Meeting a recruiter at a gas station Being fit The process of becoming a Marine Delayed Entry Program Most important ways to prepare Focus on the mission Starting small talk Good leadership skills Deployment Having a diversified career Flying with Presidents Having a “Spring Butt” Impacts of peer pressure Value of shared hardship Getting out of your comfort zone Meeting new people Stress navigation Don’t be afraid to ask for help The enemy always has a vote HIs warrior challenge   For more information on Bradley driver please visit www.tamfpodcast.com/worthit   Quotes from Bradley: “There’s no one there to bail you out. You are on your own” “If you had to be led by you, what qualities and traits do you possess that are attractive to you?” “Don’t wait for someone to tell you what to do.”
Aug 29, 2019
1 hr 28 min
E36. Command Chief Ron Anderson – Earn Everyday
**Leadership Episode** I am honored and proud to introduce you to Command Chief Master Sergeant Ronald Anderson, He is the Command Chief of the Air National Guard, meaning he is the highest ranking enlisted member in the component of the Air National Guard.  he is directly responsible for all matters influencing the health, morale, welfare, job satisfaction, discipline, utilization, family support, quality of life, and professional development of more than 106,600 Air Guard members.In this interview He goes into the details of his unusual and remarkable career path. For this episode’s Warrior Challenge: The command chief talks about how his success came from building relationships based on credibility and that credibility is built everyday.  Your challenge is to start a journal and write everyday on what you did to build credibility, or ways you could have, and would like to build credibility in the future.   Creating a habit and documenting progress is a great way to hold yourself accountable while you build a new character trait.  The Chief talks about: Starting out his career Turning around a bad attitude Being impacted by positive leadership Making transitions- getting article 15s The power of structure Transitioning into the Guard Positioning for promotion Quitting recruiting Getting a job in a different line Being willing to do the job well Taking responsibility for yourself What’s your story? Being accessible as a leader Learning to see through different lenses for the entire bio of the Command Chief, or to comment on what you learned please visit www.tamfpodcast.com/earneveryday   Quotes: If you were going to ask me what one of my keys to success, or how I got where I am, I think it was that idea that I built relationships on credibility and that credibility is earned every day, every time I show up, every morning, every day, every afternoon, I just earned everyday. Don’t tell yourself no…If you opt out of something that is put in front of you, you may find your self in a situation where that could have been the difference of why you were promoted or why you were selected. When you opt out of an opportunity you say no to that experience so I urge folks to continue to find balance in their lives but to explore opportunities and to serve in other ways. Your career will either happen to you, or you will drive it. I see a lot of people who let their career happen to them and then they’re mad at the world for it, and that’s ridiculous. You have the ability to own it, if you only take advantage of the opportunities.
Aug 15, 2019
1 hr 25 min
E35. Ed Earle  -  Mastering the Mind
***Friends of the Military Episode*** I am really excited for today’s show, for a number of reasons.  First off,  I have been looking for people who can really talk about navigating the mind.  One of the most difficult challenges we face is learning to think effectively.  It is most often our mind that gets in the way of us reaching our goals and I have struggled to find anyone who can say much that really makes sense to me.  This interview is a very intense and long discussion, but it is all actionable items anyone can do to understand and improve your mind.  I’m also excited because, Ed Earle is one of the most dynamic people I’ve met.  I don’t know if I’ve known anyone to have such diverse skillsets.  He had a company rank on the inc 500 list 3 years in a row, and he built other companies that also ranked. He has designed and built many products like an FDA approved sports drink, different firearms, a pickleball paddle, combative knives to name a few. I love one of his recent projects that you can send in some frabric from an old uniform and they will repurpose it into knife grips or a belt buckle. I’ll include a Link in the show notes. He is walking proof that it is amazing what you can do when you know how to leverage your mind! There is so much value in this interview. Like I said I’ve done a lot of searching and researching on this topic, and I’ve never had anyone give me such powerful tools for success. It took me a few conversations with Ed to really get it and to warn you, this conversation is quite long, please don’t try and force it.  If you aren’t getting it, listen to it in pieces, come back later,  I ask a lot of questions and go into nuances. You don’t necessarily need all of that right from the beginning.  Don’t overwhelm yourself. I sometimes get complaints that the interviews are too long, but I will keep asking questions if I’m still curious, use what applies to you.  For this episode’s Warrior Challenge: Ed says it is all too often people really don’t know what we want to be and do.  So his challenge is to keep a journal and write down all the things that you are focusing on, spending time on, or that capture your attention. Then one by one check them off to see if it is truly where your heart lies.  If it is in your heart it is something you love and something you love to think about. Where does your mind go when you are not required to think? What Ed talks about:  Understanding the way the mind works Why affirmations don’t work Diffusing mental bombs How to create a no quit attitude Building a success map in your mind Actionable items- Internal inteviews Shifting into familiar and connected Finding good questions- like what were your biggest failures? Working until you get a good answer Creating a list of things that motivate you Confronting places of struggle in the mind – Emotional Bombs Including flattery in the self interview The difference between internal interviews and real interviews Future-speaking Interviewing yourself into confidence Finding what gratifies you Pulling off the blinders – your own compass Self interview with relationships It takes time, dedication, research, and practice You could interview yourself into being more delusional Metaphorical ex- part of the brain is ALWAYS going to win The mind does not like inaccuracies Emotional Suicide The internal interview for tactical situations   Links for Ed: https://www.edwardearle.com/ https://www.tacticaltrailerpark.com/product-page/war-grips-knife-grips?fbclid=IwAR1XroqiSK0zFCWkhrmJsv6XVjDcI0B_UATUd4CWUg1lo6BVboJvEfypJN0  For more information please visit www.tamfpodcast.com/mind
Aug 1, 2019
