Continuing the train wreck that is the Tales from the Bolterlands celebration of the upcoming release, PREY, on HULU, the bbboys return once again to the Basement of the Infidel. The Good Brothers turn on the mic and share the Legend of Special Tony Stank in Predator 2. Still that sub quality low tech sound, but now with more trash and slightly improved time cues. Come and grab your free ticket to the Pain Train watch a long to Predator 2. Crack open a refreshing beverage and kick off your boots and take the ride with your friends at Tales from the Bolterlands.
Aug 4, 2022
1 hr 51 min

In preparation of the newest Predator movie "Prey" releasing on HULU this week, the Good Brothers gather in the Basement of the Infidel with Good Sister Tanya, to remember the magic that is the original 1987 release of Predator. This is a low tech watch-a-long with less than stellar audio for the movie. We included our time cues if you want to press play with us and watch the movie with us.
Aug 1, 2022
1 hr 49 min

In this episode, the boys return to The Basement of the Infidel to reflect on their Gamesday experience, Some Dust 1947 news, cover some tv shows, and discuss playing GW games again. It’s been a heavy week, so come on in and lay the world down for an hour and hangout with The Good Brothers. We got some jokes to share and some righteous tunes to sing along to.
Jun 29, 2022
1 hr 1 min

The bbboys return to the Basement of the Infidel and recap The Bolter Club Dust Day "Space Ookitty" aka The Dark Side of the Ook. They also manage to cover a little DUST 1947 news in the recent offerings from AMMO DROP and all the pretty Premium kits now available. As fans and listeners already know, Tales from the Bolterlands tackles the tough issues and current events. Ever topical, the bbboys begin a 17 part discussion of the superiority of Cobra over G.I. Joe.
May 7, 2022
56 min

The bbboys are still playing catch up on episodes, but managed to get one out before Space Ookitty on 23APR2022. The bbboys discuss the trials of saving the planet, take a minute to put that Bolter Club remix to a new platoon, and talk more about Dust in Space. Our musical entertainment for this episode is dedicated to celebrating the life (Bolter Club style) of guter Bruder, Taylor Hawkins.
Apr 21, 2022
39 min

It’s been more than a minute since we pressed record to getting an episode posted up. Apologies to all for the wait. We have a couple of episodes queued up that might be dated a bit, but we will current in no time.
Apr 10, 2022
54 min

The bbboys return with a new episode just in time for Wild Bill to have something to listen to for the ride to Polar Vortex. In this episode, the Good Brothers cover a few video games and take a look at a magical year in video rental, 1984.
Jan 22, 2022
54 min

Happy Holidays to the friends and family of Tales from the Bolterlands! Its the Holiday episode so brace for thematic hijinks in the segment breaks.
In this episode, find out if the bbboys are cracking from the pressure of the year and maybe showing signs of a change in narrative. Are the Good Brothers, going Bad, or just loaded on BBQ and drinks with the good ice?
WARNING: Anyone younger than Gen-X needs to be able to take a joke while listening to this episode. The target of jokes within this episode are a fictional space alien that may or may not have a learning disability or simply a victim of poor screenplay writing. The Good Brothers are not referring to you or members of your family.
The episode covers the preview of the X-33 and 1/3 Experiment from DUST 1947 and proceeds to a deep dive into the untold true story of the 1990 American classic film, Predator 2.
As we close out the year, we want to thank the listeners for playing along with us. Its been a wild ride and we hope where ever you are, hearing this podcast, you can enjoy this hour or so time out from the rest of the world. Enjoy and best wishes to you all.
Dec 24, 2021
1 hr 15 min

The bbboys have returned to the Basement of the Infidel to lay down some of the sweet, sweet peaceful easy feeling the good brothers and sisters have come to know. With the holidays fast approaching, the volume of work to be done has spiked. Little gaming is to be had at the tables, but the bbboys have found their way to $5 dollar movie night at the local theater. Hear the Good Brothers rant a bit over some of the things they have seen on the big screen.
Shenanigans will be begin immediately following the previews. Enjoy!
Dec 1, 2021
1 hr 7 min

The Basement of the Infidel is empty this weekend. The bbboys are unable to gather and lay down some sweet sweet freemium content for the good brothers and sisters. Instead, while we hit the road to handle a little bidness', we thought we would share some of the sultry sounds from our Tales from the Bolterlands road mixtape. Like all greatest hit albums, we play the hits from previous episodes, and splash a little new for the friends and neighbors to try.
Thanks for listening and as always, prepare for incoming shenanigans.
DJ Sharkpuppet, drop that beat. Enjoy!
Oct 28, 2021
1 hr 35 min
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