Swim Smooth Podcast
Swim Smooth
Swim Smooth
Episode 23 - Swim Smooth's Dry-land Cord Training & Injury Prevention Routine with Coach Jana Oosthuizen - episode of Swim Smooth podcast

Episode 23 - Swim Smooth's Dry-land Cord Training & Injury Prevention Routine with Coach Jana Oosthuizen

1 hour 8 minutes Posted Apr 17, 2020 at 3:44 pm.
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Show notes

Well, we did it! This one's been about 3 or 4 weeks in the making! True to the worldwide collaborative efforts we're currently seeing around the globe with corporations coming together in a siege-like mentality and utilising technologies like Zoom and Slack to build a stronger team, so too have we compiled our resources to bring you something very special today.

At Swim Smooth, we've spent the last 10 years creating an amazing team of specialist coaches around the world who've become certified in our methodology to the extent that they run their own Swim Smooth Squads and training programs in their locale. We're super tight-knit as a team and that's allowed us to leverage the skills of our individual coaches to be able to bring you products and training tips that are both diligently structured and stand the test of time. 

Coach Jana Oosthuizen from Johannesburg, South Africa, first contacted us in 2013 as a physiotherapist seeking to extend her knowledge and skills as a swim coach after researching our keen eye for video analysis and the use of the latest technologies to really enhance our effectiveness as coaches. She was also prompted by our regular discussion and diagnosis of swimming-related injuries which has come (in the most part) from the shared knowledge between Head Coach, Paul Newsome, and his wife Michelle (also a physiotherapist, specialising in shoulder issues). Michelle actually wrote many of the shoulder health related passages within the Swim Smooth Book and was a regular attendee in the early day Swim Smooth Clinics around the world back as far as 2004/5. Jana came to Paul with the idea of producing a collaborative dry-land cord and injury prevention training routine between herself, Paul and Michelle to help swimmers around the world deal with being out of the pool during this period, and what you'll hear today is the result of that work which we're super pumped to finally get across the line!

Whilst many have quickly pushed a variety of dry-land cord work and exercises out into cyber-space, I think you'll understand when you listen to the podcast just how much more considered this program is, and how we'd like to inspire you to maintain aspects of this routine even when you return to the pool. So yes, it's taken us a few weeks to get it out there, but it's been worth it!

You can check out some sneaky peaks on our YouTube Channel and for the full program of 54 exercises (all filmed in glorious HD) and split out over 8 unique sets with accompanying downloadable PDF, check it out on the Swim Smooth Guru for just $1.99/mo.

Thanks for listening and supporting us and our coaches during this very difficult time. Stay safe and well everyone!