1 hr 45 min
Special Release: Lindsey Stacey -The New Norm-
**Family of the Military** **War Stories** Today is a special release, it is off my normal schedule because this episode is very unique and I thought it deserved some special attention.  This interview is with Lindsey Stacy, wife of Kenton Stacy.  On Kenton’s 4thcombat deployment,as Explosive Ordinance Disposal or EOD… he was severely injured. He is a quadriplegic, his throat and voice were severely damaged, and he suffered a traumatic brain injury.  He has 4 children and an amazing wife.  Lindsey was willing to be interviewed to give us all a little perspective on how life changes for injured veterans and for their families. I hope we all can take a minute to appreciate the members of the military who so willing put themselves directly in dangers way and how it can impact them and their families.  As a warrior challenge, I encourage you to reach out to a veteran that inspires you, like Kenton, and do something to show your appreciation. Some of the topics discussed:  Kenton’s early career His character His deployments What the military brought him and his family The events that led to his injury Coming home Family support Work/family balance Social media   Kenton’s Social Media links: Please see www.stacystrongeodproject.comInstagram: stacystrongeodprojectFacebook: EODC Kenton StacyGo fund me: https://www.gofundme.com/stacystrongfamily    “Try to find a balance with your career in the military and your spouse and creating a family, because at the end of the day, they’re the ones that are going to be here for you. “ - Lindsey Stacy   I hope you enjoyed this episode and found some respect and appreciation for those that are so willing to run in harm’s way.  For more information on Kenton, please visit www.tamfpodcast.com/stacy   Kenton’s Bio:  Kenton Stacy is a explosive ordinance disposal chief Petty Officer. Stacy was on his fourth combat deployment during a mission in Syria he was severely injured by an IED explosion. Kenton’s injuries were so extensive that he is the most severely injured surviving wounded warrior. Kenton is a quadriplegic and requires many medical devices most important his wheelchair. Due to his injuries Kenton’s throat and voice were very severely damaged. To the point that his voice is no longer the same. He is able to project his voice to a loud whisper. He suffered a traumatic brain injury during the blast. Thankfully he is completely aware of his surroundings.Kenton underwent major surgery when he was transported to Baghdad after the efforts of his medical team to stabilize him enough to get him out of harms way was accomplished and lifesaving measures were preformed which the president recognized in his 2018 State of the Union address. Kenton was USO sailor of the year and has helped to save countless lives over his career. He has been hospitalized since November of 2017. After 22 months he is finally able to be given outpatient status. He was recently brought back for the first time in 22 months to be with his family in his own home. He has recently been put back in the hospital due to an infection and has a very fragile immune system but wants to be in the lives of his children in any capacity. Kenton has 4 children. His oldest child has an intellectual disability and has cerebral palsy and requires a wheelchair at times. Logan is 11 and Mason is 7 Annabelle is 5 and Sadie is 3. They are all very young children and require an exuberant amount of care. He spent almost 2 years away from home since being deployed in 2017 and inpatient at various hospitals. He recently returned home to his family and they are adjusting to a new normal.
Jul 29, 2019
24 min
E34. Adam  Burns(2)- Rules to Live By
Adam Burns is back! If you haven’t listened to episode 28, It is full of his background stories and military experience as a TACP.  I asked for him to come back because of his extensive understanding of the character of elite performance, as he currently works with candidates for the Air Force special warfare careers. This time he is talking about rules to live by.  These are mandatory for anyone looking to be the best at something.  For this episode’s warrior challenge, Adam dares you to go to the www.afspecwarfar.com site and attempt on of the workouts. I will include the challenge that I will personally attempt with a friend. We will post our results. Choose your own workout or see if you can out perform us!  warrior challenge: As Many Rounds as Possible (AMRAP) in 20 Minutes 10 Burpees15 Sit-ups400 Meter Run In this interview Adam covers: Watching for character and strength with candidates Reacting to various forms of Stress Attitude adjustments to breakdown Making the mission Never Quit- focus on small wins- short term goals – those who are most likely not to quit. Never Complain- find something else to focus on Never fix blame- fix the problem – Remember you chose this One task at a time- prioritize and be purposeful- you can’t loose your head Always give 100%- know when it is applicable to sacrifice your body  Be prepared to prove your worth Integrity Life without standard vs high standard To find a special warfare recruiter in your area, or more information on the AF special warfare careers visit https://www.afspecwar.com, or for more on adam burns visit www.tamfpodcast.com/5rules
Jul 18, 2019
1 hr 6 min
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