Taking Back Our Community Ministries Podcast

Taking Back Our Community Ministries

Connie Johnson
Black History; Community Awareness; Empowerment; Social Emotional through spirituality; Economics and Health
More and More illegal Foreclosures happening to black and brown families across our Nation.
Crystal Mack go in a deeper discussion regarding how her deed was changed and how she asked for trial by jury but not granted her rights to due process. Hear it all here first!!
Oct 29, 2019
28 min
Why is it that our History is the best kept secret?
You will discover that the bible is our History which is why the Education system refuse for this information to be discussed in schools.
Oct 29, 2019
38 min
Reliving Black Wall Street Bombing in 2019.. but instead of a physical bomb...IT'S A SPIRITUAL BOMB.
Discussing Talsa Oklahoma Black Wall Street and how our oppressors became crafty by using our own people to spiritually dismantle our communities. Speaking about Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry and Lee Daniel's on how the enemy is using them as Mediums and Channellers, Gentrification and Staying woke with us celebrating holidays that targeted us as a Nation.
Oct 15, 2019
57 min
Men wearing the skirts, women wearing the pants and our children are confused.
In this episode, I discussed how our Nation was once built on a strong biblical foundation with structure and order in the homes as man was the covering of women, Christ the head over every man and God over Christ. In Modern day society, their is a moral breakdown in our culture and what we inherited is a mess. Women dominating the men and men becoming more sensitive than the children. Who's covering who?
Oct 8, 2019
59 min