Tall Prince Short King Podcast

Tall Prince Short King

Tall Prince Short King
This is a podcast hosted by Marcello and Adrian Camacho. Not experts, but two brothers with an insatiable hunger to learn and grow to better their lives through fitness, mindfulness, business, and more. The purpose of this podcast is to document the lessons learned, both good and bad, acquire knowledge from valued guests, and laugh along the way. We hope you come along and learn these lessons together with us.
The Pilot
Great, another podcast with two guys who think they are interesting and funny… we hope you enjoy ;) Twitter: TPSKPodcast Instagram: Tallprinceshortking TIktok: Tallprinceshortking Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8W46M8ntbLr8nSBdvBmnwA
Jan 10, 2023
6 min